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Guillermo Del Toro recommended Vampyr (1932) in Movies (curated)

Vampyr (1932)
Vampyr (1932)
1932 | Horror
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"Sheer terror and sheer poetry, but both stem from distinctive medieval traditions. Häxan is the filmic equivalent of a hellish engraving by Bruegel or a painting by Bosch. It’s a strangely titillating record of sin and perversity that is as full of dread as it is of desire and atheistic conviction, and a condemnation of superstition that is morbidly in love with its subject. Vampyr is, strictly speaking, a memento mori, a stern reminder of death as the threshold of spiritual liberation. Like any memento mori, the film enthrones the right morbid imagery (skull, scythe, white limbo) in order to maximize the impact of the beautiful, almost intangible images that conclude it. If only Criterion had acquired my commentary track—sigh—from the UK edition."


Guillermo Del Toro recommended Häxan (1922) in Movies (curated)

Häxan (1922)
Häxan (1922)
1922 | Documentary, Fantasy, Horror

"Sheer terror and sheer poetry, but both stem from distinctive medieval traditions. Häxan is the filmic equivalent of a hellish engraving by Bruegel or a painting by Bosch. It’s a strangely titillating record of sin and perversity that is as full of dread as it is of desire and atheistic conviction, and a condemnation of superstition that is morbidly in love with its subject. Vampyr is, strictly speaking, a memento mori, a stern reminder of death as the threshold of spiritual liberation. Like any memento mori, the film enthrones the right morbid imagery (skull, scythe, white limbo) in order to maximize the impact of the beautiful, almost intangible images that conclude it. If only Criterion had acquired my commentary track—sigh—from the UK edition."

A Child's Christmas In Wales
A Child's Christmas In Wales
Dylan Thomas | 2006 | Biography, Children
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Not actually a “spiritual” work at all (if only someone could define terms like that for me), this is the first truly great film about institutional oppression (forget the Soviets’ chockablock puppeteering and jigsaw manipulations), a subject that always manages to give a film with this much passionate force pertinence in virtually any age and political climate. It took me years to realize—and this is all the props George Lucas will get from me at this late date—that Dreyer’s film is in fact an abstracted dystopian horror film, a point Lucas made by remaking it as THX 1138, right down to the shaved skulls, white-on-white compositions, inarticulate victim protagonist, looming totalitarian machinations, and semihopeless action finale."

A Time to Dance
A Time to Dance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is really such a delightful novel. The story is told in verse, but in a way that I think will still be very accessible to young adults. I love when author’s take risks like this and write for young adults as though they think and feel and are capable not only a grappling with difficult subjects but also with challenging vocabulary and text structure. What a refreshing follow up to The Grimm Collection.

Although the story is steeped in Hindu beliefs, the spiritual concepts and truths dealt with transfer very well to just about any faith–the idea of devoting what you do to God rather than to self. The main character’s growth through some rather serious life events–injury, loss, death–is so beautifully illustrated without being didactic.
Key to the Kingdom by George Washington Phillips
Key to the Kingdom by George Washington Phillips
2005 | Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"All of his albums are just collections of songs because this was in the pre-album era, but I guess there was one in Mississippi called Key To The Kingdom. He was a spiritual blues singer who played an instrument, a fretless zither. Even though it's the blues era, he can't bend the notes like a guitar player would. He's sometimes known as George Washington Phillips. His music is really serene and otherworldly and pure. It's all very religious but it has its own atmosphere that I've not really heard anywhere else. I think when I really got into Washington Philips was when Sonic Boom put a song of his onto a compilation album called Space Lines. My sister painted a picture of him for Christmas. My sister the painting goth."

The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
1988 | Drama

"I was raised Catholic and I still consider myself a fairly spiritual person even though I have a hard time identifying with most Christians in this country. But I still maintain a belief in God and in Jesus, and that gets tried on a daily basis. The older I get, the wiser I get, the tougher it is to believe in a divine power or whatnot. So that movie appeals to me on that level alone. To take it beyond, it’s just a fantastic Martin Scorsese picture. Great performances in it. The first portrayal of Christ where I was, “Wow, this might be what it was like.” He wasn’t a guy of all beatitude and perfection. He was a man, first and foremost, who just happened to be the son of God."

A recent study found that 57 percent of Catholics, 66 percent of Evangelical Protestants, and 10 percent of Jews have reported having a personal experience with a guardian angel. And 20 percent of those who identified themselves as having no religion also claimed having encountered an angel.

