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Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Lando and VFX (0 more)
Ron Howard's safe direction. You can't help but wonder what Phil Lord & Chris Miller's movie might have been...? (0 more)
The Star Wars Story that nobody asked for, but was is a story worth telling?
In short, NO.

Where to start? Indeed, where to start with a background prequel focusing on one of the most iconic Star Wars characters ever, taking the ageing Harrison Ford’s characters to, well not so far beyond the age that we first met him back in 1977.

Recast with actor who brings very little Ford with him, apart from a few well practice smiles and other expressions here and there, this is a reinterpretation of the character, in this case as a naive and wimpy version, maybe even soft, is not the part for Alden Ehrenreich.

The Character arch of Han Solo in the original trilogy was his redemption from a selfish, self-assured space pirate to a man who could recognise and fight for a cause bigger than himself. But according this haphazard prequel, he was already a big softy before her learns the harsh realities of life, only he doesn’t, not really.

He just learns to be a little more cynical and to smirk his way through every situation with his lucky die and everything turns out okay for him. Ehrenrieich done not bring an ounce of the gravitas or charisma of Harrison Ford, as this film, which had to be almost entirely re-shot with Ron Howard taking the helm after The Lego Movie directing due Chris Miller and Phil Lord where unceremoniously fired after “not getting it”, apparently, shoe horns as much of the token events of Solo’s pre-rebellion life into its two and bit hour run time.

Ron Howard; A few hits and plenty of misses. Willow (1988) springs to mind. Not only was Willow Lucas’ attempt to begin and new fantasy trilogy after the Star Wars Saga was completed, it was micro directed by George Lucas as Ron Howard took the credit. And this has a lot of the hallmarks of Willow.

In short; A poor mans Star Wars. Hammy scripting and at times acting, the story is all over the place, with shallow characterisations, poor exposition, haphazard pacing and the action is actually quite hard to follow. Just please, give us ONE decent shot of the Millennium Falcon that we can keep up with and actually see, especially as it has been altered so much from the icon version that we all love. Maybe we’re getting bored of the same ship after 40 years? Maybe we all need to go out and by a new version?

Toyetic… anyone?

Instead everything of interest is speeding across the screen and the boring stuff is left to linger. And there was a level of boredom here. Incredibly predictable plotting, simply going through the motions of a no stakes story. But it does feel as if they shoehorned a larger narrative in there, with introduction in the final act of the rebellion and an old villain returns with a new legs, but by the time what should have been an earth shattering twist appeared, it wasn’t really interested, especially if you know the The Clone Wars or Rebels.

One major plus note though, Donald Glover aced Lando Calrissian, to such an extant that I wish this movie was actually called Lando: A Star War Story rather than Solo, because there’s no doubt that Glover brought so much more Billy Dee Williams and built on it, than Ehrenreich did for Ford’s.

As well as the subtle and well conceived plotting around Lando’s female droid, L3-37 (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) who may well be the ‘Old girl’ referred to by both Han and Lando during in the original trilogy when they speak to the Falcon, whilst shining a light on the deliberately ambiguous nature of droids in the Star Wars universe. In short; are they sentient or not? But this is not Star Trek so we do not really need an answer to that… do we?

Overall, I want to say that this was missed opportunity but in truth, it was not. It was waste of time. A story that did not need to be told with script that did not know what say. Clearly, they were aiming for a Guardians Of The Galaxy (2015), unaware that the secret of that surprise success was that it tapped in to the retro Star Wars vibe by NOT being Star Wars. And with little expectations.

Here they were playing with one of the biggest guns in modern film history and in my opinion, it blew up in there faces.
Questing Beast
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Questing Beast had an interesting enough premise, but it certainly would have benefited from being longer. There were several ideas and plots introduced in the thirty-some pages of this short story, but that wasn't exactly enough room for all of the ideas (or characters) to fully develop. Or, at least, develop beyond absolute basic information.

