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Knives Out (2019)
Knives Out (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Crime, Drama
Ana de Armas (0 more)
Daniel Craig's accent (0 more)
It seems all bit impossible to talk about a Rian Johnson film without mentioning *that* other, incredibly divisive, movie in a certain Space-based franchise.

I'm one of those who that movie pretty much soured me on seeing any others by the same director.

However, this recently popped up on Netflix and so I decided that, as enough time had passed, I would give it a shot.

What I saw was pretty much a standard whodunnit, not as funny or as clever as the reviews made it out to be, and with some twists and turns I saw coming but others which I didn't.

I will agree, however, that Ana de Armas is the standout in the entire film. (And the least said about Craig's atrocious accent the better)