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ClareR (5789 KP) rated The Unravelling in Books

Feb 23, 2022  
The Unravelling
The Unravelling
Polly Crosby | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I absolutely adored this thoughtful, beautiful story of a young woman, Tartelin, going to live on the island of Dohhalund as an assistant to Marianne Stourbridge, and elderly lepidopterist.

Marianne is a difficult woman to get to know: she’s short tempered, doesn’t really want to share any of herself with Tartelin - and she has a lot of secrets to share.

Tartelin is mourning the death of her mother. She’s a young woman, alone in the world. She probably chooses the job with Marianne because it’s somewhere so different from her childhood home and her mother’s art studio.

I do think that Dohhalund goes some way to helping Tartelin begin the grieving process. It sounds like a stark, beautiful place. At one end is a military base, and at the other is Marianne’s house and land. Her family had lived on Dohhalund for generations, until the military had ordered them to leave. After her return, it’s evident that many of the buildings have started to fall into the sea. This reflects to some extent, Marianne’s physical and Tartelin’s mental states. Both women are deeply affected by what has happened in their pasts.

This is such an emotive, beautifully descriptive book. It’s a slow burner, a story of friendship and love, where secrets are revealed, people are reunited and new friendships forged.

This gorgeous book had me in tears by the end, with characters I really cared for. As the Pearl Women in the book often said: “The sea is made up of unspeakable sadness”, and whilst this novel was sad, there was also hope.
Highly recommended (as is Polly Crosby’s first book “The Illustrated Child”).
The Quiet Tenant
The Quiet Tenant
Clémence Michallon | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a pretty good debut and one which I enjoyed.

This is a different interpretation of the 'abduction and kept prisoner' stories; it's told from the perspectives of Rachel (the captive), Cecilia (the daughter) and Emily (the bartender/love interest) but also with chapters told from the victims points of view which were particularly powerful and unsettling however, there is nothing from the killer, Aidan which I found unusual and I'm still not sure if I liked it as it did leave me with quite a lot of questions as to how and why he did what he did however, maybe that was the point?

Anyway, The Quiet Tenant is a dark story of survival in the most extreme of circumstances but it's also a story about a man who is able to project an image of goodness and normality whilst hiding who he really is from those closest to him and the small community in which he lives.

It's a bit of a slow-burner, there is a little too much description at times and there are bits that are a little beyond the realms of reality however, as you read, there is a creeping sense of tension and dread that had me hooked and desperate to know how it was all going to play out and I wasn't disappointed.

Overall, a pretty good read and I commend the author for writing a book that's not in her first language and thank you to Little Brown Book Group UK, Abacus and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The Quiet Tenant.
Triple Frontier (2019)
Triple Frontier (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure, Crime
All-star cast, really great action scenes, did a great job of showing character's motivation (0 more)
slow burner, weird pacing, not enough action or too long of gaps inbetween (0 more)
Choices and Consequences - 7/10
Triple Frontier is a 2019 action/thriller movie directed by J.C. Chandor. The screenplay was written by J.C. Chandor and Mark Boal with story also by Mark Boal. Starring Ben Affleck, Oscar Isaac, Charlie Hunnam, Garrett Hedlund, and Pedro Pascal.

In Columbia fighting drug crime, Santiago "Pope" Garcia (Oscar Isaac), has been working for 3 years. Finally the moment he's been waiting for occurs, when his informant, a woman named Yovanna (Adria Arjona), offers the location of a big time drug lord in exchange for smuggling her brother and her out of the country. She also tells him that the drug lord Lorea keeps all his money with him in his safe house in the jungle. Pope recruits his friends, a group of ex Army Special Forces, for a mission to take out Lorea and seize the money for themselves. But when things go wrong it's one unexpected turn of events after the other, with things spiralling out of control. In an epic battle for survival they are pushed to their breaking point, putting their morals, skills, and loyalties to the test.

This movie was good. Wasn't quite what I expected. As good as it was, I feel like it was missing something. It was a little slow in the beginning, after the first action sequence, and pacing was a bit off. Definitely as advertised in being an action/thriller. If you like action scenes where they shoot-'em-up, this definitely has plenty. I just felt with the pacing that they were far and in between. The acting was very good, the only thing I would say is that the characters didn't have much to keep you connected to them and really care about what happens to them in the long run. It felt like they weren't fully fleshed out and they could have done more to do that better. One thing it did do very well was how it showed the motivations of some of the characters and what led them to the decisions they made. I give this movie a 7/10.
The Pact
The Pact
Sharon Bolton | 2021 | Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel tells the story of six friends: Talitha, Xav, Felix, Amber, Daniel, Megan. How one night changed their lives forever. This book was quite a slow burner for me, at least in the beginning. All of the characters have a say in this book, and I found all of them very compelling. It is a character-driven novel and I really liked to see how the characters interacted and what they were ready to do to save themselves. 🙂 I felt extremely sorry for Megan throughout this book and I don’t really agree with her decisions. She is really amazing and I think she could have achieved so much without these “friends” of hers.

