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Laetitia Sadier recommended Cap Waller by Bertrand Belin in Music (curated)

Cap Waller by Bertrand Belin
Cap Waller by Bertrand Belin
2016 | Pop, Rock
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I discovered his music through a friend in Paris, Armelle Pioline, who used to be in a very good French group called Holden. They were very singular, and quite similar to Stereolab, actually: very poetic. And anyway she had worked with quite a lot of French people and she introduced me to a scene of French musicians that were kind of successful in their field but that I had never really explored. Bertrand Belin had a sort of hit in his own world called 'Hypernuit' and that song really shattered me. It had such depth: it was kind of a ray of light into a deep darkness. It's a little bit spooky, but incredibly poetic and haunting. It's the kind of tune you can't really put your finger on. It's kind of diffused but it creates a beautiful picture with touches of darkness and light. I'm very attracted to this type of songwriting; there's a singularity in the writing that I love very much. For me the hit on this particular album is 'La Mot Juste'. Pretty much everyone who's been through my kitchen I've played this record to, and they've all flashed on it: what's this? They've taken the name and really showed interest. It resonates; there's a deep resonance with the beauty of it. I'm not particularly a big fan of Bertrand's voice, which a lot of people seem to go for, but certainly the songwriting and the lyrics are quite sharp. He's also an author: he writes books. And the production on the record is very beautiful. It's 'La Mot Juste': the just instruments, the just notes, the just amounts of whatever it took. I like that. There's no excess, no fat. It's what it is. I love it."

Murder in the Bayou Boneyard
Murder in the Bayou Boneyard
Ellen Byron | 2020 | Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Graveside Murder
In an effort to increase bookings at her family’s Louisiana bed and breakfast during October, Maggie Crozat has come up with the “Pelican’s Spooky Past” promotion. Five of the area B & B’s are teaming up and offering historical crafts, food, and other promotions to tie in to the season. Someone else has gotten into the act since guests keep siting a rougarou, a local legendary monster. One of the events during the month is a play being staged at a nearby dilapidated graveyard. The first couple of weekends, the play goes well, but then at one performance someone in a rougarou costume stumbles onto the stage and dies. As cross jurisdictional strife heats up, Maggie and her family find themselves caught in the middle as prime suspects. Can Maggie clear their names?

Reading this series always makes me want to visit Louisiana in person, and this book is no exception. I also appreciate how we learn something about local customs, legends, and food while we read. The plot is strong with plenty of twists and action to keep us engaged and guessing. I do have a couple of niggles with the climax, but they are minor overall. The characters are as wonderful as ever. I love seeing the regulars again and watching them and their relationships grow. Meanwhile, the suspects are just as strong as the series regulars. Those looking for some Cajun flavor in their life will enjoy the five recipes we get at the end of the book. Fans of the series will enjoy the latest book, and if you are new to the series, this will make you go back and read the books you’ve missed.
Casper (1995)
Casper (1995)
1995 | Drama, Family, Sci-Fi
Bill Pullman (1 more)
Christina Ricci
All The Wasted Cameos (0 more)
Friendly Ghost
Casper- is a hallloween classic. Its funny, spooky, entertaining and above all a great movie.

The plot: Casper (voiced by Malachi Pearson) is a kind young ghost who peacefully haunts a mansion in Maine. When specialist James Harvey (Bill Pullman) arrives to communicate with Casper and his fellow spirits, he brings along his teenage daughter, Kat (Christina Ricci). Casper quickly falls in love with Kat, but their budding relationship is complicated not only by his transparent state, but also by his troublemaking apparition uncles and their mischievous antics.

The film makes extensive use of computer-generated imagery to create the ghosts, and it is the first feature film to have a fully CGI character in the lead role. It goes for a much darker interpretation of the Friendly Ghost in comparison to the comics, cartoons, and films of the previous years, especially with its theme of death, most notably providing the character a tragic backstory that addresses his death.

In the mirror scene, Dr. Harvey was also supposed to transform into Spielberg. According to director Silberling, the cameo was filmed, but was cut for pacing reasons. Spielberg was relieved, feeling that he is not much of an actor himself and was quite nervous in front of the camera.

It was just strange to see all of those cameos, i felt like thier were just a wink to the audience of whom ever was watching. Like ohh their Dan Aykroyd and ohh their is Mel Gibson and ohh look Cilent Eastwood. The problem is this is films audience is for children, so children wouldnt even know who those people are.

