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Unbreakable (2000)
Unbreakable (2000)
2000 | Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Hmmm ... Unbreakable.

A bit of a strange movie to rate or describe.

I'm not sure whether to class this as a Comic book movie, a thriller, or something else entirely: It's not based on any comic (that I know of), but does have superheroes and villains as its main driving force.

In this, Bruce WIllis plays an everyman security guard who miraculously survives a train crash without a single cut or bruise, while Samuel L Jackson is his exact opposite: a man born with bones so brittle that they break at the slightest provocation.

As a M Night Syamalan movie, you'd be expecting a twist at the end - this, indeed, I feel is part of the problem: if Shyamalan wasn't known for twists, the ending would have had more impact than it did!!
White Bodies
White Bodies
Jane Robins | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've seen a few people call this book "weird", but I don't really see that. It had a strange, unique part of the plot, but I've definitely read weirder! I found this a really easy, quick thriller to read and I was pleasantly surprised with its conclusion!

I really did speed through this one, I managed to finish it in under 24 hours, which is a rare feat for me! It had me hooked from the very get-go. The writing in this one was so easy going and flowy that you could completely immerse yourself in the story and the characters.

I was a little worried I wouldn't get on with the characters in this one after chatter round the blogosphere that Callie was very odd, but I actually quite enjoyed getting to know such a strange and flawed character. Callie is a likable but frustrating character to follow, at moments you totally back her decisions and other times you're thinking "no Callie! why Callie?" In comparison to awkward, strange, but lovable Callie is her famous, beautiful sister Tilda. Personally, Tilda put me on edge and I didn't like her character at any point during the story.

The story in this one wasn't particularly unique but it was enjoyable nonetheless. It was fun to go through it all wondering "is Tilda really being abused? Is Callie overreacting?" I likes how there was always that layer of doubt as to what was really going on inside the walls of Felix & Tilda's walls.

Sometimes flashbacks in novels annoy me and I feel like they're pointless and just prolong a story when it's not needed, however in this one, I enjoyed getting that history of the sisters. Robins did well to nudge us quietly and subtly to the ending through her use of flashbacks and character building, without giving too much away in the process.

I felt the end of this novel was reasonably predictable, but maybe that's because I read so many thriller & mysteries. If someone came to me asking for a good, easy thriller read, White Bodies would definitely pop up in my head.

I definitely did enjoy this novel. I thought the characters were fab and I liked the weirdness to the plot in certain points. Definitely a great read for getting me out of my reading funk!

<i>Thanks so much to HQ for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.</i>