Fast/Forward: Make Your Company Fit for the Future
Julian Birkinshaw and Jonas Ridderstrale
The leading companies of the past twenty years have all harnessed the power of information to gain...

Foresight in Organizations: Methods and Tools
Foresight for Organizations will acquaint the reader with various foresight methods and tools, to...

High Impact Fee Negotiation and Management for Professionals: How to Get, Set, and Keep the Fees You're Worth
The pressure on professional service firms and their professionals has never been higher. If you...

African American Men and the Labor Market During the Great Recession: 2017
This book analyzes the status and position of African American men in the U.S. labor market prior...

Branded Interactions: Creating the Digital Experience
Digital design plays a crucial role in how customers experience a brand. However, corporate websites...

Building the Agile Business Through Digital Transformation
Building the Agile Business through Digital Transformation is a guide for organizational development...

C.R.M. Pocketbook
Alexander David and Charles Turner
An effective customer relationship management strategy can deliver a step change in customer...

China Threat?: The Challenges, Myths and Realities of China's Rise
From the long-term threat of nuclear war between the United States and China, to the disappearance...

Communication Excellence: How to Develop, Manage and Lead Exceptional Communications
Ralph Tench, Dejan Vercic, Ansgar Zerfass and Angeles Moreno
Exploring the implications of 10 years of data from more than 21,000 communication professionals...

Corporate Brand Personality: Re-Focus Your Organization's Culture to Build Trust, Respect and Authenticity
Clive Woodward and Lesley Everett
Corporate Brand Personality addresses the increasing need for organizations to refocus and realign...