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Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
2002 | City Building, Economic, Farming
Straightforward Rules (1 more)
Deep Strategy and Gameplay
Brown and Uninspriring (0 more)
A True Classic
I have always loved Puerto Rico. I love Euro games and this was one of the first ones I really saw the beauty in. The mechanics and the flow of the game are intricate and intertwined. There are so many pathways to victory and always the option of altering you path if things do not go your way. The rules are easy to explain and once a couple of rounds have passed more new players pick everything up quickly.

On the downside, the game looks a little bland and unappealing compared to so many of the new games coming out these days. There is a very nice 10th Anniversary Limited Edition and a Deluxe edition that reworks the art and adds metal doubloons and other enhanced pieces. So is aesthetics are your issue, you should totally pick up a copy of that, and you can send me one while you are at it. ?

Rhubarbio (27 KP) rated Catan in Tabletop Games

May 25, 2019  
1995 | Economic, Territory Building
Easy to learn, difficult to master (2 more)
Addictive gameplay
Easy to draw in non-gamers
Game relies on die rolls and therefore strategy is secondary to the whims of a die roll (1 more)
Artwork is not very inspired
An amazing gateway game
Catan was the first gateway game I played and hooked me on my continued boardgaming journey as an adult. A chance encounter with the game left me wanting more...resulting in 3 years of playing this game relentlessly with a group of friends. Whilst the appeal has waned somewhat, I have no hesitation in recommending this to non-gamers or those looking to get into boardgaming. It is a fun game that has great variability, particularly given the result is driven by die rolls rather than stragy alone. This is also to its benefit, as casual gamers may want something light to get into, but which has room to develop strategies. Catan is a great choice.
Schotten Totten / Batleline
Schotten Totten / Batleline
1999 | Card Game, Deduction
simple (2 more)
travels easily
Simple, Elegant, Abstract battle card game, Battleline (the newer version) has some additional complexity
we take this with us on vacation, it's a 2 player game with just a deck or cards and 9 markers, which you can leave and home and pick up rocks or shells on the beach and use those... it's had to head and is as simple as playing a card and drawing a new one to replace it, the strategy comes from when you chose to put a card in a specific spot, and playing the odds, it's quick mayb 15 minutes per game, so we usually play best 2 of 3. but we have played marathon games of best of 11. A drink in one hand and the game on the table is nice way to enjoy the beach side resort, watching the sunset drop between turns. but maybe that's just me.
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
Through the Ages: A New Story of Civilization
2015 | Card Game, Civilization, Economic
The most Civilization board game (2 more)
There is a ton of complexity that will keep it interesting for a long time
Variation of gameplay style (war, culture, technology, wonders)
The mechanics will likely be too much for most people (1 more)
A handful of the cards are not balanced well
Civilization in Boardgame Form
Do you like the video game Civilization? Then you will absolutely love this board game. Do you not love intense Euro strategy games? Then you will probably hate this game.

This game is very intense. There are a lot of mechanics, and a lot to learn. It follows the basic mechanics of the Civilization video game fairly closely, but even veteran Civ players took a while to learn it.

You also have to be comfortable with the game taking all day. The time estimate on the box is very wrong. Our first game took us three hours, and we only made it through the first age (there are three).
1998 | Card Game, Humor, Napoleonic
Simple, Easy, Elegant, Dark Humor (1 more)
Theme works perfectly even if it's a bit distasteful
A great travel card game.
This game is a must when we travel. It plays elegantly two players, and even better with more players making it slightly more chaotic. The whole game is using the cards in your hand to manipulate the line in order to collect the most powerful heads from the guillotine during the french revolution. This game is super easy to teach: Here's your cards, read what they do.... each turn you can play one of them to change the line. After playing your card (or not) you get to collect the next "head" in line.

   For something this simple there really shouldn't be as much depth to this game, but it does have some good strategy, and really is a good time. Plus it's quick, we play a game in about 15 minutes.... perfect for having a drink on a balcony overlooking the ocean, and working on the line.
2018 | Dice Game, Political
The strategy and the board is awesome (0 more)
Needs expansions (0 more)
Lots going on
This is a great game for beginners, to start with there seems to be too much going on, it is fairly easy to grasp this game within 2 or 3 playthroughs though.
The dice drafting and card drafting together give players a nice introduction to both of these game mechanics as well as trying to grow multiple paths at the same time, like many other good gateway games this has a lot to keep you interested without being super heavy or overly complex.
You will find yourself planning ahead a lot in this and it is definitely good for replayability.
I think there are more directions in which they could go with this so I hope to see more expansion packs coming out for it.
There is only one currently which I haven't managed to snag yet but I will.
I will update when I get a copy.
Happy gaming folks
King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare
King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare
Games, Social Networking
7.0 (1 Ratings)
App Rating
good advancement, levels, army building (0 more)
clans (0 more)
Not a bad strategy game
i downloaded this as part of a survey and for the most part i have enjoyed playing it. Its a nice simple interface (at first) that lets you build your fortress a bit at a time, add to this a dragon and you are certain to have a winner. Its quite monotonous at times as you wait for either buildings to be completed or research to be finished. I played it for about two weeks and the biggest down side is that its recommended you join a clan. The problem is that there are too many wannabe rulers who just play to win. The game allows people of level 50 to attack players of level 5 which ruins the game if every time you log in you have been attacked a dozen times and all your army is dead. A good game but there are better out there