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Debbiereadsbook (1166 KP) rated Enough in Books

Aug 14, 2019  
Matthew J. Metzger | 2019 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jesse was HARD work!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Jesse loves Ezra, he just can't say the words while he's waiting for Ezra to realise that Jesse isn't good enough for him. It takes an accident to make him see what Ezra does: that Jesses really is more than enough for him!

For the most part, I did enjoy this. Besides one glaring reason, which I will tell you shortly, the other reason is a little less glaring and might just be the reason other people love this book.

And it's Jesse himself!

You know the saying, if you hear it often enough, you'll start to believe it?? Well Jesse does not believe Ezra when he tells him he loves him. Jesse does not believe Ezra when he tells him he does NOT want his ex. He does not believe Ezra when Ezra tells Jesse that his family are homophobic and will hate Jesse on sight but that's only because Jesse is a MAN and not for Jesse himself.

And I found this bit hard to deal with! I mean Ezra tells him often enough, enough to get a little bored hearing Ezra repeat himself time and time again. Jesse talks himself down so much, I started to get negative feelings for him, and wanted to slap him upside the head and MAKE HIM SEE, but it's not until he realises he might actually LOSE Ezra, that Jesse takes stock, and finally, halle-flipping-luiah, prasie the God he doesn't belive in, Jesse FINALLY can see, that he really is what Ezra wants, WHO Ezra wants! It just took him far too long for my liking!

And the glaring thing?? Only Jesse has a say. Yes yes I know I say it often enough to be as annoying as Jesse is here, but come on! Ezra NEEDED a say, to balance out how negative Jesse was for most of this book. Ez is quite a chirpy soul, and I think this may well have been a 5 star read, had Ez been given a voice, and we got into HIS head, when he was telling Jesse over and over how much he loved him and wanted him.

It's heavy on steam and passion, but at one point I thought it might come out almost clean. It wasn't til it was clear it was NOT going to be clean, that I noticed it had been up to that point, and,to be honest, this book would have been great (previous points aside) had it been totally clean. I didn't dislike that it came out not clean, but I would have liked it just as much if it had, does that make sense? Does to me, so hope it does to you!

The after effects of the accident is described in great detail, graphically so, and that really IS needed, to get the full picture. Not easy reading, but you do need it.

This is the first I've read of this author, but another of his books is sitting on my "languishing on kindle" shelf. I might pull it forward!

So, because Jesse was a little grating on the nerves, adn because ez doesn't get a say. . . .

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
16 Blocks (2006)
16 Blocks (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Mystery
A burnt out cop with a bad limp and a taste for the bottle has just finished his shift and is looking forward to heading home for some rest. Sadly for Detective Jack Mosley (Bruce Willis), his day is about to get much longer than he expected.

On his way out of the precinct, his Lieutenant tasks him to escort a prisoner named Eddie Bunker (Mos Def), 16 blocks in 90 minutes so he can testify before a jury. Since the jury will disband in 90 minutes, it is vital that Eddie appear before them or else months of work in a prime case will be lost.

Jack is less than thrilled to be stuck with Eddie as his high voice and rapid fire style of speech really annoy Jack, who decides to take a detour from the non stop rants of Eddie to purchase a bottle of alcohol so he can drown his sorrows.

No sooner does Jack complete his purchase at a favorite store than an attempt is made on Eddie by armed men forcing Jack and Eddie to flee on foot and take refuge in a local bar where they are soon met by detective Frank Nugent (David Morse), who said he was in the area and responded to Jack’s call for assistance.

Frank informs his former partner Jack that he is escorting a snitch who is about to give evidence that will implicate many cops who were simply doing business. Frank suggests that Jack head home and rest while he cleans up the problem by taking charge of Eddie.

When Jack learns that Frank and his associates intend to kill Eddie to keep him from testifying, Jack decides to defend Eddie and the two of them begin a deadly race against the clock as they attempt to not only get Eddie to the courthouse in time, but to simply stay alive against a cadre of corrupt cops.

