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    RingGo Parking

    RingGo Parking

    Travel and Navigation

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    Our new RingGo pay by phone iPhone app is now available. With a new look and feel, the app helps you...

    Fake-A-UFO Video

    Fake-A-UFO Video

    Entertainment and Photo & Video

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    Have you ever wanted to prank your friends with a UFO video? Well now you can! Fake-A-UFO Video...

Star Trek - Nemesis (2002)
Star Trek - Nemesis (2002)
2002 | Action, Sci-Fi
This film should have worked. They had four years to work up the film: the biggest gap between movies in the series to date. The sets and special effects deployed are a notable improvement on “Insurrection” and are, at times, very impressive. It’s a movie that has personal angst for Picard; an epic space battle; and the death of a major character. And a young Tom Hardy turns in a memorable performance, belying what was to come: it’s interesting that this is only Hardy’s third feature (following his debut in “Black Hawk Down” just the year before!). It’s also a full NINE years before he won the BAFTA Rising Star award!

And yet it’s just not very engaging: I find myself fiddling with my phone while its on, which is never a good sign. Gone are any of the comic asides that have tended to lighten the mood of these films: this is dark and plot-heavy throughout. It’s even got a ‘mind-rape’ scene that is quite disturbing.

Naturally, the Enterprise insurance premium has taken another hammering by the end of the film. You can just imagine the discussion back in space dock… “no mate…” – sucking air in through his front teeth “…that whole front bumper’s gonna have to be replaced, and that’ll cost you a pretty packet”!

Combined with poor marketing and fierce competition (the film opening in the same month as “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers”), this ended up with the worse financial performance of any of the Trek movies (in terms of budget to return ratio). And it killed the franchise. The only option was to be a full reboot: something that was to take another seven years to happen.
YAHTZEE® With Buddies
YAHTZEE® With Buddies
Games, Entertainment
7.5 (4 Ratings)
App Rating
The game itself on fast mode (0 more)
The people you play with (waiting for turns seems a nonsense (0 more)
Everyone loves a bit of Yahtzee don't they?! Well you can now play against people in face-to-face matches or in tournaments.
Playing in tournaments is good - your score is ranked against everyone else who has joined the tournament and you win prizes (XP or scratchcards or power-ups) based on how well you did.
Face-to-face battles just become annoying - you end up playing one turn and then waiting for your opponent to take their turn. As this is more of a one-player game, this seems odd. They should just let you play the whole card and then compare scores to decide the winner. There really is no tension to be had from comparing scores over the space of hours or days.