Ashley Wold (5 KP) rated Instagram in Apps
Jan 31, 2018
Considering a huge bulk of my followers are internet strangers, the community is generally friendly and supportive. I love Instagram to microblog; it is so easy to engage with followers.
One issue I've been having is that the text field is hit or miss on my posts; when I try to space out my descriptions sometimes it just throws everything close together as if I didn't hit enter.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2273 KP) rated Space Case (Moon Base Alpha #1) in Books
Mar 9, 2018
This is a great combination of mystery and science fiction. The setting is realistically done and really adds to the story. The target middle grade audience will love the characters and the humor. Personally, I never saw the ending coming. I can’t wait for the sequel.
You can read my full review at <a href="http://carstairsconsiders.blogspot.com/2014/10/book-review-space-case-by-stuart-gibbs.html">Carstairs Considers</a>.

LilyLovesIndie (123 KP) rated Little House in the Big Woods in Books
Nov 5, 2018

Andy K (10823 KP) rated Starchaser: The Legend of Orin (1985) in Movies
Dec 5, 2018
Kind of a Star Wars/Logan's Run ripoff where an enslaved civilization lives underground doing the bidding of the evil Zygon never questioning if there is a world above or where they fit in the universe. The discovery of a mysterious sword hilt send Orin on an outer space adventure he would never forget.
It was always funny hearing animated characters says "damn" and "shit" when I was younger. Not a big deal now.
Originally released in 3D, you can tell when you watch, but it is still an entertaining animated thrill ride adventure.

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