The overall plot of the story is that these scientists have to file their findings on a planet for...a scientific survey? Something along those lines. A virus somehow gets into their system, though, and completely destroys the data they've been gathering for the past two years.

The only possible back up is called Nannybot, and is also partially infected. The virus has Nannybot believe that it is Sir Pellinor, and it has to find the Questing Beast. If the scientists can make Nannybot think that it has caught the Questing Beast, then the virus can be overwritten, and the two years of data can be retrieved, saving the careers of everyone involved.

The Authurian elements of the story don't go much beyond the Questing Beast itself. The rest is the drama of the report being due, and the age-old implications of introducing foreign wildlife into ecosystems. Very Star Trek.
Doctor Who: Spare Parts
Doctor Who: Spare Parts
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like most other Brits, I've watched at least one episode of Doctor Who.

I still watch the (current Doctor) Jodie Whittaker episodes.

Next to the Daleks and The Master, I think the Cybermen are (perhaps) the Doctors most-famous enemies.

However, I've never really found them all that scary: I think because the fact that they are fully encased in their armour (unlike the Star Trek counterparts of the Borg) makes them seem less relevant, less of a body-horror than said Borg.

With all that said, I'd heard recently that this was one of the best Doctor Who Cybermen stories, and so thought I would give it a listen: Set on the world of Mondas, this story deals with the ascension of the Cybermen (well, one ascension anyway: they've had more ascensions than I've had hot dinners!), set during Peter Davison's tenure as The Doctor.

It's not a bad listen, with Davison reprising his role and with the story carefully laying out it's stall (and trying to show the horrors of becoming a Cyberman) through having an audience surrogate of a family on Mondas that The Doctor and his travelling companion Nyssa encounter, and try to help.

But is time a constant? Are some things destined to be? …

Listen and find out!

Awix (3310 KP) rated Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992) in Movies

May 27, 2020 (Updated Aug 2, 2020)  
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
1992 | Horror
Second Hellraiser sequel and the first no-two-ways-about-it lousy one. Chief bondage demon Pinhead has been stripped of the limitations constraining his unpleasant recreational activities, which he likes, but also turned into a piece of interior decoration, which he doesn't. He endeavours to get himself released while a plucky young journalist tries to figure out why people keep turning up skinned or lacerated by flying chains.

A Hellraiser movie made with an American sensibility and for a mainstream American audience - one almost gets the sense the writers think they're making a Nightmare on Elm Street movie. The first half, with Pinhead stuck in a pillar, is not too bad, but they have to let him out eventually at which point the film's IQ and sense of restraint both vanish. Too much lazy gore and silly action (rubbish Cenobites wandering around New York City fighting the police). Doug Bradley just about saves the movie from being completely worthless, as he manages to chew the scenery even while being part of it; Terry Farrell was better in Star Trek. The occasional interesting idea or image but the film's main achievement is making the first two look better than they actually are.
The time is now. Humanity has deciphered an alien message that basically says, "we're dead, bad things are coming for you, take our technology and get the hell out." Of course, the message arrived in 1945, so we're a little behind. Faster Than Light marries the hard science fiction of The Martian, 2010, and Gravity with the idealism of the original Star Trek. I love it. It's a very grounded series, with realistic characters doing realistic things.

The story comes in small 2 or 3 issues arcs, so the adventure of the week is easily digestible, but somehow it still feels choppy. Like in one instance an entire mission wasn't there, and we just got the end of it, but it didn't link up with anything else. Theres a nifty gimmick, where a free downloadable app can be used in conjunction with the comic. Scan pages and get access to the alien encyclopedia, Captains logs, a translation matrix for the alien dialogue, etc. (This may be the cause of the stories choppiness, as there may simply be pieces I'm missing out on.)

Unfortunately, some of the art isn't as up to par as the story telling, which can make it difficult to tell crew members apart, which causes the story to suffer. But overall this is definitely a title to keep an eye on, looking forward to Volume 2...