Casanova the Irresistible
Phillippe Sollers and Armine Kotin Mortimer
His is a name synonymous with seduction. His was a life lived without limits. Giacomo Casanova left...

Lipman Bers, a Life in Mathematics
Linda Keen, Irwin Kra and Rubi E. Rodriguez
The book is part biography and part collection of mathematical essays that gives the reader a...

Lost and Found in Johannesburg: A Memoir
As a boy growing up in 1970s Johannesburg Mark Gevisser would play 'Dispatcher', a game that...

Magnus Hirschfeld: The Origins of the Gay Liberation Movement
Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) was one of the first great pioneers of the gay liberation movement....

Nazi Fugitive: The True Story of a German on the Run
Eugen Dollmann and David Talbot
An SS colonel goes underground at the end of WWII Eugen Dollmann was a scholar and member of the SS...

Jornalero: Being a Day Laborer in the USA
The United States has seen a dramatic rise in the number of informal day labor sites in the last two...

Leading Sustainable Change: An Organizational Perspective
Michael L. Tushman, Rebecca M. Henderson and Ranjay Gulati
The business case for acting sustainably is becoming increasingly compelling - reducing our global...

Money and the Middle Ages
Jacques Le Goff sets out in this book to explain the role of money, or rather of the various types...

Niche Marketing for the Legal Sector: Identifying and Targeting Your Client Base
A niche approach to developing a client base can benefit any law firm, from large practices with...

On the Nature of Human Resource Development: Holistic Agency and an Almost-Autoethnographical Exploration of Becoming
The nature of human resource development (HRD) has been, and remains, a contested topic - the debate...