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Everybody's All-American (1988)
Everybody's All-American (1988)
1988 | Drama
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Everybody's All American follows a 25 year span in life of a college star football player who goes on to the NFL. The movie starts off in the senior year at LSU for Gavin "Ghost" Grey and follows him through many life events culminating in a 25 year celebration of that teams championship run.

The message as indicated by synopsis and trailer is that the love of the two main characters conquers all and guides their decision making throughout their lives. That isn't the case at all. At times there is some decision making that is decidedly outside of their relationship altogether, when it comes to business and other things.

The cast was good. Dennis Quaid is always a charmer. Jessica Lange did a good job, as well. John Goodman was exceptional is his role, though his role wasn't a needed addition to the film in my opinion. What was achieved by his characters presence could have been done much more effectively. Timothy Sutton did not disappoint, though I personally forbid him from ever wearing a mustache again.

Anywho. Weird little film. Not as sports related as it would lead you to believe.
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