Other than that its a great film.
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018)
Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween (2018)
2018 | Adventure, Comedy, Family
There's a fun bunch of actors in the cast of this one. I was a little disappointed that Jack Black wasn't doing the whole film, but his little piece in it is entertaining. There's also a fun little cameo by R.L. Stine in there too. It was a little off putting seeing Chris Parnell, it hurt my brain a bit. Walter was a great character but all I could hear were Jerry and Cyril Figgis.

I always feel like I'm getting old when I watch a kids film and think, "that's quite scary for little 'uns". But there are a few good moment that give you a little jump.It's exactly what you'd expect from the film, fun spooky stuff. Nothing more, nothing less.

My favourite part of the whole movie is the last red gummy bear... keep and eye out for it.

Sorry this is such a short review, but honestly there isn't much to say about it. That's not a bad thing. The acting was good for this sort of film, it's a fun story line, the effects are quite good (thankfully no baby Jack Black like his last film) and you come away feeling like you've been entertained.

What you should do

A good halloween movie to see as a family, it's worth seeing but you could probably wait until it's out for home viewing.

Movie thing you wish you could take home

I'd say a talking gummy bear, but they're a little homicidal, and if they weren't I'd probably be in danger of eating the squishy little thing anyway. If it were possibly to get something from the film that wasn't actively trying to kill me then I'd probably books that bring things to life.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Dracul in Books

Sep 27, 2019  
J.D. Barker, Dacre Stoker | 2018 | Horror
8.7 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
A perfectly creepy Halloween treat.
Well, the spiced pumpkin lattes are out so it must be time to hit the scary reading lists and I would recommend putting this one high on the list this spooky season if you are looking for a truly unsettling, dark supernatural tale that has a good dose of mystery and intriguing characters.

Inspired by notes by Bram Stoker this prequel to Stoker’s classic Dracula was always going to have high expectations to live up to and for me, I wasn’t disappointed. Telling the tale of the young Bram Stoker, we meet his childhood caretaker, Ellen Crone whose odd behavior sparks the interest of young Bram and his sister Matilda who of course decide to poke their noses into her business little knowing they are just at the start of what will be an ongoing nightmare for the family. With many chilling discoveries, the tension builds and an unsettling tale is revealed.

It’s a very well written book that doesn't get bogged down in trying to use too much language and style of the period it is set in, instead focusing on successfully creating the gothic atmosphere to creepy perfection. Despite different POVs and timelines, it’s never hard to follow the action. The characters are gripping, in particular, Bram’s sister Matilda comes across as a superb character with brains and determination that are not expected of a lady of the time

This is not a tale for those of a squeamish disposition but it makes a great Halloween fix and has made me want to go and re-read Dracula now.

My thanks to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the book in exchange for an honest review.
Prom Night (1980)
Prom Night (1980)
1980 | Horror
Halloween 1.5
Fairly forgettable slasher/horror film with a lot of similarities to the original Halloween which had been released only 2 years earlier also starring Jamie Lee Curtis. Maybe at the time, all the now predictable horror cliches had not been overdone as they have been these days, but it was still mostly a bore.

After several children murder another girl in an abandoned building, they decide to keep their crime as a secret. Years later the children are now in high school when a mysterious stranger now decides to look them up and make them pay for the dastardly deed. They don't notice subtle clues immediately as the stranger starting calling them with his "spooky voice". The night of the prom is different though, as he decides to take his revenge on them one at a time after there is plenty of disco dancing of course.

Were audiences easier to please back in 1980? Clearly this was a cash grab of a film coming right on the heels of a much better ground breaking entry into the horror genre. This killer is pretty boring in comparison to others even of the same time period. No Captain Kirk or hockey masks here. The guy just wears all black with a black ski mask.

The soundtrack of disco tunes and the prom dancing scene with Jamie Lee strutting her stuff with her date was the highlight for me. It was also funny, yet not funny to see Leslie Nielsen in a dramatic role. It's hard to believe his career would change forever the same year when Airplane! was released.

I would pass if I were you.


Dean (6925 KP) Sep 20, 2019

This is one bad film and the update is even worse!

