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The Enemy Within
The Enemy Within
2019 | Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
TV Show Rating
Captivating Premise, But Failure On Delivery
The Enemy Within is a drama tv series created by Ken Woodruff with executive producers Mark Pellington and Vernon Sanders. It was produced by 82nd West and Universal Television and distributed by NBC Universal Television Distribution. The series stars Jennifer Carpenter, Morris Chestnut, Raza Jaffrey, and Kelli Garner.

In 2015, when Russian terrorist Mikhail Vassily Tal threatens her daughter, Erica Shepard, CIA Deputy Director of Operations, is forced to reveal the names of four agents. Erica is arrested by FBI Agent Will Keaton when the agents are killed, sentenced to 15 life sentences and labeled one of America's most notorious traitors. Agent Keaton is ordered to bring Shepherd out of confinement to help with stopping and capturing Tal and his network of spies when Tal strikes again three years later.

This show was very captivating with it's pilot episode and it's premise, however it seemed very much ordinary despite the good acting and performances from pretty good actors. I kept waiting for it to get better but it never really did. I think other similar shows are probably better or worth the time instead of this one. Maybe Blindspot or Blacklist or even FBI. It's a shame too because it was starting to grow on me when towards the end of the season the characters were really coming into their own in their quest to get the bad guy. Also it got cancelled after first season. I give it a (5/10).
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010)
Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale (2010)
2010 | Fantasy, Horror
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rare Exports is a proper gem of an alternative Christmas film.

It revolves around a British company drilling into the mountain Korvatunturi in Lapland, hoping to find a legendary gravesite. A local child Pietari spies on proceedings, and is convinced that this company have found the grave of the original Santa Claus, not the jolly red and white icon that everyone is familiar with, but the proper monstrous version spoken about in fairtytales in Piertari's books. This being a child centric horror, of course no one believes him, until all the other children in the village start to go missing, and shit starts going sideways.

Rare Exports strengths lies in its strong cast. Greta performances from Onni Tommila and Jorma Tommila (father and son in both the film, and real life, just for that extra layer of believability!) The pair, alongside the supporting cast keep everything pretty grounded, despite the absurdity going on around them.
The film's dialogue is largely in Finnish, and this coupled with it's sparse and snowy setting, lend the narrative a truly otherworldly but authentic feeling.

It's also effectively creepy, especially the skinny old man "Santa" that the group capture and cage up. The need to figure out what is really going on never lets up either, even as the plot flies towards it's increasingly WTF climax (there's a silly amount of dong by the way, just FYI).

Rare Exports is certainly worth a watch. It's delightfully barmy, and is a great tonic if you become weary of "traditional" Christmas movies. 🎅
City Spies
City Spies
James Ponti | 2020 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meet the City Spies
Sara Martinez is in jail after hacking into New York’s juvenile justice system to turn in her foster parents. She gets the surprise of her life when her lawyer turns out to be a man called Mother, who reveals himself to be a British spy. He whisks Sara away to Scotland where she joins a secret team of MI6 made up of other kids like herself. Sara has joined them just weeks before their next mission – infiltrating an ecological conference to stop a group that is out to sabotage it. Will Sara be far enough along in her training to be an asset to her team? Will they succeed in their mission?

I saw this new series debut recommended by another author I love, and I’m so glad I did. This middle grade book is fast paced. We get plenty of set up, but everything is introduced as part of the story, so it never slows things down. Once the mission begins, the pace picks up even more, and I couldn’t put the book down. Some of the elements are a little over the top, but I just reminded myself this is a spy story and got right back into the book. We don’t get to know all the characters well yet, but we definitely saw some growth in Sara and a few others, and what we saw of them is great. There are some truly heartwarming moments as well as moments that made me laugh. This is a fantastic middle grade book for readers of all ages.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2097 KP) rated Footprints Under the Window in Books

Oct 21, 2021 (Updated Oct 21, 2021)  
Footprints Under the Window
Footprints Under the Window
Franklin W. Dixon | 1963 | Children, Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spies and a Quick Trip to South America
When Frank and Joe Hardy go to meet their Aunt Gertrude on her return from a trip to South America, they arrive a little early, so they decide to head out in their motor boat. That’s when they see a man jump over the side of a ship. They pick him up, but all they get out of him is a strange warning about footprints before he runs off again. With their dad out of town on a case, they are left to try to figure out what is going on by themselves. Might it have to do with the robbery they foiled at a nearby photographic plant? And who left the footprints outside the Hardy’s house?

Even as a kid, I recognized the absurdity of the Hardys heading to South America at one point to follow a few leads, but even as an adult, it’s hard not to get caught up in the action and mystery. While things do make sense at the end, I feel like there were a few too many plot threads for them to untangle. One or two less would have helped. Still, even as an adult, I got caught up in the story. As always, the character are thin, and the story is dated. Very dated, in this case. But as long as today’s kids realize this is something from the 1960’s, they’ll be okay. I’ve got to admit, nostalgia is playing a bit in my rating since I loved this one as a kid.
41 of 230
Secret of Magic: Rebels & Spies ( Academy of Falling Kingdom book 2)
By Marisa Mills and Drake Mason

The good news: I miraculously survived a would-be fatal fall.
The bad news: A demon helped me do it.
The worst news: Prince Alexander saw everything.

