Descender, Vol. 4: Orbital Mechanics
Tim-21, Telsa and Quon finally escape the Machine Moon and head out on a quest to find the ancient...
robots space future

Descender, Vol. 5: Rise of the Robots
The first major DESCENDER event is here. This is what it has all been building to. The Robot...
robots space future

Buddy Complex: Kanketsu-hen - Ano Sora ni Kaeru Mirai de (Sub Season)
TV Season
The two part finale of Buddy Complex television series deals with the final battle between the Free...
Mecha Time Travel

Dead Like Me - Season 2
TV Season
The complete second season of the off-beat American series. When an errant toilet seat from the...

The Witches of BlackBrook (Witches of BlackBrook #1)
Through space and time, sisters entwined. Lost then found, souls remain bound. Three sisters...
Young Adult Paranormal Romance
Anglo-American Travelers and the Hotel Experience in Nineteenth Century Literature: Nation, Hospitality, Travel Writing
Monika M. Elbert and Susanne Schmid
This volume examines the hotel experience of Anglo-American travelers in the nineteenth century from...
Images des Microcosmes Flottants: Nouvelles Figurations Architecturales Japonaises
Depiction is quintessential to the conception of an architectural project. Its way of representation...

Pictures of the Floating Microcosm: New Representations of Japanese Architecture
Depiction is quintessential to the conception of an architectural project. Its way of representation...

Urban Squares: Spatio-Temporal Studies of Design & Everyday Life in the Oresund Region
Urban Squares suggests a specific and fresh take on agorology the study of urban squares. The...
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics
Jamie Angus and David M. Howard
The acoustics of a space can have a real impact on the sounds you create and capture. Acoustics and...