Speculative Grammarian Podcast
Speculative Grammarian—the premier scholarly journal featuring research in the neglected field of...

Speculative Realism and Science Fiction
One of the reasons that speculative materialism challenges anthropomorphism is that a human-centred...

Speculative Art Histories: Analysis at the Limits
Situated at the interface of philosophy, aesthetics, and art history, this collection brings...
Afro-Atlantic Flight: Speculative Returns and the Black Fantastic
In Afro-Atlantic Flight Michelle D. Commander traces how post-civil rights Black American artists,...

Aliens, God, and the Bible: A Theological Speculative Study of the Bibles Alien Mysteries
Bridge the Christian religion-science gap as The Reverend Doctor Joel Graves explores what the Bible...

The City That Never Was: Reconsidering the Speculative Nature of Contemporary Urbanization
The City That Never Was considers the increasingly speculative nature of contemporary urbanization...

Making Use of Deleuze in Planning: Proposals for a Speculative and Immanent Assessment Method
Making Use of Deleuze in Planning translates and re-creates some of Gilles Deleuze's most abstract...

Dept. of Speculation
They used to send each other letters. The return address was always the same: Dept. of Speculation....