Since he went up against fellow cops, Jack is reported as a rogue who turned on fellow officers, which leaves him with nowhere to turn and without backup as he attempt to stay one step ahead of the relentless Frank and his associates as they venture from one city block to another in order to stay alive. Along the way, the two men bond, and Jack begins to learn that what Eddie knows will get them all killed and that in a city the size of New York, there are precious few places to hide, when people are determined to find you.

The solid pacing of the film and the quality work by Morse, Willis, and Mos Def keeps 16 Blocks an entertaining and engaging film. The chemistry amongst the leads draws you in more than most typical action dramas do, as you find yourself caring about the two individuals and want them to succeed.

Director Richard Donner has dialed down his usual explosions but has not sacrificed the action as it is always appropriate to the story and never seems tacked on. The film does loose some steam towards the end but does ultimately arrive at a conclusion that makes the trip worthwhile.

The film does borrow in parts from the classic Clint Eastwood film “The Gauntlet”. Even down to the heroes taking refuge in a city bus and attempted to evade the police in the bus amidst an armada of armed officers who are looking to shoot first and ask questions later.

If you are a fan of Willis or Mos Def and like action dramas, then 16 Blocks is a trip well worth taking.
The Court of the Air (Jackelian, #1)
The Court of the Air (Jackelian, #1)
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The land of Jackals is under threat. Ancient foes are threatening its people and its borders. Who can save the land?

Molly Templar is an orphan scratching a living in a poor house. But someone wants her very badly - badly enough to kill anyone who gets in the way. But who would want a poor orphan girl and why?

Oliver Brooks is an outcast. He was lost for two years in the feymist when he was younger. He must have been changed but shows no signs, he appears to be completely normal. But he still needs to report to the authorities regularly and lives in virtual house arrest with his uncle. Until his uncle is killed and Oliver barely escapes.

So begins The Court Of The Air, a stupendous rolling epic set in the strange land of Jackals, a place which is sort of like Victorian England but is also completely different. There are guns and airships, bombs and politicians aplenty. There is also magic and gods stalk the shadows of the world. Sentient steam driven robots have their own country and their own religion.

This is one of those immersive novels. Nothing is explained as it is seen from the viewpoint of the main characters, and they don't need to explain their own world to themselves. This might deter some readers because although there are some familiar concepts many are new or reworked in subtly different ways so that assumptions are dangerous. Personally I enjoy being thrown into the deep end and having to work at understanding the world of the author. I was definitely in my element.

Hunt has an amazing imagination. He is like the curator of a museum of wonders, allowing quick glimpses at the shiny trinkets before twitching aside the curtain to the rather more sinister exhibits he keeps in the basement. He also has a prose style that is frequently poetic and full of brilliant metaphor and simile. One of my favourites was describing a camera as having its nose pointing sadly downwards. And the writing is dense, very dense. I took my time over this book because it was worth it to extract every nuance and vibe conveyed by the words on the page.

The plot is sprawling and convoluted. Oliver and Molly are the main characters but there are others on all sides of the conflict and very little is as it seems or black and white. The first half of the book concerns Molly and Oliver being separately pursued as various aspects of Jackals' geography and politics are revealed (and the political systems are a hoot). Once we find out what is going on the pursued then must try to confront and thwart the danger, not only to them but to their country and the world.

The threads finally come together in a cataclysmic ending. The plot does unravel a little as everything happens at once and there are plenty of clever twists. There is a certain about of deus ex machina in the ending but I would rather that than a tedious few pages of exposition. The good guys win. The bad guys are vanquished. And it's all very entertaining.

Now I do accept that it is a challenging read and some people will not take to it so I can't recommend it without saying, read an excerpt first. If you like reading it (even if you don't as yet understand what half of it means) then read all of it. You will not be disappointed.