Reverie is supposed to be paradise -- but the power holding the floating city aloft isn't holy; it's demonic. Now demons are attacking my classmates -- and I think they're targeting me. If we can't find the source behind the attacks, the entire kingdom could be in danger of falling from the sky.

And Alexander knows I'm a fraud.

I came to Reverie to steal something. Now I need Alexander to steal something, too. Because he has one thing I never will; the trust of the king.

But can I convince him to exploit his father's trust to save his people? Or will Alexander tell the world who I really am?

The Secret of Magic is a young adult fantasy adventure full of monsters, murder and romantic intrigue. Fans who enjoyed Rachel Carter’s Black Mage series and Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy will love this sprawling magic academy!

I loved it! From surviving the fall to the very last chapter I found it interesting and just wanted to keep reading. I knew her true identity it was kind of obvious I was just willing it along until Wynter found out too! Looking forward to seeing where they all go from here.
The Woman in the Window
The Woman in the Window
A.J. Finn | 2018 | Thriller
8.0 (42 Ratings)
Book Rating
Interesting (1 more)
Contains spoilers, click to show
I cannot recommend this book enough. I found it really easy to read and one that I didn't want to put down. It follows the story of Dr. Anna Fox who suffers from Agraphobia. I found that interesting on its own because it's not a very well know disorder. I think this is one of the things that drew me to the book because I once dealt with a customer who had Agraphobia and I didn't know what it was. It is focalised through Anna and you learn about her day to day life. As she is unable to leave the house, she spies on her neighbours watching their lives instead of living her own. A new family move across the road and she instantly takes an interest in them particularly when the mother pays her a visit and they drink a lot of wine and play chess. One day when spying on the neighbours, she sees the mother get killed. This novel takes you on a rollercoaster as Anna uncovers what happened to her. There are some classic elements of a thriller in this book but I don't think I truly knew what I had got myself into. When reading at work, all I kept saying to my colleagues is "I can't cope with this book, everytime I think I know what's going to happen, there's another twist or turn." The novel itself is written very well and it leaves you constantly questions what real and what's not and what's true and what's false. I really couldn't recommend this book enough.
A story filled with intrigue, smugglers, ventriloquist, spies, romance, heartbreak, and a traitor. Travel back in time to 1808 in The Innkeepers Daughter.

This story has so many moving parts that you just want to keep reading to figure out WHAT IS GOING ON??? Also, there were several times our hero needed a good purse whomping. I absolutely LOVED this story. The romantic tension between Alex and Johanna...*whew*...And the climax of that tension in their kiss(es)...Make sure you keep a fainting couch nearby...and possible smelling salts.

The common thread throughout this story is all about giving over the control of our lives to God. It is easy to SAY that we trust God to see us through things...And yet we can still be found trying to fix all the little things that go wrong on our own...Trying to make it all our own power. Instead of trusting for a door to open from God...we pry open the cellar door into destruction and chaos and say, "LOOK! I found a way!!! It isn't a GOOD way...but I did it ALL ON MY OWN!" Michelle Griep addresses the need to trust in our Lord so well. And it really rings true.

If you love a good romance that is clean and passionate, sprinkled with mystery and intrigue, this is definitely a book that you will enjoy!

I received a complimentary copy of The Innkeeper's Daughter from the publishers through Celebrate Lit. I was not required to write an honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Slip Strike
Slip Strike
2020 | Card Game
Super spies. We have all dreamed of being one – don’t lie! What about teleporting super spies? What about time-traveling teleporting super spies?! As a huge Doctor Who fan, that is right up my alley. Well, minus the eventual assassination that comes with winning the game. Dat theme tho…

Slip Strike is a card game of bluffing, running, and managing your resources. The goal of the game is to get one hit on your opponent: the final strike. This could come from a bullet, a knife wound, or several other injuries that lead to your opponent’s demise. You each have ways of “slipping” out of trouble, but they are limited and certainly give your opponent the upper hand.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and the final components will probably be different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but to give our readers an idea of how the game plays. If you would like to read the rulebook, you may purchase the game through the publisher, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, each player chooses a color (in this edition either blue or black) and receives the cards and spy-eeple (speeple?) of that color. Randomly place the location cards in a circle, or pentagon shape, to mark the map. Each player will select a location card at which they would like to begin the game, and reveal these simultaneously. Players will place their speeples on those locations and the game is setup and ready to play! For a more hardcore game, you may include one or two special Asset cards. We did that.

Slip Strike has no “turns” in the traditional sense. Instead, players will be choosing two cards to be played in succession. These cards are all from their hands and can include movement, teleportation, and weapon cards. Once the players have set their two cards in front of themselves, the cards in the first slot will be revealed simultaneously and resolved. Movement happens first, then any teleportations, then weapon effects.

