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Hattie's summer in Newport doesn't go quite as planned when she finds herself as a social secretary to an upward climbing socialite. Add to that labor relations issues and a murder. Can Hattie figure out what is happening?

This was my introduction to the series, but I had no problems jumping in here. The trip back to the 1890's was interesting, and all the characters were very well developed. I just felt the pacing got off a couple of times. Other than that, I enjoyed it.

NOTE: I received an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Trouble In Paradise (1932)
Trouble In Paradise (1932)
1932 | Comedy, Drama
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"To use another alcohol metaphor, owning the Criterion DVD of Ernst Lubitsch’s endlessly effervescent 1932 masterpiece is like being able to uncork and savor the same bottle of expensive champagne over and over again. A love triangle among social-climbing riffraff and upper-class beauties (call it “The Thief, the Pickpocket, and the Perfume Executive”), with Herbert Marshall torn between the beautiful Miriam Hopkins and the stunning Kay Francis, Trouble in Paradise has the great advantage of being made before the Code. It’s as frank and scintillating as it is urbane and surprisingly touching, and it’s one of the rare American screen comedies to be completely comfortable with European sophistication. Peter Bogdanovich’s video introduction lucidly explains the meaning of the “Lubitsch touch.”"

Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis
J.D. Vance | 2016 | Biography
8.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
An untold story of white working-class poverty in the US
J. D. Vance's homage to his poverty-stricken, working class roots in America is essential reading for those attempting to understand how a person like Trump can end up in power.

Without attributing the 2016 election results to Vance and his family himself, the author paints a picture of a total disconnect between establishments and white working class voters. From education, to opportunities in climbing the social ladder, Vance can be seen as an exception due to the lack of outreach from these institutions.

His story can appear both depressing and uplifting at the same time. From experiencing trauma through a broken home, poverty, and an abusive addict mother, to having supportive grandparents who are able to push him into believing in himself. Vance breaks the mould eventually studying at Yale and becoming a venture capitalist. But his doubts in himself are ever present.

Vance, however, also blames 'hillbilly' culture and it's encouragement of social rot. Likewise, he recounts stories about lack of work ethic, and the notion of blaming others for their own misfortune. It highlights the need for stability in families in order for upward mobility.

It is a raw, emotional portrait of growing up in and eventually out of a poor rural community riddled by drug addiction and volatility.
The American Friend (1977)
The American Friend (1977)
1977 | Crime
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Déclassé doubles being kinda a Ripley thing, The American Friend has a trashy yet seductive sister called Ripley’s Game, which, if you haven’t seen it, has John Malkovich and a very GoldenEye vibe. I watch both on regular rotation. But it’s really so wild that The American Friend is the older film, because where Ripley’s Game is like a classic Hollywood cash-in, The American Friend is a radical reinterpretation of the material. It says all the loud parts quiet in a way that deepens the pathos and significance of the Ripley cycle. Rather than being a social-climbing dandy, Dennis Hopper’s Ripley is a mumbling cowboy hipster—it’s maybe his most likable role. And Bruno Ganz’s Jonathan, who can so easily just be a pathetic sucker, is instead an existential hero. But for all its understatement and the arty languid pacing, when the film needs to be—as in the train scene—it’s as taut and calculated as Hitchcock. Oh man, and that stuff about the Beatles and Hamburg is so damn smart. It’s crazy that a director whose work is all over the place could produce a film so totally organic and emotionally satisfying. Honestly it’s not fair."

Victoria &amp; Violet (Royal Maids #1)
Victoria & Violet (Royal Maids #1)
Rachel Brimble | 2022 | Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
VICTORIA & VIOLET is the first book in the Royal Maids series and what a start this is! We see Victoria in her early years, a free-spirited and strong-willed young lady. We also meet Violet, a maid in the queen's service and firmly under the thumb of her social-climbing, manipulative, abusive mother. When Violet starts her service to Victoria though, she becomes her own person - through trials and errors.

This novel is perfectly paced and full of amazing characters, brought to life by Ms. Brimble's writing style. The story is genteel, full of hope and love, and yet simultaneously shows how hard life can be in certain situations and circumstances.

Each of the characters is interesting and intriguing in their own ways - whether you like them or not! I loved the epilogue giving us an insight into how their lives are turning out, and I can't wait to read more in this series.

An excellent start and highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

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