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The Small Chandelier
The Small Chandelier
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have a question do you ever think that maybe you can go into the spiritual world? Well, I cannot answer it for sure but you can experience it a bit in the book called “The Small Chandelier.”

We some our see what our world could become and that there a mission for Peace on Earth. It starts once Jenny gets bitten by a snake? We go adventure with Joseph and then things start to get more exciting as he starts to investigate and find out if his wife was bitten by a snake.

Mary tells the tale and the story quite well. I enjoyed it from beginning to end. It funny a little bit but it shows what could happen to our world if it not already happening now. We may be experiencing some of what been going on in this book. With some of the events that we had this year and last year with ellipses and the leaders around the world. Peace on Earth could be in the works here on earth.

Please do know that this is a work of fiction so please know that I have not really an idea that it really happening in our real world. It could be just coincidence that what is mentioned in this book that the author is using it for some of her plots.

Other than that the author plot is done well and grabs your attention. I have read a few other books by her and they are just as good. I would suggest picking up one of her books and reading it.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated the PC version of Two Point Hospital in Video Games

Jun 10, 2019  
Two Point Hospital
Two Point Hospital
2018 | Simulation
Graphics (2 more)
Nostalgia (for Theme Hospital veterans)
Little on the easy side once nail the strategy (0 more)
Fun simulation game
Many moons ago (1997) I used to love playing the PC simulation game called Theme Hospital made by Bullfrog, this game from Sega is very much a spiritual successor.

You design and operate hospitals with the aim to cure patients of a number of comical illnesses. Some of my favourites include Emperor Complex where patients wander around naked; Emperor’s New Clothes style, and need a psychiatrist to put them right and Pandemic the description of which is:

“What were you thinking? Look, we know things can get a little heated in the kitchen… but, frankly, if you’re putting a pan on your head you’re just doing cooking wrong. However, we accept that sometimes these things just happen. We won’t judge.”

To cure pandemic you need to build, one of many illness specific treatment rooms, the Extract-a-Pan. It’s the fun illnesses and graphics for them and their cures that keep this lighthearted.

You take control of various hospitals each with their own specific issues and as we are following the US healthcare model here the aim is frequently to make loads of money!! You control what rooms to build, staff to hire and research to complete providing lots of micromanagement opportunities.

Unlike Theme hospital in the age of DLC more hospitals and illnesses are becoming available as well as more ways to customise your hospitals. I still feel nostalgic for the original and maybe just because I’m older I found this a lot easier but still very enjoyable experience.
Set during one of the most horrific times in human history, be prepared for an emotional and heart wrenching journey to Auschwitz.

Kristy Cambron has long been a favorite of mine. However, I have only now had the opportunity to read her debut novel. And I was blown away! The depth of emotion, the spiritual journey that all of the characters undergo, the style of writing is all so beautiful. Kristy's voice is unique and stands out among the masses of WWII novels. She brings to life the love, hope, despair, and passion of history on every page.

It is always hard for me to read stories set in WWII. Especially inside the concentration camps. But while the characters in thus book may not have "actuall" lived, they are birthed from true events. I believe these stories are important for us to read. So that we never forget those who lost their lives and so we can see the HOPE and the LOVE that carried the world through one of its darkest times.

The split timeline is an aspect of this book that gives it a unique and completed feel. We get to see the story come full circle and that is incredible. This is very well done and very easy to follow.

If you read WWII fiction, you will fall in love with this book. I highly recommend and am off to start A Sparrow in Terezin now.

I have purchased this book, won a print copy, and for this specific review, I borrowed the audio book from my library. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Marylegs (44 KP) rated Life of Pi in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Life of Pi
Life of Pi
Yann Martel | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
7.2 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
So Life of Pi, a story of Indian boy castaway in a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger for 277 days. This is a story of human endurance and spiritual belief. The story is beautifully written and being a non-religious person I enjoyed that fact that this young boy embraces all religions he comes across and values them all equally and sees the best in each. I was slightly worried the religious aspects would be off putting for me but I believe they added depth and beauty to this story.

