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8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is definitely my favourite book so far but I will reserve judgment until Royce's book comes out The story follows on from the previous book and I would recommend reading these in order, although you could read them as stand-alones at a push as there is a brief review at the beginning.

This story is all about Sam and Lance. Lance is the golden play boy who never wanted to be tied down to one. He's the comedian who lets only a few people past his guard. Sam is the doctor who is working to hard to establish her career and to get her own space. The last thing she wants is to share that space with someone else... right?!

We catch up with the characters we already know and love but are introduced to a special little girl that I can't wait to find out more about. And the story with Andrew and The Auctioneer becomes deeper and more intriguing too.

The story is woven with skill and the repetitions about the Universe have mainly stopped in this book. They are still there but not as bad. This series is definitely getting better with each book and I am really enjoying them! Definitely recommended for all PR fans.
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
2017 | Horror
It was a fun time (2 more)
Original cast members reunite
Surprisingly good Going
Good Guy, bad guy, you still don't Fuck with the Chuck!!
Going into the seventh installment of a film franchise I usually don't get impressed as much as I did with this movie.
To say a killer doll has had me chomping at the bit for the next installment of a movie is an understatement. I seen Child's Play the day it came out in 88. I was 12 at the time and begged my parents to take me to see it.
I became enthralled with Chucky. I wanted the doll and I wanted him to be real.
30 years later. Chucky is still going strong. Still killing with some creativity and fever. And still cracking one liners like Hannibal Burress.
When and if Brad DOURIF passes away, I hope they saved his amazing voice on some kind of hard drive, because no one will ever be able to voice Chucky like he can.
I can definitely recommend this movie to fans of the franchise. Much like the movie before is, Curse of Chucky, Cult brings him back to what he was in the 80's. A deeply disturbing psychopath who kills without regret. And while I loved the Bride and Seed of Chucky films. I am happy to see and hear him not trying to be a stand up comedian anymore. What New Nightmare did to bring the fear back to the Freddy character, the past two movies have done for Chucky.