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Heart of Iron
Heart of Iron
Ashley Poston | 2018 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
7.6 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
Honestly thought I would DNF this book in the beginning - but about 1/4-1/2 way through it really picked up the pace - I loved Di and his story, I didn't care for Ana and the story between Jax and Robb was amazing - I think i'd be down for a story of Jax and his life before he got where he was. And I'd really love a story about Di - but I don't think I'll continue the series after this. I really have words for Erik - I had words for some of the others too but he really got in my head. I must have misread some part of the book because I thought something horrible had happened and I wanted to throw the book a little, but alas - I kind of want to know about the end - like, did she really have what she says she does - it doesn't make sense to me - hmmmm - questions

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Utopia in Books

Jul 6, 2018  
Thomas More | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science Fiction/Fantasy
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not for me!
Why do I keep doing this to myself? Challenge yourself, Clare! Try something you've never read before!
I really need to stop doing this. It rarely ends well. Tudor authors could really have done with better/ any editors. Fact. Get some paragraphs in there, write some shorter sentences, stop wittering on and on and on.....
On a positive note, I now know where the term 'utopian' comes from, and I can safely say that the meaning has altered somewhat over the last 500 years or so. What was utopian then still seems a bit feudalistic now. At least good old Thomas More got everyone thinking though! As a 21st century reader, I can see how daring this book would have been: Kings without riches, no prisons for criminals, people could worship whoever and however they wanted. Very forward thinking for the 16th century. All the same, not a book for me. It was like wading through literary treacle. Not something I'd recommend!

David (771 KP) rated Lust (Lust, Money & Murder) Book #1 in Books

Jul 4, 2018 (Updated Jul 6, 2018)  
Lust (Lust, Money & Murder) Book #1
Lust (Lust, Money & Murder) Book #1
Mike Wells | 2014 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent addition to the espionage thriller genre
You share the feelings of the main characters like you're their friend in the book. This is a fast paced book and never a dull moment. You can tell Mike Wells did his research when it came to the main premise of the book which is the secret service and counterfeiting of currency. Plenty of twists and turns like any good spy thriller which keep you guessing and glad it all wasn't wrapped up in one book.
It makes a change that the espionage genre has a woman in the lead who is strong willed but still has some weaknesses which makes her more believable as a character.
I recommend you read this book even if you don't read this genre, it flows well and doesn't blind you with too much tech jargon which can put some people off. Looking forward to reading the rest of the series.

Dean (6925 KP) rated the Xbox version of The Suffering in Video Games

Aug 26, 2018  
The Suffering
The Suffering
2004 | Action, Horror
Original ideas (1 more)
Cool enemy design
Great Survival Horror
Until I played this game the only survival Horror games I had played were some of the early Resident Evil games. This was actually a very good and very creepy game. One of the first that used a flashlight mode I think? A lot of the game had you wondering what was going to be around the next corner.
Set in a prison after being found guilty of killing his family. You have to try and escape as some creatures have taken over the prison. Along the way you can help others or not... The decisions affected flashbacks towards the events that happened. You could also use your anger to turn into a a mini Hulk rage type creature yourself. It was a big game taking a long time to complete as well.
For the time a lot of the ideas were quite new and original.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated The Question in Books

Aug 30, 2018 (Updated Apr 9, 2019)  
The Question
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The book gets you wondering about what is beyond the world we live in. It's based on if you or more than one person can create a unity. The author does a pretty good job with the events in the book. While I was reading the book. I felt like it was with the main people that were in the book. It seems like a replica of our congress and president a bit.

I do enjoy the plot of this book. It gets you involved making you start wondering along. There are examples of the projects throughout the book. Will terror win out or will the world win out? You will really need to find out by reading this book.

