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    Crorepati India Quiz

    Crorepati India Quiz

    Education and Games

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    Crorepati India quiz is Multiple choice question quiz Game which is inspired from famous Indian...

Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a collection of classic and contemporary poetry aimed at addressing middle schoolers in their transition from child to young adult. There is a wide range in the collection: classic poetry like Edgar Allan Poe, Langston Hughes, and Emily Dickinson and newer and present poets, some of whom read their work on the accompanying CD.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am has many poems that will apply to every feeling and thought, put words to what we can’t find words for, and prove that yes, there are other people out there who feel like you do now, you’re not the only one. You’re not alone. These poets talk about everything from the awkwardness of changing and showering in the fifth grade locker room to embarrassing bra shopping with mom, to a first kiss. There’s poems about segregation and ethnicity, homework and math class, sports, clothes, and even the emotions brought forth from reading poetry itself.

Not only does it have the poetry, there are pages in the back of artistic inspiring blank pieces of paper for the reader’s own poetry. The CD contains many of the poems read by the poets the way they were intended to be read.

Poetry Speaks Who I Am is a fantastic collection that every young lit-lover should have on their shelves.

Recommendation: Boys and Girls ages 8+

Dianne Robbins (1738 KP) created a post

Apr 13, 2019  
Can anyone recommend some good two-player tabletop games, be it board, and, or dice games? I'm going to have surgery and will have a lot of downtime and don't want to spend it as a couch potato.

I like to play city building games online, like Banished, Civilization, and Sierra Impression Games (Pharaoh, Caesar, and Emporer) and have looked at a few board game versions but they look complicated and come with so many pieces. Are they manageable or will a cat coming into the room destroy the game with a swipe of its tail? My roommate doesn't play games yet so it would have to be a game that isn't overly complex or complicated to a newbie or a highly-medicated me.

We also like Scrabble, word puzzles, and trivia games but are looking for similar games. We've played Uno (which is now forever known as F-U/No, F-U, haha) and Yahtzee. So traditional board, card, and dice would be nice. We like mystery, paranormal, and educational games, not big on fantasy, sci-fi, sports, or anything chaotic.

I'm also hoping to find games my boyfriend and I can play kind of mindlessly to do in the background while we chat about life and tell stories. I'm really needing some good intimate (not sexual) discussion.

All advice appreciated.
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Awix (3310 KP) Apr 14, 2019

Seven Wonders Duel is a pretty good, medium-complex card game. Splendor and Carcassonne also both work well with two and they're a little simpler and possibly more cat-proof too.


The Marinated Meeple (1853 KP) Apr 15, 2019

Jaipur is one of my favorites and has an App you can get as well.


Awix (3310 KP) rated Creed II (2018) in Movies

Dec 8, 2018 (Updated Dec 8, 2018)  
Creed II (2018)
Creed II (2018)
2018 | Action, Drama, Sport
Eighth movie in the Rocky series is well-nigh miraculous, not for being a well-made sports drama (though it is that) but for revisiting some of the characters and events of Rocky IV (the silliest of these films) and still producing a credible, involving story. Donnie Creed wins the world title, but is challenged by Viktor Drago, the son of the man who killed his father umpty-tump years ago. What follows is a classical story of hubris, comeuppance, and redemption, with powerful themes of parental responsibility, legacy, and what it means to have the heart of a fighter. Plus lengthy sequences of beefy men bashing the living daylights out of each other, and the odd training montage too.

Really quite good in every department: the fights are as predictable as ever, but the storytelling really makes you feel them, and you care about the characters so much it doesn't really matter anyway. Carl Weathers must still be off somewhere muttering bitterly to himself about the fact that (one presumes) he's not making any money off these things, but Stallone does his latter-day character actor thing, Jordan carries the film well, and Tessa Thompson makes the most of a slightly underwritten part. Almost certainly the best movie in the filmography of Dolph Lundgren (this is not saying much) or Brigitte Nielson (this is probably saying even less).
    Super Crossbar Challenge

    Super Crossbar Challenge

    Games, Sports and Stickers

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    Super Crossbar Challenge is a new arcade sports game that is originated from the popular challenge...