Rated: Some violence
Billionaire's Muse (The Billionaire’s Playground #3)
Billionaire's Muse (The Billionaire’s Playground #3)
JP Sayle | 2021 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HIGH on the warm and fuzzy/too stinking cute scale!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I stand by what I said in my review for book 2. This is book 3 in the Billionaire's Playground but its not necessary to have read book one, Property of a Billionaire, nor book 2, Reluctant Billionaire before this one. However, those books are where we meet Nanna and you might want to get the full force of her nature :-)

Marcus is a photographer, dis-illusioned with his current career path. Taking pictures in war zones is eating away at his soul. Doing a favour for his best friend seems like just the distraction he needs. Until he meets Finlo. Now that man is a distraction to end ALL distraction and Marcus is smitten. Finlo is also smitten with the older man, but Marcus wouldn't want him, surely? Fin who has no mouth to brain filter? Who says whatever pops into his head? Fin, who is a skinny runt?? Surely not?

OH! This book? I loved this book! So much more than the other two books and I really enjoyed them! This book is so much more than them, and I will *attempt* to explain!

Mostly, I think it's Fin who makes this book. He's a character all right and I loved him. He has no filter, he says and sees things in black and white and he knows he not everyone cuppa tea, indeed, he thinks he is NO-ONE's cuppa tea, but Marcus is drawn to Fin in ways he never knew he could be drawn in. It's not just the beauty he sees when he looks at Fin through the camera lens, cos He can see that the man is stunning, even if Fin doesn't think so. No, it's what Marcus does when Fin starts rambling, and panicking about anything and everything: nothing. He lets Fin ramble, he lets Fin work his way through whatever is bothering him and he never once tries to shut him up, well. . .he DOES, but only in a way that Fin wants :-)

Nanna's meddling is there, as in the other books, but I found it to be a little on the low side, Marcus and Fin don't need much meddling, but a few little pushes, rather than a full scale assault is all they need, Fin, actually needs those pushes. And a shopping trip or two!

It's low on the angst, but high on the steam. But not explicit, just steamy enough.

Again, Marcus doesn't flaunt his wealth. He works HARD for his money, and he wants to share that wealth. And he does, in ways that surprises Fin. Marcus WILL spoil Fin, if he'll just let him. His mum was a surprise, especially after she meets Fin's eco-warrior, teepee-living mum. Those two were meant to be friends!

And when Marcus does what he does at the end?? Very fitting for these two, the way he does that, it really was!

I found this to be a beautiful read, that is high on the warm and fuzzies, and too stinking cute scale, and I loved it so much MORE than the other two!

So it can only get....

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
    White Noise Ambience HD Lite

    White Noise Ambience HD Lite

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Finding Dory (2016)
Finding Dory (2016)
2016 | Animation
Is it a return to form for Pixar/
For years, Pixar was an unstoppable force. The studio combined stunning animation with thought-provoking stories that adults and children could enjoy. From Toy Story to Wall.E, everyone, at some point will have watched a Pixar film.

Then a few things caused the bubble to burst. Firstly, other companies upped their game, big time, with Dreamworks in particular being hot on the heels of their rival. Secondly, Pixar’s own partner, Disney started churning out great animated films with Zootropolis and Wreck-it Ralph worth a mention.

Finally, Pixar lost its way. Cars and its dreadful sequel, followed by an underwhelming prequel to Monsters Inc and the marketing disaster that was The Good Dinosaur all culminated in a studio damaged by its own high standards. Now, in 2016, we have a sequel to arguably Pixar’s best film, Finding Nemo, but does Finding Dory build on its predecessor or sink faster than a stone?

Dory (Ellen DeGeneres) is a wide-eyed, blue tang fish who suffers from memory loss. The one thing she can remember is she somehow became separated from her parents as a child. With help from Nemo and Marlin, Dory embarks on an epic adventure to find them. Her journey brings her to the Marine Life Institute, a rehabilitation centre for diverse ocean species and from there; she tries to reunite with her long-lost relatives.

Finding Dory opens with a neatly packaged throwback to its predecessor, providing an easy way of getting the audience up to speed with what came before it – after all, it’s been 13 years since the release of the first film. From then on, it’s full steam ahead with a story that lacks the subtlety of Finding Nemo, but is engaging nonetheless.

The animation is you guessed it, exceptional. Nemo was one of the best films to showcase Pixar’s talents and its sequel continues that trend. The vibrancy of the colour palette is breath-taking and each shimmering wave makes you feel part of the watery depths. The blacks feel endless and the diversity of marine life just adds to the sparkle.

