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Julia Holter recommended Turiya Sings by Alice Coltrane in Music (curated)

Turiya Sings by Alice Coltrane
Turiya Sings by Alice Coltrane
1982 | Vocal
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I'm still learning about Alice Coltrane; I can't really claim to know a lot about her. I've heard a lot of music from her - she did a lot of different things - but this is the first of hers that I really listened to. The first time I heard her, I was performing on this all-night radio show in LA and it took place in a church. After I'd performed, I lay down on this pew to sleep and the DJ played this record and I woke up and it just really hit me. It was the track 'Yamuna Tira Vihari' and I was like, ""Oh my god"". It was so immersive and a flood of light, and so ecstatic. I can hardly explain. I was delirious, almost. There were all these strings and an organ, I think, and then her voice chanting and it's so insane. I listen to it a lot. It's spiritual, I think - and I don't know anything about that aspect of it - but I listen to a lot of music in that way. I listen to a lot of early music and Renaissance music, a lot of choral stuff. You know that this is a spiritual record and you almost don't need to know about that aspect of it. It just gets you. But I think that's okay, I think you can do that."

Into the Fire
Into the Fire
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The great thing about reading the fifth novel in this thrilling series is that you know what to expect and Gregg Hurwitz does not disappoint! While this novel had a few wonderful debuts (Dog the Rhodesian Ridgeback) the best “new” element was seeing Orphan X vulnerable and human. Although it has been said and implied throughout the previous books that he can/does get hurt, his exceptional training and amazing (reflexes? talent?) proficiency make it highly unlikely. To see him struggle with physical challenges as well as his spiritual and emotional ones continues to round out this character we have come to know (somewhat) and love (unequivocally)!

William Friedkin recommended Ordet (1955) in Movies (curated)

Ordet (1955)
Ordet (1955)
1955 | Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Directed by the Danish master Carl Theodor Dreyer, Ordet is yet another film made in 1955 to which I’m deeply indebted. There is a stunning scene of literal resurrection that inspired my own visual approach to The Exorcist and gave me the courage to stage a supernatural event as if it were actually happening, without scary lighting or weird angles. Like many of Dreyer’s other films, including Vampyr and The Passion of Joan of Arc, Ordet is based on literary source material (in this case, a play). But all his films are deeply spiritual in their examinations of the mystery of faith, and purely cinematic."

Amazing Grace (2019)
Amazing Grace (2019)
2019 | Documentary, Music
Those who prefer standard documentaries which feature talking heads and charter a subject’s life, will probably be frustrated or put off by this documentary. To call it a documentary is perhaps the wrong term. Amazing Grace goes beyond the usual constraints of the documentary format and as a result we are left with a more intimate portrait of the singer. As they say an image tells a thousand words. To sum up, Amazing Grace is more than just amazing. It’s a soulful, spiritual, spellbounding, and stunning journey. Do try to seek it out on the big screen and with a large audience. You will not regret your decision.

Full Review:
Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band
Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band
1970 | Pop, Rock, Singer-Songwriter
8.6 (5 Ratings)
Album Rating
Rolling Stone's 23rd greatest album of all time
Tiresome self-indulgent rubbish from the former Beatle. Songs about his abandonment by his parents and psychological torture show a certain amount of self-discovery (I am assuming some form of yogic therapy allowed him to revisit times in his childhood). However completely lacking in self-awareness as he used to beat his first wife and he himself abandoned his first son in favour of increasing amounts of fame. It just seems that he has now earned enough money to be safe for life and has discovered certain drugs and spiritual awakenings and is now trying to rewrite his history. The music is also pretty boring.

Sebastian Lelio recommended Solaris (1972) in Movies (curated)

Solaris (1972)
Solaris (1972)
1972 | Sci-Fi

"This is one of my favorite science fiction films ever. It feels like everything in Solaris is transcendent and so deep. It’s hypnotic. It has so many sequences that are unique and unforgettable, like the part where the characters float in the library or when the wife comes back to life and then breaks apart as if she were made of glass. And there’s the idea of this spaceship floating on top of a strange ocean that seems to have some form of consciousness. All of those ideas are so strange and beautiful. It’s remarkable that Tarkovsky was able to make a film this spiritual in the Communist era. I don’t know how he did it."