Seeing Angels is one of the most in depth examinations of angelic ministry by one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua Mills goes beyond the usual takes on angels regarding spiritual warfare and explores who they are, how to recognize them, and what they do.

Part I, Understanding Your Angels, is all about understanding who angels are, exploring why they are necessary and how different angels minister comfort, healing, love, prosperity. It reveals who they carry out specific geographic assignments for cities and nations, as well as the more unique and extraordinary assignments they receive.
Part II, Discerning Your Angels, explains how to become more aware of the unseen heavenly realm, as well as how to recognize divine intervention when it does reveal itself to human sight. Such manifestations include random strangers, visions, or signs and messengers that believers receive. Joshua also explains the way he has interacted with visions of radiant light, swirling colors, and what he describes as atmospheric shifts. All of this is intended to make believers become more aware of both invisible and revealed spiritual realities.
Part III, Working with Your Angels, deals specifically with how to minister alongside these heavenly messengers as they stand watch, provide protection, and administer strength and comfort. This includes recognizing their movements and how to effectively pray for angelic encounters to take place.
With a foreword by Patricia King, Seeing Angels is among the most comprehensive teachings on recognizing angelic beings and understanding how to partner with them in ministry.

My Thoughts: This is an engaging book that will be of certain value to those who are interested in angels. We must remember that there are angels all around us fighting a spiritual battle for us. In his book, Joshua Mills not only identifies and explains angels to us but also assists us to see angels for ourselves.

This is an engaging book, and very insightful. We must remember in Hebrews 13:2 "y some have entertained angels unawares." I am certain that we all have and will someday entertain angels in one form or another.

An exciting book for those who are interested in angels.
In this updated book, Mark Bubeck teaches us how to recognize who our adversary is, and how to defeat him with spiritual warfare prayer. this book is a helpful tool that helps the believer to state or vocalize the truth in prayer. Most of us know the armor of God, and Mr. Bubeck takes us through each one; giving us a guide for victory.

He shows the reader how to use one of our most powerful weapons; prayer to defeat our enemy. Mr. Bubeck shows us through praying doctrinal prayers we can overcome anything that our enemy will throw at us.
In this book, we see Mr. Bubeck's Biblical wisdom, some personal illustrations or stories that come together to show us and teach us about our spiritual warfare.
This book is very insightful and very much worth reading. We are a huge battle every day. It surrounds us, we live in a world enclosed in sin. With our fallen nature, we live encircled by adultery, fornication, uncleanliness, heresies, witchcraft, hatred, inconsistency, emulations, anger, discord, envying, murders, drunkenness, it’s in our faces every day. Through media, our schools, the internet, movies, television.
This world is Satan’s kingdom. The world would love to dictate our values and try to pressure us into its mold. With Mr. Bubeck's book in hand, we can learn how to defeat this enemy and win this battle.

 I highly recommend this book for all believers.

 I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review and the opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Nafi's Father (Baamum Nafi) (2020)
Nafi's Father (Baamum Nafi) (2020)
2020 | Drama, International
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The type of film I always find interesting. A pious man stands alone against his community. The community can get better, but the ethical cost is too high. People give up their principles if it means a better life many times. In Nafi's Father, the religious leader stands against his brother who is backed by a questionable sheikh. How the sheikh accumulated his wealth is insinuated and what it means to accept his assistance is harrowing. Nafi's father does not even have a name in the film. He is referred to as Tierno because no one has used his actual name since he became the village spiritual leader. Names are very important as brother Ousmane always adds a title to his name. Very similar to gangster films of America, the community is forced to protect itself against outside evil.
New York–Addis–London: The Story of Ethio Jazz 1965–1975 by Mulatu Astatke
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This song is from one of the Éthiopiques compilations and I really got really into them a few years ago. I was touring around Southern France and Spain and I remember listening to that music for the first time and seeing the beautiful landscape out the window. There’s just so much emotion and feeling in his playing and it really made me want to have saxophone on the record. “It's interesting sometimes with instrumental music, how it can almost make you feel more than a good lyric will make you feel. It provokes something that touches you on an almost spiritual level. I think that's the goal as a musician - whether it's instrumental or it has lyrics, you're always trying to touch someone in a really deep way; you want to try to get at the core of somebody."