Night Chill (Night Chill, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can also be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

The cover and synopsis of this book sounded creepy, and I love creepy! I'm always after a great horror novel, and this was definitely didn't disappoint. In fact, it reminded me a lot of Richard Laymon's novels except a lot better (and Richard Laymon is one of my favorite horror authors).

How creepy is that cover!?! (Hint: the answer is very)! I'm not sure who the little girl is on the cover. I thought it may be Melissa (not going into details due to spoilers), but I could be wrong. Still, the cover definitely grabbed my attention.

I don't really know how the title pertains to the story, but it's definitely a creepy title nonetheless.

The world building was done very well which is what makes this story that much spookier. Gunhus does a fantastic job making the readers believe that something like this could actually happen. Not once did I doubt anything in the story line. I felt that all my questions were answered throughout the book except one question about Max although it's not relevant to the story.

The pacing reels you in from the very first sentence. I devoured this book, and it held my attention very much so throughout the whole book. Never once does it slow down or go too fast that I don't know what's going on.

The plot was super spooky! The idea that a stranger with supernatural powers is trying to kidnap your child, and no one believes what you say even though it's the truth is definitely frightening. While it's probably been done before, Gunhus takes the idea and nurtures it, giving it wings to grow into something horrorific. There were some good plot twists although I did predict one early on. The ending of the book leaves it open to become a series although you can read this book as a standalone. However, if there is another book, I definitely will be reading it!

I thought the characters were very well written. Jack came across as a very devoted dad. At first, I did doubt his sanity, and I did wonder if he was hallucinating, but he quickly quashed those ideas. I loved how Jack was willing to do whatever it took to save Sarah and keep his family together. I found Nate Huckley to be an awesome bad guy although simply referring to him as "bad guy" seems so wrong because he is so much more. Huckley is intelligent, witty, and knows exactly what he wants. I found him to be scary mostly due to how he could be anywhere he wanted no matter what. He could also make people do whatever he wanted them too. He's definitely one of my favorite baddies in a book. My favorite character, however, was Joseph Lonetree. I loved how hardcore he came across although he proved to be a big softie. I understood his need to do what he did. Lonetree didn't take any crap from anyone.

I enjoyed the dialogue and found that it flowed smoothly and freely. I mostly enjoyed reading about Jack though. There is some swear words as well as violence and gore so be warned if that's not your thing.

Overall, Night Chill is a creepy story that leaves you wondering what if this really did and has been happening. The plot is fantastic, the world building spooky, and the characters amazing!

I'd recommend this book to those aged 18+ who are fans of classic horror and for fans of writers such as Richard Laymon.

(I received this title in ebook format for free from the tour host in exchange for a fair and honest review).
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
(This review can be found on my blog <a href="">The (Mis)Adventures of a Twenty-Something Year Old Girl</a>).

I read the blurb to this book, and I was instantly hooked! A spooky ghost story involving ghost hunters? Yes, please! Luckily, I wasn't disappointed by this book.

Kaylyn and her sister Cole both work for a company called Aicil as paranormal investigators. When Kaylyn gets the opportunity to investigate the creepy and old Teague Hotel, she jumps at the chance. However, bad things start happening to Kaylyn. She's being attacked by an unseen force, having blackouts as well as very strange dreams. Kaylyn can't understand whys he's being trageted specifically, but with her job, as well as her life on the line, she'd better figure it out...and quickly.

I love the cover of Fractured Legacy! It has a really creepy look to go with the rest of the book. I think the cover suits the book well, and with a cover like that, you know the contents will be creepy as well.

The world building was definitely believable. I felt like I was Kaylyn, and it was a book about me. That's how great of a job the author did. I was feeling scared right along Kaylyn and feeling frustrated when she did. I also loved the setting. A creepy hotel is one of my top places for spookiness.

The pacing did start out a bit slow, and I was wondering if I had made a mistake in agreeing to review this. Then, I felt as if the pacing just zoomed, and I was left wondering what had happened. Thankfully, after the first few chapters, the pacing settles down, and I couldn't read this story fast enough. It's definitely a page turner!

The plot was fantastic! Creepy stories with bad entities in them have been done a lot, but Skye Callahan turns that classic plot into her own. There are also a few plot twists which I didn't predict until a few chapters before they are revealed. As for the ending, it's not a big cliff hanger, but since this is going to be a series, it is left open for another book (which I can't wait to read). Oh, and there isn't much romance in this book. In fact, I can't think of any, but I'm not a big romance fan so I enjoyed that this story focused solely on what was going on with Kaylyn.