Unfortunately I came to read this book after having seen the film so I found it hard not to picture what I had already seen. Also, it meant I already knew how the story ended. I wish I had read the book before seeing the film as I think the story would have been better leaving the ending unknown. It was hard to get caught up with the revelations when they are revealed before you begin. I kept applying what I knew of the story’s ending to the book as I read.

I enjoyed that the story was written as if Pi himself were telling it to me, other than a couple of brief chapters were the journalist is making observations about Pi and his home. It isn’t hard to feel for Pi and knowing he survives to tell his story allows you to fully immerse in his pain and suffering. I would recommend this book, if you haven’t seen the film yet please read the book first so as not to ruin the story and how it unfolds.
The Goddess and the Thief
The Goddess and the Thief
Essie Fox | 2013
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Goddess and the Thief is a work of fiction based in Victorian England and briefly at the beginning in Lahore, India. It tells the story of Alice Willoughby, who after living all her life in India with Her father Charles, is moved to England to live in the care of her Aunt Mercy whilst her father returns to Lahore were is works for the English residency as a surgeon. Her Aunt Mercy works as a spiritual medium and after events including the death of Alice’s father and the introduction of the enigmatic Lucian Tillsbury, Alice’s aunt endeavours for her to join the clairvoyant profession. All events lead to dramatic and catastrophic events for Alice.

Considering all the elements such as; gothic Victorian era, Hindu mythology, intrigue, drama and the paranormal I feel I should have liked this book more than I did. There is nothing particular wrong with the book, it works well and is written fine with no obvious errors that I have observed in other books. I just wasn’t my style of book. I have read other reviews that have liken Essie Fox’s writing style as similar to Sarah Waters, who I have read previously and also not found to my taste. Perhaps if books written in the style of Sarah Waters is your cup of tea you may appreciate this tale more. Having said this the inclusion of the Hindu mythology was really interesting and differently added a lot to the story development. There are twists and turns along the way and this is by no means a ‘bad book’ as said just not to my taste.

Moses Boyd recommended Untold Stories by Buju Banton in Music (curated)

Untold Stories by Buju Banton
Untold Stories by Buju Banton
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I didn't really grow up listening to Buju, I kinda got into him a couple years ago, I would say. But soundsystem culture is interesting in that respect, same with soca, same with some of grime, a lot of dancehall, where you’ll go into a party and you’ll know the tune but you don't know who it is. I’ve always had that kind of relationship with Buju. When I really started going through his discography was the same time I got into Count Ossie and The Mystic Revelation and listened to a lot of Nyabinghi - spiritual music that’s not for entertainment. Then later finding that this record was when he was converting to Rastafarianism, but when I listen to this tune it always stuck out to me because how do you sound like the deepest gunman in Kingston, but yet also like the poet. It's perfect man. I'm getting married later in the year and was telling my fiancée ‘You know I’m gonna walk down the aisle to some Buju?’ And even she’s like I can’t really say you’re wrong. We get it as well, if you’ve grown up in London soundsystem culture is so important, there's something you just get. It feels like you’re listening to Kano or Dizzee cos they’re borrowing from it. That album just has a sound, it's really emotive, when you listen to it you feel everything, you know. Whether it's the way he's recorded the guitar or the choice of mic, it all adds to that sound world. It’s more than music - that was really influential to me, I would say."

The Wolf in the Whale
The Wolf in the Whale
Jordanna Max Brodsky | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, History & Politics, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I think I inhaled The Wolf in the Whale by Jordanna Max Brodsky, I read it in only two sittings!

Omat lives in 1000AD, a young Inuit Shaman, and neither male nor female (actually, she took on her fathers soul at birth and is raised as a boy - a hunter and a shaman). There is loads of detail about how life was lived by the Inuit at the beginning of the last century(and I loved this detail), and I learnt so much about their spiritual lives, their Gods and the expectations of men and women. When Omat menstruates for the first time, it heralds the end of her life as a man and a shaman. She is married off to another Inuit who is passing through and promises to help her tribe. The thing is, he has two other wives, and he’s just not a nice person. When a group of Vikings wipe out the group of Inuit that she has married in to, Omat survives and realises that they have captured her cousin. She vows to find and free him. On her journey, she rescues three wolfdogs and saves the life of a Viking who reluctantly joins her on her quest.

