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Rendezvous with Rama - Rama Book 1
Rendezvous with Rama - Rama Book 1
Arthur C. Clarke | 1973 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
A little bland and clinical, more for hardcore sci-fi fans
I struggled with this book, mainly for its mechanical nature and rather bland storyline. For hard-core fans of 2001: Space Odyssey, this may be more of an interest given it's the same writer, but for a sci-fi rookie, it was like reading an engineering manual as they clinically detail the climate and condition of this astral being named Rama. And not much else happens apart from them walking across this horizon. It may require reading the entire series of books to see the full picture, but as a stand-alone book, it doesn't seem to work.
Commander Toad in Space (Commander Toad)
Jane Yolen | 1987
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Commander Toad and the crew of the Star Warts are ready to explore a new planet made entirely of water. After landing on their inflatable lily pad, they discover they are not alone. Is this planet friendly?

This is a fun adventure that introduces us to Toad and his crew. The story is fasted pace, the easy reader vocabulary is perfect, and the pictures are fun. There are some nice puns, and adults will get a kick out of the science fiction spoofs.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
A Knit before Dying
A Knit before Dying
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Josie Blair rents the space attached to her yarn shop to an antiques dealer, who is killed one evening as Josie and some of her knitting friends are gathered in her shop. The dead man’s business partner is suspected of the crime, but Josie has her doubts and decides to look into matters on her own. This is a great cozy with a likable cast of characters, and a setting that I absolutely loved. I’m a crocheter, not a knitter, but I still wish I could visit Miss Marple Knits.

<i>NOTE: I voluntarily read and reviewed an early copy of the book.</i>
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl
Melissa Keil | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Incredible Adventures of Cinnamon Girl had a lot going for it: Well written with a vivid narrative, interesting setting, and a good cast of characters. I enjoyed the way in which true-to-life detailing and characterisations were embellished with a measure of weirdness, and I liked the take on the fear-of-change dilemma.


I wasn't anywhere near as taken by this as I was by Life in Outer Space. There was just this frustratingly indefinable, yet very blatant...lack. I never felt fully caught up in this, the ending really didn't wow me, and it somehow seemed a lot longer than it was.
The Genesis Fleet: Triumphant
The Genesis Fleet: Triumphant
Jack Campbell | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Third entry in Jack Campbell's (or should I say John G Hemry, to give him his real name?) 'Genesis Fleet' series, and I've lost count of how many novels there are now in what I'm going to call the various Geary-verse series.

(That's those in 'The Lost Fleet', 'The Lost Fleet: Beyond the Frontier', 'The Lost Stars' and now 'The Genesis Fleet')

All of which, I have to say, I've enjoyed, even if they are now getting a little bit formulaic: 'real time' space battles, last stands against seemingly impossible odds and politics all rolled up into one.

If it ain't broke, however …
