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Magic: The Gathering
Magic: The Gathering
1993 | Card Game, Collectible Components, Fantasy, Fighting
Multiple formats (1 more)
Social game
Call easily be play to win (0 more)
A great way to make new friends with a variety of formats
Magic the gathering has a great, and every growing community of players at all levels. There are a variety of formats from casual inexpensive formats like Commander to expensive, hyper competitive formats like Legacy.

CBorden (67 KP) rated Dune in Books

Feb 1, 2018  
Frank Herbert | 1965 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Character development (1 more)
World creation
Breaking Into Sci-Fi
Looking to break into the sci-fi genre? To be fully immersed in a time and place both familiar and strange? Dune takes social political structures from our world and creates worlds, families, feuds, and builds such a complex universe that the end of the book comes much too soon!
Permission (2017)
Permission (2017)
2017 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
More drama than Rom-com, it's based around one small idea. If you have spent your whole life in just one relationship, how can you be sure they are right for you? Interesting question but the film as a whole feels uneven. It lacks chemistry and isn't particularly eventful. Feels more like a social comment on relationships in general.
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
Gail Honeyman | 2017 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (80 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great book
I loved reading this book as it takes you on a journey alongside Eleanor, who is trying to navigate through social interactions, peoples' expectations and growing up to become fully functional and we'll rounded adult. The book is full ups and downs and makes you see world through completely different lenses. I would highly recommend the book.

alex (68 KP) rated Altered Carbon in TV

Dec 16, 2018  
Altered Carbon
Altered Carbon
2018 | Sci-Fi
Enthralling concept (1 more)
Great characters
Hooked from the beginning
I thoroughly enjoyed this series. Although set in a future, one can see the headline issues of today wrapped up in a complicated film-noir private detective archetype. Something about hard-boiled crime and mystery supported by futuristic tech and commentary on the social elite really pulls me in.

Lea (77 KP) rated Her Name Was Rose in Books

Aug 8, 2019 (Updated Aug 8, 2019)  
Her Name Was Rose
Her Name Was Rose
Claire Allan | 2018 | Thriller
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow!!! Stumbled across this book in my local library and couldn't put it down. I read it within the first night and what a book. One of my favourite plotlines within the book was the fact you can't believe everything you see on social media. Completely drawn in from the first page and honestly, that ending was shocking.