30 Odd Minutes
Each week, the 30 Odd Minutes Mother Ship crosses time and space to bring you a unique look at all...

Geek News Central Audio
This technology show hosted by Todd Cochrane a Pioneer in the Podcasting space, focuses on...

Head-Fi Podcast (Head-Fi.org)
At Head-Fi.org, we cover all things audio, with a focus on headphone audio, personal audio and...

The Birth Hour
The Birth Hour is a podcast created for mothers to come together to share their childbirth stories....

Wow in the World
Wow in the World is a podcast and a new way for families to connect, look up and discover the...

The Damp House: A Guide to the Causes and Treatment of Dampness
Dampness can become an enemy when it invades our interior space, when it persists, when it spreads...

The Interior Plan: Concepts and Exercises
This introductory-level text introduces students to the planning of interior environments....

Physics Sandbox 3D Physics Sandbox with Multiplayer
Physics Sandbox is a multiplayer 3D physics sandbox game. Set up domino paths, create towers,...

Plan Your Home with Feng Shui
Ian Bruce has written this book with the aim of helping the amateur grasp the concepts of this...