Playing with the Boys: The Girl Footballer Who Took on the Boys at Their Own Game...
Since she was 12 years old, Niamh McKevitt has been the only girl in the whole of England playing...

Shades of Blue: The Life of a Manchester City Legend and the Story That Shook Football
The life of a Manchester City legend and the story that shook football. David White was born in...

The Forgotten Legacy of Stella Walsh: The Greatest Female Athlete of Her Time
Stella Walsh, who was born in Poland but raised in the United States, competed for Poland at the...

Mystery Spinner: The Life and Death of an Extraordinary Cricketer
It is no mystery that today Jack Iverson is virtually unknown. An unexceptional estate agent who...

Critical Event Studies: A Guide for Critical Thinkers
Karl Spracklen and Ian R. Lamond
Within events management, events are commonly categorised within two axes, size and content. Along...

Pitch Black: The Story of Black British Footballers
When Paul Canoville took to the pitch for Chelsea in 1982, he was prepared for abuse. When the...

Analytical Chemistry for Assessing Medication Adherence
Sangeeta Tanna and Graham Lawson
The lack of adherence to medication is a growing public health problem worldwide and is costing many...

Etape: The Untold Stories of the Tour de France's Defining Stages
In ETAPE, critically acclaimed author Richard Moore will take readers on a virtual Tour de France,...

Kendo: A Comprehensive Guide to Japanese Swordsmanship
Master the art of Kendo--Japanese Swordsmanship with this illustrated and comprehensive martial arts...

Kill Phil: The Fast Track to Success in No-Limit Hold Em Poker Tournaments
Phil Hellmuth, Blair Rodman, Lee Nelson and Steven L. Heston
Thanks to television, the Internet, and the incredible popularity of the World Series of Poker in...