Noddy Saves Christmas
It's Christmas Day and everyone has lovely presents, but Noddy wishes it would snow in Toyland. How...

Salman Rushdie recommended The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories in Books (curated)

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Fables: Volume 1: Legends in Exile in Books
May 6, 2018

Where Creatures Hide
Deep in the mountains, where birds fly free A prison that traps creatures, including me In an orb...

Anne (15117 KP) rated The Shadow Queen (Ravenspire, #1) in Books
Nov 4, 2019
Also I love C.J. Redwine’s books - they're awesome! I love The Traitor Prince - it might be my favorite of her books so far. I'm reading The Wish Granter now after this book.
I love Lorelai, she's so much more relatable and awesome and Irina is even more understandable even though she is detestable and disgusting with her evil wickedness.
And I love Kol and his little group of friends and Kol and Lorelai together complement each other.
I am gaining a new level of appreciation and interest in the fairy tales because of these great retellings.
If you haven't checked this book out or any of these by C.J. Red wine, you should.

These poem-stories are a strange retelling of seventeen Grimms fairy tales, including Snow White,...

Hilary Mckay's Fairy Tales Retold Treasury
This classic fairy-tale collection is definitely one to treasure. Featuring imaginative retellings...

Louise (64 KP) rated Stealing Snow in Books
Jul 2, 2018
*This may contain spoilers*
This is another author where I have not read any of their work until now. Danielle Page is the author of ‘Dorothy must Die’ trilogy. I was anticipating this for all the wrong reasons, I thought this was a Snow White retelling which it is sadly not.
The main protagonist of this book is called Snow….obviously this is giving me the Snow White retelling vibes and that she names her medication after the seven dwarves. I forgot to mention Snow is currently detained in an asylum for young adults with mental health issues. The reason for her being there is pretty vague,sure she has anger issues and she bites but does that really mean she has to be incarcerated from the age of six! I was getting another vibe at this point – Alice in wonderland/through the looking-glass as she supposedly tried to walk through a mirror. At this point I was confused as to what the retelling actually was, was it Snow White? Alice in Wonderland?
<img src="" width="400" height="200" alt="description"/>
Snow is not a very relatable character, she is young, she is naive and she falls in love with every boy that makes conversation with her…no word of a lie! She is in love with Bale who is also in the mental institution (His reason for being there is more believable) When she finds herself in the alternative world known as Algid she meets two other boys that are there to help her but obviously her hormones run away with her and starts swooning over the both of them whilst still loving Bane (That being the reason she is in Algid)
Obviously, when Snow gets to the alternative world she find out she is the chosen one and part of a prophecy. Snow being Snow who is really sarcastic and narrow-minded doesn’t care about the prophecy and only wants to find Bale. Her powers are to control Snow and she has to learn how to use these said powers….which just happen.
I am not a massive reader of fantasy novels but the world building in this was non-existent and when there was it was like it was an afterthought.I had no real idea of what Algid looked like other than it was covered in snow.
<img src="" width="400" height="200" alt="description"/>
I wasn’t particularly fond of the writing style and the amount of times that ‘I need to find Bale’ or some 20 other ways this could be written really got on my nerves,it was like we forgot why she was there every few pages.
So to wrap this up in a nutshell,this is a mash-up of retellings but mostly snow queen/frozen, the way that mental health was interpreted was very poor and would have loved it to have been more realistic. The characters were very unrelatable and the world building was lacking.
I will be not continuing on with this series, however don’t let this review stop you from reading it, this after all is just my opinion.
I rated this 1.5 out of 5 stars

The Snailcast
Got a snail craving that K-beauty and Asian cosmetics blogs no longer fully satisfy? The beauty...

Lyndsey Gollogly (2893 KP) rated Snow White, Blood Red in Books
Apr 9, 2022
Snow White , Blood Red (Fairy tale anthology book 1)
Edited by Ellen Datlow and Terri Windling
Exploring the darker side of popular fairy tales, this anthology features dark and erotic tales of trolls and ogres, bewitched princesses, and magical kingdoms.
There were a few I picked out that I liked and I found a few new authors to try.
The Frog Prince by Gahan Wilson - Really enjoyed this it was a strange little story very Alice in Wonderland feel.
Stalking Beans by Nancy Kress - This is definitely a different adult spin on Jack and the beanstalk!
Snow Drop by Tabitha Lee - This was my favourite by far. A dark twisty version of Snow White and her step mother very dark.
Little Red by Wendy Wheeler - This gave me creepy shivers. Very well written unfortunately I can’t find anything by this author!
The Root of the Matter by Gregory Frost - This is a very adult version of Repunzel kinda dark and to the point.
The Changelings by Melanie Tem - Strange little story with some very sad undertones.
Troll Bridge by Neil Gaiman - I love Neil Gaiman he has such a unique storytelling ability and this did not disappoint!
Overall it was a good little anthology!