The narrative of this novel was a little slow for my liking, but I was extremely keen to find out what is going to happen with Megan. I enjoyed the way the author kept me guessing and the suspense growing, and all the twists and turns were a welcome distraction to break the monotony that built up sometimes. The topics discussed were dangerous driving, alcoholism, survival, rich privilege, friendships, belonging, mental health issues, guilt, relationships between friends and families, and many more.

The writing style of this book is easy to read, enjoyable and creative, but something is missing. It is one of the “softer” books by this author, I could say. I am more used to her dark secrets, never-ending suspense and gripping from the first-page kind books, and this book was a little behind with it. I did like the ending of this novel, which was filled with action and rounded this story extremely well. 🙂 The chapters are pretty short, so the pages just fly by. I have pretty bad car anxiety, especially when it comes to accidents and reckless drivers, so parts of this book did not sit well with me because of these nuances. (I was able to enjoy this book never the less, I just screamed at the characters in my head. 😀 ) So if you suffer from it like me, proceed with caution. 😉

So, to conclude, I enjoyed this novel. The characters are very well developed and truly enchanting. They all have to offer so much to this book and I loved reading about them and their lives. The plot has plenty of intrigue, well placed twists and unexpected surprises and kept me guessing.
When It's Real
When It's Real
Erin Watt | 2017 | Contemporary, Romance
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sometimes you just need a story with a ridiculous, rather implausible situation to soothe your soul.
This book was tons of fun and really compelling. I couldn't put it down and read it in 24 hours. Both Vaughn and Oakley were really interesting characters with a lot of depth behind their silly situation. As he was probably supposed to, Oakley irritated me in the beginning; yes, we are supposed to feel sorry for him, but he was also really good in his role of being a jerk.

"Am I already the washed-up pop star before I hit my twenties?"

The first person point of view in this one makes it very easy to read. The chapters alternate between Oakley and Vaughn and just slide by. The book is a slow burner (no immediate romance here) and fun and hot. Sure, it's a little predictable and you know nothing will go smoothly at first, but it's really enjoyable seeing how things play out. For me to enjoy a romance, I have to like the characters, and I have to be invested in their story--both of those things were definitely happening here. I fell for Vaughn and her family and then for Oakley, too, as I got to know him. There was some good depth and background to both characters, and I empathized with Vaughn as she struggled to find herself, especially after her family's tragedy.

"I’m good at pretending, but not so great at living."

There's even some fun twists in this one, with things not always happening exactly as you might think. Overall, it's really fun, with two great main characters and a really humorous supporting cast. The story has its serious moments, and it's easy to get invested in Vaughn and Oakley's romance. It's a fast read and a good one. 4 stars.
Based on a True Story
Based on a True Story
Delphine de Vigan | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a slow burner, don’t expect to go into this one and be met with action and mystery straight away… Or at any point, really. This whole book is a character study, and if you’ve been following my reviews for a while, you know I’m not hugely into these kinds of books, unless I’m absolutely captivated. Unfortunately, I wasn’t complete captivated by this one.

I really loved the writing in this novel, it was superb and if de Vigan wrote more books in my favourite genres, I’d likely read them just for her style of telling a story. This book is written as though you are reading a book… if that makes sense, so you are instantly pulled in to the narrator’s life, but unfortunately, it wasn’t all that exciting.

I was waiting for some big reveal in the story, as others had claimed this was to come… but nothing happened that I wasn’t expecting to happen. This lack of twist was a real let down for me, it’s one of those books that’s left me thinking “really, that was it?”.

I don’t hate this book. It was well thought out, well written and has very well developed characters. The tension of the novel is built perfectly, but it leads to nothing. Yes, this leaves you questioning the truth, it makes you think, but it didn’t leave me excited, shocked or thrilled, and that’s ultimately what I look for in a mystery / thriller novel.

<i>(Don't read this book if you haven't watched The Usual Suspects but you want to, it spoils the entire plot... I hate when books do that! Good thing I've already seen the movie (it's one of my faves))

Thanks to Netgalley and Bloomsbury Publishing for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Hidden (Fire and Iceland #1)
Hidden (Fire and Iceland #1)
Megan Morgan | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Hidden (Fire and Iceland #1) by Megan Morgan
Hidden is the first book in the Fire and Ice series, and we start off with Vanessa as she wakes up outside, wondering what on earth has happened to her. She is found by two Icelandic men, who she can understand even though she knows they are speaking their own language. Not only that, but Vanessa senses she is being watched, and has no idea what has gone on, or why.