If a player chose to play a movement card (left or right), simply move the speeple one space in that direction. Teleportation cards have the speeples moving directly to the location specified on the card. Weapon cards will have text on them referring to which spaces will be affected by the weapon – same space, one space away, or two spaces away usually. Should an enemy speeple reside in a space and is to be hit, the attacking player either wins with a successful strike or the defending player will need to “slip” to another location by playing (and therefore also discarding) a location card. This location card is now out of play and essentially is used as a countdown to their end, as players only have one card per location to use for a future slip.

Each card will also feature a cooldown number on it. This number reflects how many game rounds this card will need to sit on the table before it can be shuffled back into the player’s hand. I believe this to be the greatest aspect of this game: utilizing the cool downs effectively in order to exact the most damaging tactics for victory. Some more powerful cards will also show an asterisk in place of a cool down number. This means that the card must remain out of play for three or more rounds before entering the player’s hand (see photo below for the Flamethrower Asset).

The player that can guess their opponent’s next moves, play their corresponding cards, and whittle down the location slips the fastest will become the ultimate spy and someone I definitely do NOT want to play against.

Components. As previously mentioned, we were provided a prototype copy of Slip Strike, and the components may change during the Kickstarter campaign. That said, this game is a bunch of cards and two speeples. The cards look incredible and the art is spot-in with the theme. I quite enjoy the art style and it stays out of the way while playing, but is also interesting enough that you can spend lots of time inspecting it when playing against AP-prone opponents. The speeples are cool, and I am excited to see where they end up as a result of a successful Kickstarter campaign. All thumbs up from us on components!

The game play is super solid. We had no questions on how to play the game after reading the rules (which are super short – thank you!), and we were off to murder each other in seconds flat. What I really appreciate about this game is that anyone can be successful with it and really get into the theme. Do you want to play as Agent Smith from The Matrix? Go for it! Want to play as Hiro Nakamura from Heroes (when he could control his powers, that is)? Do it! Slip Strike is quick, super engaging, and gives me the feeling of high-stakes, adrenaline rushing, globetrotting secret agents that I have been looking for. If you are interested in picking this one up, consider backing it on Kickstarter, purchasing from the publisher directly, from your FLGS, or your favorite online retailer once this one hits market. You won’t regret it.
Tower Of Dawn
Tower Of Dawn
Sarah J. Maas | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.1 (23 Ratings)
Book Rating
Badass Women (2 more)
Big Birds
Vlag Ladies (2 more)
Giant Spiders
Uncovered Secrets
With the sixth book in the Throne of Glass series we come find there is more to the Vlag than what was originally thought to be. Chaol and Nesryn both discover pieces of the puzzle as well as parts of themselves through the healer, Yrene Towers, and Prince Sartaq in an attempt to raise an army to move North and to have his back healed.

Once more Mass had me caught up in the pages of her book and it was kind of bizarre to be captured by a ToG novel, yet the focus is on the Hand of the King and the newly appointed Captain of the Guard rather than Aelin, which I was glad for. I don't believe if EoS and ToD were combined as planned it could not have conveyed important plot points, character growth, and development of new characters and plots as well as being two separate books. In ToD we're able to see Chaol progress not only with his injury, but within himself as he deals with the horrors from QoS. We're able to read through how Yrene is unwillingly to work with Chaol to how she realizes it is within herself. Nesryn is able to find herself, her actual self she was not able to express in Adarlan., Even the royal family here makes progress, tiny steps to better themselves. Combined that with what is found about the Vlag as well as a certain few people and Tower of Dawn is another successful ToG book.

So if you're a fan of the others then go find a copy. If you've been wanting to read the series then it is a good time to start as the end is getting closer.
Spy School British Invasion
Spy School British Invasion
Stuart Gibbs | 2019 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Can Ben Track SPYDER Without Causing an International Incident?
Ben Ripley and his team of fellow spies think they have been handed the key to finally taking down the evil organization SPYDER. As it so happens, the key is a literal key. Ben’s friends piece together that it most likely belongs to a storage space under the British Museum. Since no one knows who in the CIA is really a SPYDER double agent, only Ben and his friends from Spy School can be trusted to go and retrieve whatever the item might be. And so Ben, Mike, Zoe, Erica, and Erica’s parents make their way to London. What will they find when they land?

This book picks up moments after the previous book in the series ended, so it does discuss some of what happened in that book. As a result, if you want to go into that book completely surprised, you’ll want to read the books in order. But that’s no problem since the entire series is so fun. Once again, we get a wild ride filled with twists, turns, and extremely narrow escapes. Yet in the quieter moments, we get to see some depth and growth in the characters, which I loved. The action can be a bit over the top, but that plays into the comedy of the book and series perfectly. I might not have laughed quite as much as I did while reading the previous book, but I was chuckling before I finished the first page, and I did grin and laugh the entire way through. Middle Graders will love this book, and anyone looking for a fun read will be glad they picked it up as well.