Fortress 2: Re-Entry (1999)
Movie Watch
In this sci-fi sequel, John Brennick (Christopher Lambert) is still on the run from the nefarious...

CHILLFILTR (46 KP) rated Space for Days by Kendall Street Company in Music
Jul 11, 2019
Very polished and hummable, Space for Days feels like Dave Matthews on acid at Mardi Gras. It threads the needle between philosophy and stoner truism:
“I got space for days
What I matter didn’t say
Still keeping same
Let it all breathe”
— Kendall Street Company
The truth is this is a party band with a party song, and if you like wah wah licks doubling the saxophone and a bass player who plays up on the neck like he's Jaco Pastorius, this is your party.

Rendezvous with Rama - Rama Book 1
At first, only a few things are known about the celestial object that astronomers dub Rama. It is...
Science fiction

Womens Hairstyles Ideas - Girls Stylish Hair Cuts
Catalogs and Lifestyle
Short, medium, long or curly hair - browse through thousands of different hairstyles! Cute and...

Socrative Student
Students share their understanding by answering formative assessment questions in a variety of...

The Mighty Captain Marvel Vol. 2: Band of Sisters
As Secret Empire begins, Captain Marvel faces the Chitauri! The savage alien fleet has nearly...

That Snow Moon
Tabletop Game
That Snow Moon is a space opera inspired by a popular movie involving space and battles, while not...

LeftSideCut (3776 KP) rated Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021) in Movies
Feb 16, 2022
Look, I know this is a film for kids, but honestly, the kids deserve better. At least Don Cheadle seems like he had fun. Good for him. Good. For. Him.

Life of the Time Cat: Warning of the Ultimate Element
From the incredibly talented and adventurous mind of teen wunderkind, Alessandro Concas, comes the...
children's book