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Why Mummy Swears
Why Mummy Swears
Gill Sims | 2018 | Children, Humor & Comedy
8.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very funny Relatable parent humour Deals with the topics of gender inequality in the workplace and relationship strain between spouses. (0 more)
Not real storyline Would really need to read first book to really get who the characters were and previous humour etc. (0 more)
A sweary sequel
I had quickly devoured the previous Why Mummy Drinks and finished this even quicker in less than a day.
It was very similar to the previous book in the series but I was a tad disappointed.
Whilst the first book had a loose story line running through it, this book didn't seem to really go anywhere and there wasn't really anything it led to.
If you hadn't read the first book I think you would struggle to realize who everyone was (they were introduced in first book) and get all of the jokes that had come from the first.
It's set a few years after the first book and Ellen is still juggling family, home, work and Judgy Dog (my fav character!)
The humour was as good as ever but again I found some of it hard to relate to like being able to afford an au pair!
I felt we didn't really go anywhere with Ellen unlike the previous book where she designed and launched a successful app and began to find herself away from her 'mother role' and address the balance issues of work/family.
Again the book deals with some darker topics of parenting most of us know only too well. Judgement and treatment of mothers in the workplace, how society views mother's Vs father's in the workplace and the pressures of being a working mum. It also saw how much strain relationships come under when both spouses are working and raising a young family.
It was a good read but I was slightly disappointed and felt it wasn't as good as the first and was perhaps a bit stagnant.
Playing With Death
Playing With Death
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
^^ I am familiar with Simon Scarrow’s Roman novels, so was excited to try this one out, as it is something new from an established author. With Playing with Death, Scarrow is co-writing writing this novel with Lee Francis, and it is NOT a historical novel! My goodness. This could be the death of him, or so I thought. But actually, it wasn’t bad.

^^ This is what I’d call a technological thriller and it highlights how the use of gaming via Artificial Intelligence and virtual reality technology could be detrimental to society, even in our world as it is today.

^^ Rose Blake is an FBI agent with a strange new case to investigate, and it is one that will take her beyond anything she can at first imagine, as murder and online gaming intertwine and the boundaries of what she knows to be true are stretched to the limit. To top it all she is feeling distanced from her husband, Jeff, who works as Senetor Kelly’s media manager with very little downtime, plus her own job is (as you would imagine) very demanding and often cutting into her family time, putting a strain their marriage.

^^ It’s a violent, fast-paced story with lots of twists and turns, and as a lover of thrillers, I thoroughly enjoyed Scarrow’s refreshing change of genre. My dad is a huge fan of Scarrow, however, I’m not sure how he’ll take to this since it’s about technology of which I doubt he’ll be interested in. I’m hoping he’ll try it out though. Saying that, this new genre is a great way to reach out to new readers, who may have not read any of his previous historical books.

Overall: I look forward to seeing if this is the start of a new series, as I would like to see how this enjoyable book, develops into more exciting stories.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated The Same Sky in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
The Same Sky
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Amanda Eyre Ward's latest novel is just a beautiful book. Ward's writing is simply lovely and magical. When I finished the book, I was left feeling a bit disappointed - not by the plot or the writing, but that it was over. It's one of those novels that I'll be recommending to everyone.

The Same Sky tells the story of two unique individuals. The first is Alice, a forty-year-old living in Texas, with her husband. Together, they run a successful BBQ restaurant and appear incredibly happy. But they've been through a long and sad string of infertility, and Alice is left empty by the latest episode - a birth-mother taking back a baby promised to her, after Alice spent the night with the baby she thought was going to be hers.

Alice's chapters alternate with those of Carla, a young girl in Honduras. Carla's mother leaves for America early in the story, leaving Carla with her grandmother and one of her younger twin brothers. Carla's voice is just amazing. Ward captures this young teenager perfectly. I'm not sure how you can read this book and not fall completely for Carla. There are times when I didn't completely love Alice, or when I wanted to shake her, but Carla - I just wanted to hug her and take her home.

As you read the novel, Alice and Carla's stories are completely separate, which is fascinating. They provide an intriguing commentary on our society and the American Dream -- Alice seems to have it all in America, but she feels empty due to her childless state. And Carla wants nothing more than to come to America with her mother.

I simply loved the book - I won't give away any more of the plot, but it was well-written and beautiful. I don't think you could be disappointed in reading The Same Sky - I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars.

(Note: I received an advanced copy from Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.)
Beastly Bones (Jackaby, #2)
Beastly Bones (Jackaby, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I expected a more darker story
Contains spoilers, click to show
So it may help to read the first one in order to grasp a bit of understanding of the character relationships and the overall plot (there’s a main one underneath the layers here)

***Possible spoilers here you’ve been warned***

I loved the first one, really liked the characters and Jackaby’s quirkiness. With this one though, it’s a different type of case, albeit still with a supernatural/fantastical element but it felt like you were reading an Indiana Jones type of adventure. Which is all right and it made things different and interesting but I was looking forward to something a little more darker and spookier.