For adults, there are some cracking references to other films. Would you believe me if I told you Pixar managed to shoehorn an Alien homage in there? Well, they did, and it works beautifully. Couple that with a surprise turn from Sigourney Weaver as a park announcer and it’s a recipe for laughs all around.

Ellen DeGeneres takes centre stage this time around and rightly so. Dory is a loveable character, especially in her wide-eyed youth, and a very well-written one, despite her constant forgetfulness. Elsewhere, Idris Elba provides some laughs as a lazy sea lion and Ed O’Neill steals the show as a grumpy octopus.

Unfortunately, the final act of the film delves into unnecessarily and uncharacteristically silly territory. The joy of Pixar’s other works is that, despite their often out-of-this-world themes, they still feel grounded in reality. Dory’s finale is so ridiculous that it spoils the effect of the plot.

Nevertheless, you’ll be reaching for your tissues more than once as director and scriptwriter Andrew Stanton combines that heart-warming story with some lovely dialogue that will resonate with all generations.

Overall, Finding Dory isn’t the outright success it could’ve been, but it doesn’t continue the slip in Pixar’s quality either. The animation is truly wonderful and some of the references to more adult films are worked in very cleverly – but that final act; it’s just awful.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Smoke in Books

Dec 14, 2018  
Dan Vyleta | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review </i>

If sin were visible, what would the world be like? That is the premise of this brand new, original historical novel by Dan Vyletta. Bordering on steam-punk, <i>Smoke</i> is set in a Victorian England unlike any version ever documented before. Instead of an era of peace and posterity, it is full of wickedness and chaos. For an unexplained reason whenever a human acts with malicious intention or has a sinful thought their body emits a plume of smoke, staining their clothes and surrounding area with a coating of soot.

The story begins in an Oxford boarding school where two friends, Thomas and Charlie, are being taught that Smoke is bad and that they must learn to control it. However during the Christmas holidays, which both boys spend at a prodigious manor, they discover alternative views regarding Smoke, and are spooked by the Lady Naylor’s fascination. With their lives in sudden danger, Thomas and Charlie, along with Livia – Lady Naylor’s daughter – flee with the knowledge of a sinister, scientific intent that they do not understand.

From this point onwards the tale becomes darker and much more violent as the three friends try to work out Livia’s mother’s plans and endeavor to prevent her from carrying them out. All the while they are trying to deal with the effects of Smoke, which they have long given up trying to suppress.

Written from a large variety of viewpoints, <i>Smoke</i> is full of mystery and suspense, making it difficult to work out whom to trust. The reader has the same amount of knowledge as the protagonists and thus comes to the same conclusions at the same time, making reader and character feel like they are working together to identify the unknown.

It is unclear whether this is a young adult novel or intended for older readers. The key characters are only sixteen and are a trio of friends – two boys and a girl – which is something that since the dawn of <i>Harry Potter</i> has become fairly common place in YA literature. Also, Lady Naylor is reminiscent of the antagonist in Philip Pullman’s <i>His Dark Materials</i>. On the other hand, the language, whilst fitting for the time period, is far too formal to flow in a way that a book for teenagers would expect. There is also no attempt to sugarcoat or conceal the violence that takes place throughout a large section of the novel.

<i>Smoke</i> gets off to a shaky start leaving the reader feeling bewildered. The idea of Smoke and soot is not introduced in a clear manner, instead being thrown out there where everyone has to try and find the author’s wavelength and pick up the pieces as they go. Once the action begins – the escape from the manor – the story picks up the pace and becomes far more exciting before, sadly, diminishing into a confusing, violent jumble of a narrative that is tedious to try and follow. The conclusion, unfortunately, is also unclear, providing more questions that it actually solves.

I have very mixed feelings about this book. At times I enjoyed it, yet it also felt a chore to read. I found the concept rather confusing, unresolved and, on the whole, disappointing. <i>Smoke </i>is not a book I would easily recommend to anyone; even those who I know enjoy this particular genre. To be perfectly honest, I am glad I have finished it and do not need to read it anymore.