The book also keeps you guessing what the question would be asked. Why was some of the groups able to produce a unity and some did not? Nathan seems to want to find Unity.
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Alice in Zombieland - White Rabbit Chronicles
Gena Showalter | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Characters (1 more)
Great Read
I enjoyed this book. It is a young adult book and may not be what some are looking for. The main character Alice first seemed as most teenagers caught up in their own world and wanting to do what they want to do but by the end of the book she had grown into a young lady who realizes there is more to the world then just what she wants. I don't want to give anything away but she has to go through a lot before realizing that life is beyond her little world and there are things out there that she can help to do that in turn helps others.

Besides there are zombies.....and they aren't your typical zombie there are some twist to these that make them a bit more interesting. Not only do they have to fight the zombies but other humans as well when it comes to making the world safe.
Sweetener by Ariana Grande
Sweetener by Ariana Grande
2018 | Pop
Giveaway Review
I received a copy of this album via Smashbomb Giveaways to listen to and review.
I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Ariana Grande. Some of her music I absolutely love, and some I'm not too keen on. Because of this I knew this album would be a bit hit and miss. Fortunately it was more hit than miss!
I'm obsessed with the song 'God is a Woman'. It was the only track I knew going into this album, and I absolutely love it. My other favourite tracks were 'Raindrops', 'R.E.M' and 'No Tears Left to Cry'.
The cover art is beautiful (how can it not be? Ariana is stunning!) and I really love the quirky way the the images and text are facing different ways.
Overall, not one of my favourite albums, but it was very fun and I'm looking forward to listening to it again :)

AmyBee (4 KP) rated Room in Books

Sep 5, 2018  
Emma Donoghue | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.6 (24 Ratings)
Book Rating
I enjoyed this novel, it is set from the vantage point of Jack, a five year old boy who is being kept prisoner with his mum in a garden shed which her kidnapper has converted into a special soundproof 'room'. Jack was born there, so his mother's frustrations on their situation goes over his innocent little head until around halfway through the book when he realises that Old Nick is a bad person. Still, he doesn't understand why. He has a very cute way of anthropomorphising his surroundings, his Rug, and Meltedy Spoon take on characteristics of their own. The only thing that let this book down is that it is sometimes hard for the reader to imagine it is actually a little boy speaking, as some complex feelings and emotions are expressed which are hard to imagine would be understood by a child. I guess though, that an adult writing as a child must be hard so the author must be given some leeway.
St. Osmunds (2013)
St. Osmunds (2013)
2013 | Horror
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Some interesting ideas and twists (0 more)
Gets a bit lost at times (0 more)
Strong ideas, but misses the mark
St Osmunds is a mixture of found footage and traditional shooting, following two guys that are making a documentary about an Insane Asylum that closed under mysterious circumstances.

There is some nicely placed humour at times, and a great red-herring/meta humour joke quite early on that really surprised me, and the dialogue is actually not the worst, considering how badly low budget horror treats scripts normally.

The plot is ambitious, at times quite interesting but all too often it falls a little short of its goal, leaving the viewer confused as to what is happening.

This may just be due to inexperience on behalf of those involved, or a deliberate attempt to at making a mysterious film, but either way its a slightly chaotic ride.

This is a film for people interested in interesting concepts and twists, but not one if you are expecting a high budget affair.
Clown (2016)
Clown (2016)
2016 | Horror
7.0 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Well made creature feature, with good effects and high quality visuals (0 more)
Classic Horror Movie decision making (0 more)
This guy ain't clowning around...
Clown is like a classic twilight-zone style curse movie, where a dad puts on an antique clown suit, which turns out to have dire consequences that essentially turn him into a child eating killer clown.

There are some great comedic moments, as you would expect, some gross body horror, gruesome kills and actually pretty good performances.

Despite the b-movie plot, the acting is very solid, and the whole feel is of a well-made, well budgeted horror film, that would not have been out of place on a decent cinema release.

There are plenty of plot holes, bad decisions and parts that drag on a little, but overall this is a pretty entertaining movie, which provides a throwback experience to an 80's style slasher but with modern production values, so what is not to like?