Partnership Governance in Public Management: A Public Solutions Handbook
Seth A. Grossman and Marc Holzer
The ability to create and sustain partnerships is a skill and a strategic capacity that utilizes the...

Philosophy of Technology: An Introduction for Technology and Business Students
Maarten J. Verkerk, Jan Hoogland, Jan van der Stoep and Marc J. De Vries
Philosophy of Technology: An introduction for technology and business students is an accessible...

Disposable Americans: Extreme Capitalism and the Case for a Guaranteed Income
Inequality has dramatically increased in America, with few solutions on the horizon. Serious social...

Family Offices: The Step Handbook for Advisers
The family office sphere is of great interest to lawyers, accountants, trust companies, those in...

From Obscurity to Clarity in Psychometric Testing: Selected Works of Professor Peter Saville
The field of psychometrics has a long and varied tradition across the social sciences. A range of...
Global Governance and Development
As the world becomes increasingly globalized, the need for governments to continually cooperate to...

Government Contracting: A Public Solutions Handbook
Government contracting is one of the most important issues facing federal, state, and local...
Handbook of Research Methods in Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate social responsibility now touches upon most aspects of the interaction between business...

Hollywood Math and Aftermath: The Economic Image and the Digital Recession
Hollywood Math and Aftermath begins by exploring Hollywood's fictional numbers in normal...

Honor Among Thieves: Craftsmen, Merchants, and Associations in Roman and Late Roman Egypt
Philip F. Venticinque's new volume examines associations of craftsmen inthe framework of ancient...