I was so immersed in this wonderful story. I loved the style it was written in, I loved Omat’s voice. The magic and beliefs were fascinating, and my heart was in my mouth during the hunting scenes (men catching and killing huge Caribou and whales using flint weapons!). And the ending was just right.

Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for my copy of this wonderful book to read and review honestly.
Effective Leaders and Leadership by Mildred Stallworth
Effective Leaders and Leadership by Mildred Stallworth
Mildred Stallworth | Business & Finance, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Reference
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Simple easy ready that allows you to reinforce the other information you have already been taught. (0 more)
A lot of the same information that a lot of others have already covered in the ground. (0 more)
“The best leaders are the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants to do, and the self-restraint to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”

Mildred Stallworth takes us on the journey of what a leader actually is. She breaks it down to being defined as the head or principle person and authority figure with the most significant position in the business, organization household, body or group of people. She points out all leaders needs to be prepared and ready for the task; how each should open to the thoughts of others and be able to put others before themselves. Mrs. Stallworth take on leadership is not a new concept, in fact, many have spoken on the same points. What makes her thoughts and process different are that she goes beyond the thoughts of others and speaks of spiritual leadership also. She takes the knowledge from other leaders and even the bible to give direction on what a leader actually is beyond quotes.
This is a good book that is you give yourself a couple of hours you can easily start and complete but if you are wise you will have a highlighter close by and keep it close because you can use it as a great reference later on and continue to come back to for a future refresher. I would advise spending the little bit of the cost for this book and read it for yourself. It will be a wonderful asset to anyone in a leadership position, whether a parent, supervisor or pastor.
Filled with colorful characters and excellent life lessons VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos is a great addition to our daily routine. Since I have 2 boys (aged 2 and 4), I got the devotional book for boys...Shocker, I know. All the characters on the pages are the guys from VeggieTales, Bob, Larry, Junior, Larry Boy, Pa Grape, Mr. Lunt etc. Each page is labeled as Day 1, 2, 3...Instead of the dates. The devotion for the day is only one page, which is perfect for my active boys who don't like to sit still for very long. The devo starts with a title such as "It's Good to Have Good Friends" and "Jesus Loves You!" a coinciding scripture is next, the version varies depending on the verse. There are about 16 different versions of the bible used in this devotional. There is a 2-3 paragraph devo, followed by a "Thought of the Day" and "Pray Today" prayer. There are also several verses for memorization in the back of the book. The language is easy to understand and the lessons are great. From learning about spiritual gifts, God's love being real, and God's honesty, giving God your worries, being willing to forgive. There is something new every day for your kids to learn. The boys love this book and I even see my 4 year old "reading" it on his own. My 2 year old is a little young for it, but I believe this book is great for establishing the habit of daily devotions for both of the boys.
I received a free copy of VeggieTales Every Day with God: 365 Daily Devos for Boys through FlyBy Promotions in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
Eye of the Eagle
Eye of the Eagle
Sharon BurchBinder | 2018 | Contemporary, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well when you first open this book, you think oh another romance like every other one that happens in the office. The author put us in for a what would be typical but it nothing like a typical romance book. I really do like that this not all romance. There is action involved and even some power in followed.

You seem to get not only spiritual powers and some Native American culture but you get a story or plot full of government talents and bring in someone new and really cute looking. Then there a budding romance before they leave the office.

This got all kinds of powers involved. The hero and Heroine become a team. What you do if someone could eagle shifter? He looks human and act all human? What does a little ugly man doing? We seem to have it all.

It starts out with a child missing and no other then Bert's family member. He does not want his boss to come. She intents on want to go with him. She determine to help. Things start to happen as soon as they get here at the hotel. She has secrets as well has Bret Blackfeather? What are Phoebes and her mother secrets? Seems not all now about his secret other then family possibly.

The characters are created and developed quite well. I love that we learn more each character though out the story. We do not get all them until the end of the book. We got not only the bad guys but also the good guys in full development.

Is Bert family in danger and why? Seem the US Senator daughter get caught up with someone from Bert past and with an enemy of the US. The Monster as Phoebe calls him see to be into human tracking and other crimes.