The Gardening in Miniature Prop Shop: Handmade Accessories for Your Tiny Living World
A not-so-mini trend. The Gardening in Miniature Prop Shop is the next big thing for the crafters and...

Furniture for Interior Design
This comprehensive, practical guide explores how contemporary furniture is used within interior...

Love Your Plot: Gardens Inspired by Nature
Harry Rich and David Rich
As the youngest ever gold-medal winners for a main show garden at the Chelsea Flower Show and...

House Beautiful Style Secrets: What Every Room Needs
From the country's most popular interior design magazine comes a stylish, in-depth look at what it...
Axel Vervoordt: The Story of a Style
Axel Vervoordt began his career as an art and antiques dealer in the late 1960s, when he...

Complete Book of Home Organization: 336 Tips and Projects
Toni Hammersley and abowlfulloflemons.com
Have you ever wished you had the time and tools to organize your house in a clutter-free,...

Environmental Horticulture: Science and Management of Green Landscapes
Environmental horticulture - also referred to as landscape horticulture and amenity horticulture -...

The City Grower: Design, Create & Manage a Small Food-Growing Plot
Think you don't have the time or space to grow your own food? Think again. The City Grower shows you...

Superblock Winterthur: A Project with Architect Krischanitz
Hans-Peter Bartschi, Adolf Krischanitz and Axel Simon
The Superblock in the Swiss city of Winterthur is the winning design for the conversion of a former...

ODY-C Coloring and Activity Book
Christian Ward and Matt Fraction
THE HEAVIEST TRIP IS THE ONE BACK HOME. Lose yourself in an epic twenty-six centuries in the making....