This is a long book that is a slow burner. The first half of the book I thoroughly enjoyed, as Vanessa learnt more about the Icelandic mythology, and just how pertinent to her situation it may be. Then, I'm afraid, I got a bit bored. There is a lot of repetition, with Vanessa telling the world how unfair life is. And then we have an attraction thrown into the mix, where his ghostly wife may or may not be involved. And then the ending... of which I won't say anything because I don't want to spoil it for anyone else.

There were lots of aspects of this book that I enjoyed, but I was left feeling vaguely unsatisfied. I have given it a 3-star rating though, because it WAS good! It just didn't hold me engrossed like I love to be in a book. There were no editing or grammatical errors that ruined my reading, which is another reason for 3-stars.

If you fancy something a bit different, and like the idea of Iceland, then I would recommend this book.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Darren (64 KP) rated Joker (2019) in Movies

Oct 27, 2019  
Joker (2019)
Joker (2019)
2019 | Crime, Drama
Everything (0 more)
Nothing but it has to be pure greatness to be a ten. (0 more)
People misunderstand this film.
Watching Joker, I knew that this would not be your average DC film. Knowing this, I think this is why i enjoyed it and i can understand why a lot of people didn't. Arthur Fleck is isolated and bullied by society, He has dreams of being a comedian except,He's not very funny. Arthur takes jobs to earn money and also cares for his mum. Arthur is already a man on the edge, He takes pills every day to suppress a personality disorder. The further we go into the film the further, we feel Arthur's Pain. He does not fit in anywhere. Arthur just wants to be accepted and to make people happy through comedy. When a social service program receives funding cuts which stops him from having his medication. Arthur finds out a shattering piece of news, which, in his fragile state of mind, tips him over the edge.

I can't really say anymore with spoilers and i don't want to spoil the film for anyone who has not yet seen it. For me personally, I went in with the mindset of watching Joker as a film about a mentally ill and unstable man rejected by society. That's why i enjoyed it. If you go in expecting Batman to pop up then , My friends, You will be seriously disappointed.

All i can say is, it's a slow burner of a film and that is for good reason so we fully understand the trauma of being Arthur. I've no doubt if nominated Joaquin Phoenix will win all awards given out in awards season. His performance is that brilliant. Is he the best Joker though? ....We'll leave that up for debate.
The Key in the Lock
The Key in the Lock
Beth Underdown | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Key In The Lock is an atmospheric, slow burner of a historic mystery - and it’s full of what I love in a book. You know that there’s a specific end in sight: that of the cause of the fire at the Great House and how exactly the grandson of the master of the house died.

Along the way, we meet Ivy, the local doctor’s daughter, who helps out at the house after the fire, and falls in love with Edward, his son. Something happens, though, and we see her in the future mourning her son’s death - her son with Boscawen the Coroner, NOT Edward.

The story is told in flashbacks to Ivy’s youth and the fire. The impact of the fire is still felt in the present for Ivy, her husband and all those involved. Ivy’s chance contact with Edward makes her feel that she can find out exactly how her son died, and how the fire started at Polneath. Edward is only too happy to help her find out more information about her son. But is he reliable?

The descriptions of Cornwall and London are such that I had no problem with building the pictures of the places in my head: the dourness of Polneath, a place that seemed unhappy even before the fire. The busyness of the town and of London, the beauty of the village (it made me want to go on holiday to Cornwall!!).

I felt so sad for Ivy, especially when she finds out the truth.

This is an elegantly told story, that made me think more than once of Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca. It had me gripped throughout. I loved it. Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising another great book.
The House in the Woods (Atticus Priest #1)
The House in the Woods (Atticus Priest #1)
Mark Dawson | 2023 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A very good start to a new series and one I am very much looking forward to getting my teeth into.

A gruesome murder has occurred in an isolated farmhouse and DCI Mackenzie 'Mack' Jones and her team are sent in to investigate. Their initial thought is that it's a tragic murder-suicide however, fingers soon point to the person who discovered the bodies of his family, Ralph Mallender and he is quickly arrested, charged and brought to court.

Ralph's wife is convinced of her husband's innocence and employs the services of disgraced ex-police officer and now private detective, Atticus Priest to try and find any evidence missed by the police which will help her husband's case.

Not being tied by the constraints of the police, i.e., the law! Atticus sets about the task at hand and quickly discovers things are not quite what they seem much to the annoyance of 'Mack' who just happens to be his former boss and with whom he has had a previous relationship.

The book is told from both Mack and Atticus' points of view and takes place during the court case which mixes police procedural, Atticus' unconventional methods of investigation and court room thriller. The pace is initially a slow burner as there is a wealth of detail that, at times, seems a little unnecessary but once you get past that, it soon ramps up into a thrilling read with plenty of twists and turns.

Overall, a really enjoyable start to a new series and one I am very much looking forward to following and I must give a thank you to Welbeck Publishing Group and NetGalley for enabling me to read and share my thoughts of The House in the Woods.