I loved Kaylyn. There were times I just wanted to hug her because I liked her that much. She endures a lot and often times feels like she is going insane. However, she's a very strong character and bounces back. I also like Jonah. At first, I found him to be a bit arrogant, but my heart melted towards him, and I found myself thinking what a kind and caring man he was. I was hoping he and Kaylyn would get together throughout the book because they seemed so great together. I did like Cole, but there's not a lot of her after the first few chapters. She does seem like a very caring sister though.

I enjoyed the dialogue and found that it flowed smoothly. It goes back and forth between Kaylyn's point of view and Jonah's. There are a few grammatical mistakes but nothing major. There are a few swear words, but nothing over the top.

Overall, Fractured Legacy is a creepy read that will leave you wanting more...and wanting to leave the lights on! It has a fantastic plot, a creepy setting, and well rounded characters.

I'd recommend this book to those age 17+ who truly want to read something spooky!

(I received a free ecopy of this book from the author in exchange for a fair and honest review).

Mothergamer (1521 KP) rated the PlayStation 3 version of Dragon's Dogma in Video Games

Apr 3, 2019  
Dragon&#039;s Dogma
Dragon's Dogma
I have been having a blast with Dragon's Dogma. The story is excellent and gives you a great sense of high adventure. Strategy matters here because if you don't plan accordingly you will die fighting that chimera or a mob of bandits even on the easy setting. The battle system and menu options are great and quite user friendly. The scenery is simply breathtaking with views of seaside cliffs and spooky forests.

What a view!

 The star of the show for me is the incredible Pawn system. When you go adventuring in Dragon's Dogma, you get to create your own pawn, how it looks, job class, etc. and you can recruit two support pawns for your party. Other players can hire your pawn and you can hire theirs from an in town hub called The Rift. Pawns can be rated based on their skills, helpfulness, intelligence, and appearance. You can also give gifts to the pawn for their owner as a thank you for their service. If you're online, you will see pawns roaming the world on the road or in towns and you can hire them. Your main pawn's interaction depends on you and it will evolve based on your battle moves and what you tell it in the training chair at every town's inn, making it the helpful ally that a high adventurer needs. The pawns are quite vocal and will even yell out helpful tips about defeating a boss or that pesky golem giving you trouble. Pawns can be fighters, warriors, striders, rangers, mages, and sorcerers. This gives you quite a variety of choices in picking out a party that is suited to your battle style and tastes.

Great support pawns are wonderful to have.

Overall the game is a big win in my book for having not only great gameplay, but also for having a truly interesting story and side quests rife with epic mythical monster battles. Dragon's Dogma is game that you will enjoy playing again and again.
The Night Sister
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
As children, Amy, Piper, and Margot were thick as thieves until an incident at the Tower Motel, where Amy and her family (including her mother and aunt) grew up, tore them apart. Now Piper and Margot, her sister, have moved on. Piper has moved away, while Margot lives in the same town with her husband, Jason. But when Margot calls Piper in the middle of the night, with some horrible news about Amy and her family, the two sisters are forced to revisit their childhood, and the incident at the Tower Motel that ended their friendship with Amy. What exactly happened to Amy and her family? And is it related to Amy's mother Rose and her sister Sylvie?

As seems to be the case a lot late, this novel weaves its story through a variety of perspectives, including Piper, Rose, and even Margot's husband, Jason. This means jumping back and forth in both perspective and time period. It does this frequently enough that, while suspense does build, it's a little hard to get into the characters or even story momentum at times.

McMahon has a track record of bringing in spooky elements into her books. I'm torn on whether this one almost would have been better with just the human element. Or, conversely, I would have liked to have seen her run with the supernatural aspect a little bit more. As the story was written, you had to suspend your disbelief a bit (so be prepared for that; if that's not your style, you won't enjoy this book). However, it was so lightly woven in that it almost seemed like everything could be pushed onto to other elements. Hard to explain, but I would have liked to have seen the book fall more in one direction or the other.

Still, it was an interesting story and definitely creepy. I certainly found myself a little skittish that night in bed, after finishing the novel.