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Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Baby Teeth in Books

Mar 11, 2019  
Baby Teeth
Baby Teeth
Zoje Stage | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
Hanna is seven. She's a cute little thing in the eyes of her father, Alex, who thinks she can do no wrong. Hanna wants nothing more than life to be Hanna-and-Daddy forever. Her mother, Suzette, is exhausted by life with Hanna, which is nothing but endless manipulations, anger, tantrums, and now, escalating violence. Hanna doesn't speak, but she has her special ways of hurting her mother. She's been kicked out of several schools for her behavior, and Suzette is done. Even worse, Alex can't seem to acknowledge that something is off with Hanna's behavior.

"Every win for Hanna was a you-lose for Mommy."

I'd been putting off reading this book for a bit because I'd heard that it was creepy and disturbing, and I can confirm that yes, it is both of those things. Ha. I can't say I'm particularly glad that I read it, though it's an interesting read and certainly different. It mostly held my interest, but after all the hype, I found myself a little letdown: there really wasn't all that much to the story. I found myself waiting that twist, that something special that never came.

Still, Stage does an excellent job of capturing Hanna's child-like voice and telling a story from her unique perspective. The tale alternates between chapters from Hanna's perspective and then Suzette's, and I can't deny that you'll find yourself a little freaked out after reading Hanna's. The book is eerie and disturbing; it's hard to believe, yet not, as it's certainly effectively told. There are some tough moments to read and it's definitely not always for the faint of heart.

I had a tough time empathizing with our adult characters--our cast is mainly limited to the family unit, and I didn't care much for either Alex or Suzette. We are probably supposed to feel bad for Suzette, as she's struggling with both Hanna and failing health (having had Crohn's disease since childhood). And I did, at times, but she talked so much, and kept rehashing things, and I just wanted to shake her to wake up, get a grip, and deal with everything. So yeah. And her husband was just clueless and ugh.

Hanna was a much tougher one--as a parent, I found this one hard. Of course, you want to believe and care for a small child. Yet, you can also empathize with a mom who feels like they need a break from their child. I enjoyed how the book made you think about these kind of things as Hanna started to escalate. What would you do in this situation? How did things get to this point? That's where it is interesting. Some of the best parts are the oozing tension and unease that pervade the whole novel.

Unfortunately, it doesn't completely capitalize on that uneasiness, leaving you a little deflated by the end. I was actually hoping for a little more creepiness, a little less character-study. I definitely enjoyed pieces of this one, and I'd still recommend it due to how different it is.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
The Hurricane Heist (2018)
The Hurricane Heist (2018)
2018 | Action, Thriller
Doesn't Go Far Enough
There are times when all I want to do is to sit in a darkened movie theater, turn off my brain, and let a movie with a silly, over-the-top premise wash all over me. THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS films are an example of an "A" in this category. Last year's GEOSTORM was a "B" (it was so over-the-top that it was fun, especially when the meteorologist declared - as if he was reciting Shakespeare - "Oh my God, it's a GEOSTORM!"). Unfortunately, a "C" example of this is THE HURRICANE HEIST.

Directed by Rob Cohen - who brought us the original FAST AND FURIOUS film lo' those many years ago - THE HURRICANE HEIST tells the tale of a HEIST set during a...anyone?...HURRICANE. That's pretty much all you need to know of the plot. The rest is action, escapes, weather gone bad, bad guys being bad guys and good guys being good guys.

The good guys are Toby Kebbel (so good as the motion capture bad-guy ape in DAWN OF THE PLANET OF THE APES), perennial "B"-movie actress Maggie Grace (TAKEN, LOST and the immortal HOT GIRL, FAST CAR, EATING A BANANA) and Ryan Kwanten (I guess he was in TRUE BLOOD). What do these good guys have in common? They are not hard to look at on the screen. The two men also have really bad Southern accents.

The bad guys are led by Ralph Ineson ( a perennial "that guy" in such films as STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI, GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY and KINGSMAN: THE SECRET SERVICE) and a host of "red shirts". The problem is that Ineson plays his bad guy role as a "that guy" and the "red shirts" have no personality at all. One guy tries to be the "loose cannon" but he doesn't go far enough, nor does Ineson or ANY of the bad guys.

Oh...did I mention Ben Cross (Sarek in the new STAR TREK films)? Cross leaped off the screen in the Oscar winning film CHARIOTS OF FIRE way back in 1981 and was going to be "the next big thing". How has that worked out for him? I'm sure he's making a nice living, but... don't come to this kind of films for the acting. You come to it for the insane premise, the over-the-top acting, the out-of-this-world stunts and special effects. Unfortunately, THE HURRICANE HEIST plays each one of these "safely". The premise is insane, just not insane enough. The acting is melodramatic - just not over-the-top. The script doesn't really have any "oh-my-gosh, did he just say that" lines and the action, stunts and special effects are pretty good, (maybe even good), but not great.

A pretty mediocre time at the movies. It did serve it's purpose, I turned my brain off for two hours. I just wish it didn't power down as well.

Letter Grade: C (thanks for trying)

5 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 10, 2018

Great review. Almost makes me want to watch it!


BankofMarquis (1832 KP) Mar 11, 2018

Save your time - rent GEOSTORM instead

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