However, the adventure aspect with the missing bones was still well written and enjoyable to read. It took more of a comedic tone and I enjoyed the fighting between Lamb and Horner over the bones while poor Charlie seems to be always stuck in the middle of each argument. Abigail really shined in this one with her passion of dinosaur bones, she was in her element and showed how much she loved doing the job despite the obstacles she had because of her father and society. She really stepped up and developed a lot in this book.

And yes! She breaks the tension with Charlie!!! Finally! It was all throughout the novel until she finally took matters into her own hands. I like them both together. They seem to complement each other well enough even though it seems she has a much more determined and strong minded temperament whereas Charlie is more mellow and laid back. Well maybe Abigail will slowly bring him out of his shell?

What I enjoyed the most about this plot is there’s an even deeper and darker story underneath and this was just a diversion. That pale man is creepy and I hope it gets explored more in the next book as it features Jenny’s story too. This was a fun read but I’ll be happier going onto much darker things in the story.
The Pillars of the Earth
The Pillars of the Earth
Ken Follett | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (13 Ratings)
Book Rating
Unique concept and well developed characters. (0 more)
A true epic
Ken Follett excelled in his development of this novel. Pillars of Earth is based around the building of a fictional cathedral in Kingsbridge (which is also fictional). Although the concept behind the story was not one that originally grabbed me as being interesting, as the story emerges, as readers, we realise the the cathedral is really just the vehicle that brings the main characters together and takes them forwards through time.

Follett uses this novel to address some of the key inequalities in society during the Middle Ages and demonstrates some of the extremes people went to in order to survive. Issues such as religion and crime are prevalent throughout the novel, as well as unjust treatment of both women and lower class men. Follett also shows an understanding of the struggles between church and crown during this period and demonstrates how each side tries to maintain what control they have, whilst seeking more.

The characters within the story are well thought out and believable. All of the characters felt hardships as well as successes throughout the story. At times, I did feel that Follett romanticed the ease of social movement around this period of history, some of the characters seem to bounce back incredibly quickly from a period of economic hardship.

I expected this story to have a rags to riches approach for the main characters when I first started reading, however, despite there being some elements of this, it was only there in a subtle undertone. I was also impressed with how much actual history that Follett was able to bring into the story without forcing it into the plot (for example the murder of Thomas Beckett).

Despite the size of this novel, it was a pleasantly easy read, which I often felt I needed to read just one more page before I put it down for the night.
La2 - Single by Rami Salmi
La2 - Single by Rami Salmi
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rime Salmi is a Canada-raised singer-songwriter with Moroccan roots. Not too long ago, she released a celebratory afro-pop tune, entitled, “La2”, produced by Ghanaian super producer Willisbeat.

‘La2’ tells a liberating tale of a courageous young woman who decides to trust her own instincts, visions, and dreams—regardless of what people might say she should or shouldn’t do.

What she wants most in life is to surf in Agadir, have drinks in New York, and go on expensive trips that she can’t afford.

Later, she admits that nothing in life is guaranteed, only what we choose to be. Therefore, what she chooses is a life that she wants to live.

‘La2’ contains a relatable storyline, gorgeous vocals, and joyful instrumentation scented with an Afro-pop fragrance. Also, the likable tune possesses joyful melodies sprinkled with ethnic Arabic rhythms.

“‘La2’ (‘no’ in Arabic) is about saying ‘no’ to what was expected of us, what society says is acceptable or ‘normal’, especially as women. This song stems from my desire to pursue my passion and break free from boundaries set by a conservative Arabic background, especially what is expected of me as a woman. I’m choosing to pursue my goals. I’m choosing to say yes to my own gut feeling, my vision, my dreams, and the world I wanna create. I’m learning to say ‘no’ and live my life how I’m the happiest. ‘La2’ is a joyful anthem that I hope will inspire freedom and living out loud, and living now because it’s all we have.” – Rime Salmi

Rime Salmi was born to Moroccan parents and raised in Canada. She grew up a child of many cultures.

Her music became a way to channel her challenges in being torn between two cultures: her traditional Moroccan heritage and her western Canadian upbringing.

Also, her charisma shines through her high-energy stage performances, which combines belly dancing, afrobeat dancing, and powerful vocals.
A lost heiress has been found, but the past brings a danger that will threaten all she holds dear.

With a mysterious past, Brooke Eden recruits her closest friend, Justin Wildon, to find who her true family is. She has been raised in Monaco by the Grimaldi family, but she knows that they are not her true family. She is shocked to discover that she is a long lost daughter of The Earl of Whitby and even more surprised that her father receives her with open arms. Although, the rest of the family takes a little more convincing. Horrors of her mother's death haunt Brook and there are many secrets that have to be uncovered. When greed and lust for wealth and power threaten Brook's life, her faith keeps her strong. Will the secrets of the past be revealed? And will Brook return home after being lost for a second time?

"But God does not just instruct us to forgive - He instructs us to trust. To trust that, even though life hurts us, He will take care of us."

