A Place for Utopia: Urban Designs from South Asia
Exploring several utopian imaginaries and practices, A Place for Utopia ties different times...
An Outline of the Aryan Civilization
In a first of its kind, this book attempts a comprehensive account of the old Vedic society with...

Archival Resources of Republican China in North America
Wang Chengzhi and Su Chen
North America maintains the largest collection of archival materials relating to the Chinese...

Border Politics: Defining Spaces of Governance and Forms of Transgressions: 2017
In the light of mass migration, the rise of nationalism and the resurgence of global terrorism, this...

Canadian Countercultures and the Environment
Studies of the radical environmental politics of the 1960s have tended to downplay the extent to...

Climate Change and Museum Futures
Fiona Cameron and Brett Neilson
Climate change is a complex and dynamic environmental, cultural and political phenomenon that is...
Cricket, Migration and Diasporic Communities
Ever since different communities began processes of global migration, sport has been an integral...
I Fight for a Living: Boxing and the Battle for Black Manhood, 1880-1915
The black prizefighter labored in one of the few trades where an African American man could win...

Institutions Unbound: Social Worlds and Human Rights
Keri E. Iyall Smith, David L. Brunsma and Brian K. Gran
Institutions--like education, family, medicine, culture, and law--, are powerful social structures...