Prison Songs (Historical Recordings From Parchman Farm 1947-48) by Alan Lomax
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"Alan Lomax was a folklorist and ethnomusicologist who was making archival recordings and field recordings in the 40s, and this album consists mainly of prison chain gang songs. The first time I heard it, it stopped me in my tracks - it was incredibly moving to hear because it's just the sound of male voices and pickaxes and nothing else... it sounds haunted but hopeful. Like listening to ghosts, the quality of the singing and the recording [is such] that you can never have again - a document of its time. It's spiritual: the pain is in their singing, which would have been their only mode of expression. It's singular and not something I'd put on everyday, being a heavy listen."

542 Days: Recollection
542 Days: Recollection
Stevie D. Parker | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Twists (2 more)
Amazing Paranormal Fantasy Book!
I can't express how amazing this story is. The author does a fantastic job bringing her characters to life and you truly feel that you are a part of the story. If you enjoy anything involving the paranormal, karmic debt, reincarnation, or just an amazing story with some shocking surprises then you must read this book. I really enjoyed learning more about the spiritual realm and the author does a fantastic job of incorporating the information and including it into the overall story to make it interesting. Be prepared to read the entire story in one sitting, with all the twists and turns you won't want to put this one down.
Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Vol. 3
Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues, Vol. 3
Atrayo | 2015 | Mind, Body & Spiritual
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Genre: Non-fiction, Spiritual, Non-romance

Page Count: 258 pages

My rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Your spiritual journey of self-improvement continues in volume three of the Jewels of Truth series by Ivan A. Pozo-Illas, a.k.a. Atrayo. In this new compendium of 365 statements of spiritual wisdom, Atrayo shares daily inspirational tools to explore all of the must-haves in your life, including love, faith, forgiveness, and certainly, God(dess).

From these poignant and concise statements, rather than lengthy diatribes, you can easily and quickly find the essential kernel of truth to help you on your journey today.

No matter your religious or spiritual traditions or background, this volume is written from an all-inclusive perspective. Jewels of Truth: The Journey of the Soul Continues is the sacred and uplifting result of clairvoyant automatic writing as the genesis motivation to reach the masses. The channeled spirit teachers are all angelic in divine nature. They are nameless as a united continuum of the Holy Spirit.

Spirituality has a core need in our lives. No matter where you are on your journey, these messages of hope are shared in love.

Let me start off by saying that I am really not qualified to be reviewing this book. Ivan A. Pozo-Illas was generous enough to donate to the Borgen Project in exchange for an honest review. While I am happy to do it, I am probably not doing this book justice.

As someone with absolutely no background in philosophy or religion, this was a difficult book to get through and review.

I do know that despite the author’s claims of it being all-inclusive for all religious backgrounds, the book was more tilted to the Christian faith, with most of the proverbs talking about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. There were plenty of mentions of God(dess) as well, which was the basically only indication these statements of wisdom were not strictly for Christian. While Mohammed, Buddha, and Krishna are mentioned maybe four times, and always in a list of other important religious figures from different religions (never for their specific teachings), Jesus is mentioned 22 times, usually in passages like this:

It has been written in the Biblical New Testament that “Jesus the Christ” once stated that to enter the “Kingdom of God” one must be as innocent as a child in spirit.

On top of that, these statements of wisdom, to me at least, were pretty long and wordy. It was difficult to get through. A lot of the time I did not understand what was being said, but that could just be chalked up to my own ignorance on the subject.

This is probably more useful to people more educated about spirituality than me, but it is definitely not for the everyday person, at least not most of it. There were some things that were interesting, like this quote celebrating diversity in religions.

No one religion can have a monopoly on God and/or on his favoritism. To say so is a lie and a sin to the diversity within Creation itself.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977)
1977 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi

"It’s a film like the other two, in a way, which has grown as I’ve grown; it’s changed with me. You think of films as being finished, completed things that never change, but actually they do change — because we change. And so a film like Close Encounters, when I first watched it — when I was much younger — it scared me to death, and now it’s a film that I find intensely moving. It’s an almost spiritual film. Spielberg is just, I think, a genius in being able to tell a very simple story and get to something so complex and profound. I think he does in E.T. as well, to a certain extent, but this one I find one of the most moving films I’ve ever seen."