Roseanna White had me completely captivated from the first page of The Lost Heiress. Set in 1910, during the Edwardian Period it was a new experience for me. With society rapidly changing and new inventions around every corner, it was wonderful to see it through Brook Eden's eyes. I admire her courage and strength throughout this story. She is someone that I would love to know and to follow on one of her harebrained ideas. She can be rash and impulsive, but her faith is evident. We could all benefit by following her example of putting our trust in the Lord, even when the world seems to be crumbling down around us. If you are a fan of Downton Abbey and love a little mystery with your historical fiction, you will quickly loose yourself between the pages of this book.

I received a free digital copy of The Lost Heiress from Bethany House Publishers through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
The Elite (The Selection, #2)
The Elite (The Selection, #2)
Kiera Cass | 2013 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

In <i>The Selection</i> Kiera Cass introduced young adult readers to a dystopian society where people are sorted into different castes which dictate how rich or poor they are. America Singer (a five) was selected amongst many other girls to live at the palace where eventually one will be chosen to marry Prince Maxon. With only six girls remaining, the story continues in <i>The Elite</i>.

America and the girls are faced with more challenges to prove they have what it takes to become a princess and eventually a queen, however is this something America wants? It is clear to America and the reader that she has strong feelings for Maxon but she cannot easily forget her childhood sweetheart, Aspen. Things become more confusing for America as she begins to question Maxon’s intentions. She can love him but can she trust him? America needs to decide whether she still wants a place in this competition as she faces rebel attacks and discovers information about the history of Illéa.

The will they, won’t they aspect of America and Maxon’s relationship keeps us engaged in the story, and the love triangle adds even more tension. Cass writes so well that readers will find themselves so engrossed in the novel that they may even become frustrated when things do not go they way they wished they had.

Although America recaps on the major events of book one, this is for the benefit of refreshing readers’ minds and not to ease new readers into the story. Without prior knowledge things may be confusing so make sure to read <i>The Selection</i> first.

Overall, <i>The Elite</i> is a great sequel and it will be exciting to find out where the story goes next. <i>The Selection</i> in general is a great series for teenage girls who love a bit of romance.
The Winner&#039;s Curse (The Winner&#039;s Trilogy, #1)
The Winner's Curse (The Winner's Trilogy, #1)
Marie Rutkoski | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Winner’s Curse</i> is the first book in the <i>Winner’s Trilogy</i> by American author Marie Rutkoski. It is a novel that mixes together rumours, lies, love and warfare to create an incredible new story for young adults.

It is set in a similar society to that of the 18th century or earlier (in Europe at least) except that for women there are only two lifestyles. By the age of twenty they must decide whether to marry or join the military. By women, that means Valorian women. Ever since the defeat of the Herrani during the Herran war many years ago, the Valorian have made them slaves and looked down on them, whilst seizing their lavish properties and enforcing Valorian customs.

The title, <i>The Winner’s Curse</i>, is a concept that relates to the winner of an auction. Whilst they have won the item they have also lost by paying out more money than other bidders felt it was worth. This is what happens to seventeen-year-old Lady Kestrel, a Valorian, when, with an unexplainable impulse, she hires Arin, a Herrani slave, for an extortionate amount of money. Put to work as a blacksmith, Arin becomes intrigued with Kestrel, and she with him, and they soon start to form a friendship – although rumours suggest something more.

It is not, however, simply the cost of a slave that <i>The Winner’s Curse</i> refers to. The Herrani are planning an attack on the Valorian Empire, and Kestrel being a General’s daughter could unknowingly reveal vital information. The emergence of a second Herran war is imminent, but Kestrel and Arin’s relationship complicate things further.

Whilst similar to other novels with lovers belonging to opposing families, it is more original regarding the circumstances, secrets and lies, which makes, not just the characters, but the reader question what their true feelings and intentions are.

It is an excellent, fast paced read, and definitely recommended.
Becoming Superman
Becoming Superman
J. Michael Straczynski | 2019 | Biography
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Leaving Behind a Past of Kryptonite
In this book, author J. Michael Stracyznski (JMS to his fans) tells the story of his family and his life. Starting with his grandparents, he gives us some background before telling us about his childhood under an abusive father and a distant mother. In between moving every few months to stay ahead of creditors, JMS discovered ways to escape via TV shows, comic books, and science fiction. As he discovered the power of words, he vowed to become a writer. That desire eventually lead him to a career in comic books and in Hollywood on such things as He-Man; She-Ra; The Real Ghostbusters; Babylon 5; Murder, She Wrote; Sense8; and the movies Changeling, Thor, and World War Z.

I picked up this book because I am an obsessive Babylon 5 fan. Those picking it up for lots of Hollywood behind the scenes stories will be disappoint, although we do get some in the second half. Instead, it is more a story of his family, their secrets, and how they impacted his life. At times, it is a hard read. JMS’s life for his first 20 plus years was not easy or fun. But, ultimately, this is a story of triumph as he works to overcome his baggage. It is a powerful story that proves where you start doesn’t have to be where you finish if you are willing to take responsibility for yourself, your actions, and your choices, something we need more of in our society today. I think this book will change my view of Babylon 5 the next time I watch it, something I need to do soon as I think knowing the man behind the story will make some things mean more and be even more powerful. This is not light reading, but it is powerful reading and worth the time spent in the book.