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Fluster Cluck
Fluster Cluck
One of the more interesting aspects of the Playstation 4 and Xbox One is that they have allowed many independent publishers to enjoy access to a mass audience in much the same way as Steam did for PC games.

When things like Playstion Plus are factored in in which subscribers are given free access to a series of games each month, and when you look at the price of such games being far lower than a studio release, there has been a rush of developers eager to get out there to the public.

One of the more interesting and humor laden games in this genre has arrived in the form of Fluster Cluck. The game offers a frantic and comedy based adventure where players can play against the system or in a 2vs 2 mode to gather resources for the Chikkinizer.

In a battle of corporate politics, players fly around maps in flying saucers to use their capture beams on cows, camels, and other objects, to transport them to the Chikkinizer for processing. The player with the biggest haul wins the round and then moves onto the next level where it all starts again.

Of course the other players will not go down without a fight and they fire their lasers at you as well as all manner of tricks at their disposal to take you out, distract you, your objectives, and so on.

It can take a few moments to get used to the controls as the left stick moves you and the right stick directs and fires your weapons but in no time flat you will be spinning around. I did have a bit of frustration with the requirement to win the round in order to move on as repeating rounds is never ideal when your getting a sense for the game. We also had some issues with the game not pairing with the Dualshock 4 one evening but that has not happened since and we have been able to play without issues.

The casual graphics and gameplay style are fun but do reflect the independent nature of the game but the developer Loot, knows the audience and infuses the game with as much fun as it can.
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
John Wick: Chapter 3 - Parabellum (2019)
2019 | Action, Crime, Thriller
“John Wick Chapter 3: Parabellum” literally hits the ground running as the film opens with the title star (Keanu Reeves) and his faithful dog running desperately through the rain soaked streets of New York. Wick is set to have every major player after him and 14 million dollar bounty in less than an hour and he is desperate to find a way out of his situation.

Picking up moments from the end of the last film, Wick is persona non grata due to his decision to conduct business on the grounds of the Continental which while providing services and sanctuary to those in his profession; is strictly forbidden.

As he gets closer to the appointed hour; the streets fill with assassins looking to take down the legend and this drives Wick to desperately call in a Marker with a figure from his past (Anjelica Houston) in order to get passage from the city.

Wick hopes that by meeting with the head of the Table he can get the bounty removed and stop running for his life. This of course requires him to deal with figures from his past such as Sofia (Halle Berry) who would sooner shoot him rather than help him due to the enormous risks associated with helping him in any way.

Of course the bodies pile up along the way as Wick dispatches countless foes in creative and brutal fashion showing his reputation is still very well earned.

The film also has a very clever secondary story that involves Winston (Ian McShane) being forced to atone for his willingness to give Wick a one hour head start at the end of the last film and this of course will bring things full circle as Wick must decide what is most important to him as he tries to find a way out of his deadly situation.

Toss in a master assassin (Mark Dacascos) and his army of rogues after Wick and the film never lets up once. It is an epic thrill ride and a symphony of bullets, blades, blood, and bodies and Reeves and the cast have never been better. While most series have run out of steam by the third film, this series has never been more enjoyable and I cannot wait to see what comes next.
The Kid Brother (1927)
The Kid Brother (1927)
1927 | Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Great Conflict, Great Story
When a huge town fund goes missing, Harold (Harold Lloyd) sees a grand opportunity to prove himself to his family while winning the heart of a girl he likes. When the movie first started, I had no idea what to expect as it was my very first silent film. Once I got settled in and used to the concept, I was thoroughly impressed.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 6
If the movie continued on like it started, I would have hated it. For such a short run time, The Kid Brother didn’t exactly come out of the gates swinging. It’s like an old car: Gotta warm up first. Once it gets going…

Characters: 10
So what if all the other characters were one-dimensional? The movie revolves completely around Harold and Harold delivers. You’ve gotta respect the kid as he’s just trying to live up to his family name. His father has never thought much of him and his brothers are always roughing him up and, for once, Harold is hoping to come out on top. Not only does he deal with a number of moral dilemmas, but you can’t help but fall in love with the dude’s craft and cunning. Harold will make you laugh and cheer by the end of it.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 10
This movie has one of the coolest action scenes that I’ve seen in an earlier film. It involves a big fight on an abandoned ship. Between that, a cool chariot-style race, and Harold constantly trying to avoid awkward scrapes there is plenty of conflict to go around.

Entertainment Value: 10

Memorability: 10

Pace: 10
Slow start but quickly picks up steam. It’s a short ride, but the directors made sure they used up every ounce of time available. I appreciated that all the scenes really were necessary and they never overstayed their welcome.

Plot: 10
The story is succinct and very well-written. There weren’t any cheats as each plot point moved seamlessly to the next. Great character-development is weaved in as well. All the ingredients for a great story.

Resolution: 10

Overall: 96
If it weren’t for a weaker beginning, The Kid Brother would rank right up there with the all-time best. It had me looking forward to a deeper dive into the silent film world.

Phillip McSween (751 KP) Jul 25, 2019

P.S.--If just eight more people watched this movie and rated it, Smashbomb would have more reviews posted than Rotten Tomatoes.

    Whopping Trains

    Whopping Trains

    Entertainment, Games and Stickers

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    Whopping Trains is a simple entertainment app with games and videos for small kids and toddlers,...

Shift Work (Night Shift #1)
Shift Work (Night Shift #1)
TA Moore | 2021 | Crime, LGBTQ+, Paranormal
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
It's only 117 pages, but packs a mighty powerful punch!
I was gifted my copy of this book, and I thank Ms Moore for that.


I went into this book thinking it was a complete story. And its freaking NOT!! It's a mahoosive cliff hanger, and my poor kindle is lucky to still be working!

Cos there I was, merrily reading away, not paying much attention to how much I have left, and BOOM! The end crept up on me and I was OMFG and JHFC and all kinds of loud swear words a sailor would be proud of!

Oh, this is a bloody good book, but you need to know, its a cliff hanger, one of Dover Cliff size and I didn't know that!

Anyway, now I've ranted about that, here's what I really thought ;-P

I bloody LOVED this book! These werewolves are somewhat different, and it took me a little time to piece together the clues about how they are around "that time of the month" (I loved those little jokes, they proper made me chuckle!) They are dark and deadly around the full moon. Cade has just a few days to find out who the girl is in the morgue, the one who shouldn't be there. Working with Marlow, who is Night Shift (capitals intended, its how it is said in the book) and null. It took me a while to figure out what THAT meant, and I'm not entirely sure I've fully got it, but you make your own mind up.

I've not tagged this as romance. There is steam and attraction, but there is no romance here, not yet. Oh they have a moment in the bathroom that was rudely interrupted, but once they get some time together, the chemistry will explode, I'm sure.

I have it on authority that the next book isn't too far away, and I really hope that Ms Moore doesn't cliff hang that one, cos I'm not sure that my kindle can survive a second trip to the wall so close to the last one!

It's only 117 pages, but packs a mighty powerful punch!

So, all in all, a bloody good book, but April needs to hurry the chuffing heck up!

5 stars (but I would, even for such a short, cliffhanger book, give it more if I could!)

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**



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    PayMaya is a free reloadable virtual card on your phone. It works like a reloadable credit card so...

    Where's My Water? 2

    Where's My Water? 2

    Games and Entertainment

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    Get ready to join Swampy, Allie, and Cranky on their NEXT exciting adventure! The sequel to the...