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Snowpiercer (2013)
Snowpiercer (2013)
2013 | Sci-Fi
No. not the Netflix series.

The movie on which it is based.

If I'm honest, I didn't even know that there was such a thing, until I saw it pop up on Amazon Prime after having seen the trailer for the series on Netflix.

After a bit of research did nothing but say good things about both (movie and series), I thought I would give the movie a go first.

Set in the not-too-distant-future, where a science experiment to stop global warming has instead resulted in a new Ice Age, the film (and series) posits society surviving on a train that is circling the globe in perpetuity, with those in power at the front of the train (living in the lap of luxury), whilst - the further back you go - the worse conditions get. And it's at the very back of the train that we pick up, with Chris Evans (here, no Captain America!) about to lead another revolt five years after the failure of the last.

It's an interesting set-up, with some impressive (if improbable) special effects as we move up the train (and see the outside world through the windows), with Tilda Swinton stealing the show as the loathsome Minister Mason.

Now I'm off the (maybe) see what the series is like ...
Sex Robots and Vegan Meat
Sex Robots and Vegan Meat
Jenny Kleeman | 2020 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science & Mathematics
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book is divided into four parts: sex robots, vegan meat, out of body birth bags and end of life methods. These are all things in development around the globe to improve (?) people's lives. Each section is a very interesting read. How they are trying to make sex robots more life like; delving into the socio-economical aspects of them going on to the market. I found it very interesting that the majority of vegan meat developments are not about culturing meat from animal cells than using plant based products. It was also interesting that the majority of people working in this industry are vegan and therefore the taste and texture was difficult to test as very few meat eaters were testing. The birthing bag to me seemed like the strangest concept of all four. But I can definitely see the benefits in terms of reducing still births, monitoring development and the ability to have a child even when your body is unable. The strangest concept was definitely the end of life programs. People were planning their deaths and ways of doing it, and not because they were ill but just in case and ready.
The book was really well written and captivating. All concepts were thought-provoking. A really good read for those interested in scientific developments and the future of our society.