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Tiny Epic Tactics
Tiny Epic Tactics
2019 | Fantasy, Fighting, Medieval
One of the neatest things about the Tiny Epic game series is how they manage to fit so much game into such a small box. But alas, boxes are not always just mere storage devices – in Tiny Epic Tactics, they are components of the game! These nesting boxes will create a 3D terrain on which players will be moving across, over, and through on their way to victory! But how does this game fit into the Tiny Epic series overall? Keep reading to find out!

Disclaimer: There are 5 different modes of play in Tiny Epic Tactics. In this review, I will be focusing on the 2-4 Player Competitive mode. There are also expansions for this game, but this review will not cover those materials. I also do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook, but rather provide a general overview of the rules and gameplay. For a more in-depth look at the rules, pick up a copy of the game from the publisher or at your FLGS. -L

Tiny Epic Tactics is a game of strategy and combat in which players will lead their teams of 4 heroes to fight opponents and attempt to gain control of a number of areas in the realm. To setup the game, unroll the map scroll and place the boxes onto their corresponding spaces. Randomly deal each player 1 Unit card from each class (Fighters, Wizards, Rogues, and Beasts), and give them 4 Unit tokens (meeples) in their chosen color, as well as tracker tokens for Health, Ammo, and Mana. Players will select their 4-space starting location, and will place all 4 of their Units on the map. Shuffle the deck of Tactic cards, and deal 2 to each player. Players will look at the cards and select one to keep in hand, discarding the other. Place the Tactic card deck in reach of all players, and place the Control Card nearby, with the 3 Flag tokens on the Start space. The game is ready to begin!

Over a series of rounds, players will take turns performing actions until either one player has had all of their Units captured or one player has captured the final Flag token (based on player count). The remaining players will take one final turn, and then the game ends, VPs are tallied, and the player with the most VPs is the winner! A game turn is made up of four steps, the first of which being to check for Majority Control. To see if you hold a Majority Control over any of the Control Areas on the map, count the number of Units in each triggered Control Area – if your Units make up the majority of Units in that area, advance the corresponding Flag token on the Control card, and if you do not hold the majority, then nothing happens. Once a Flag has been advanced to the final space, it is given to the player who holds Majority Control.

The next step of your turn is to take up to 3 actions with your Units. Possible actions are: Movement, Melee Attack, Missile Attack, and Cast a Spell. All Units have a printed value on their cards for Movement, as well as either Melee Attack, Missile Attack, or Spell Attack value, based on the Unit’s class. All of these actions are pretty self-explanatory, with a couple of extra components – use of Ammo/Mana, rolling dice, advantages/penalties based on Elevation, etc. – that make the gameplay strategic and challenging. The third turn step is to remove Weakened tokens (more on this later), and the final step is to draw a Tactic Card. Look at the card, and either keep it in hand or discard it – you may only ever have 2 Tactic Cards in hand. Play continues in this fashion until the end of the game is triggered, either when a single player has had all 4 of their Units captured or a player has taken the final Flag token. All other players take one more turn and then VPs are tallied for final scoring.
Ok so first thing I want to talk about is the use of boxes to create a 3D map. It is SO COOL. It’s such a unique idea, and one that I honestly haven’t seen before. The added aspect of Elevation in regards to movement and range for attacks really ups the strategic gameplay for me. Want to climb to a higher peak? Ok, that costs +1 movement. Don’t have enough movement to climb up this turn? Then you’re outta luck. Your strategy must always be changing based on where Units are located on the map.

Speaking of strategy, there are several different game elements that you can base your gameplay on – there is no ‘right’ way to play! Maybe you really want to focus on getting Flag tokens, so you try to protect that area and maintain majority at all costs. Maybe you don’t care about the Flags and it’s all about combat to you – you’re on the hunt for enemy Units and Area Control means nothing to you. Or maybe your aim is to complete your Tactic Cards, which will then allow you to perform a special/bonus action upon completion. There are different ways to play this game, and that makes it engaging and entertaining as you must constantly adapt your strategy while trying to figure out how your opponents are playing too!

Another neat element of Tiny Epic Tactics is that on each turn you only have 3 actions – and a single Unit may only perform one action per turn! So you can’t just spend all 3 actions moving and attacking with the same Unit, they must be spread across all of your heroes. That adds to the strategy because you have to set your Units up in advance for certain actions, but must quickly adapt based on the movements of your opponents. You can have a Unit perform a second, different, action on the same turn, but it will then become Weakened. When Weakened, a Unit cannot perform any actions on the next turn, and will have the Weakened condition removed at the end of said turn. Or, on your next turn, you may choose to pay 2 Health to remove the Weakened token and be able to act in that same turn. It’s kind of a gamble – how far are you willing to push your Units, and are you able to sacrifice their abilities for an entire turn in order to removed the Weakened token?

Let’s touch on components for a minute. These components are great, as is to be expected of the Tiny Epic series. The art is colorful and unique, the boxes are sturdy, the cards are nice and thick, and the wooden components are quality. No real gripes from me regarding production quality of this game! The gripe I do have is about the gameplay – specifically a 2-player game. When playing a 2-player game in competitive mode, the game end is triggered after 1 Flag token has been secured. This really can negate any need for strategy or player interaction, because each player starts near a Control Area, and can simply just move there and camp out to take the Flag. In my first games at a 2-player count, I found the gameplay to be kind of bland and not engaging because of this. At higher player counts, you have to interact with opponents on the map as you try to capture Control Areas. If at a 2-player count, you were required to secure 2 Flag tokens, or maybe just mandate that the secured Flag must be the one located in the center of the map, it would encourage more interactions between the players, and thereby elevate the strategy and gameplay in my opinion. Just something to consider.
Overall, I think that Tiny Epic Tactics is a solid game in this series. It is not my favorite by any means, but the gameplay and mechanics fill a gap left by the other Tiny Epics. The strategy required can be high-level, but the simplicity of the physical gameplay makes it feel accessible and inviting to all types of gamers. If you’re looking for a great 2-player Tiny Epic, maybe keep looking, but for a 3-4 player game, Tiny Epic Tactics hits the spot. Purple Phoenix Games gives it a tactical 8 / 12.

Purple Phoenix Games (2266 KP) rated Tiny Epic Quest in Tabletop Games

Jul 29, 2019 (Updated Jul 9, 2020)  
Tiny Epic Quest
Tiny Epic Quest
2017 | Adventure, Dice Game, Fantasy, Video Game Theme
Our next review in the Tiny Epic series is Tiny Epic Quest! I know that we have not been reviewing them in chronological order of release – we are kind of just reviewing them in the order we have discovered and played them. Every Tiny Epic game has its own place in the family, so how does Tiny Epic Quest fit in? Keep reading to find out!

A world at peace has been thrust into chaos once more as mysterious portals have opened across the lands, spewing forth treacherous Goblins! The citizens need heroes – and that is your specialty! Traverse the lands to fight Goblins, learn magic spells, and delve into ancient temples to find powerful artifacts to aid in your battle for good.

Disclaimer: I do not intend to rehash the entire rulebook in this review, but give a general overview of the rules and the gameplay. If you want to read the rules more specifically, pick up a copy of the game at your FLGS or directly from the publisher. – L

Tiny Epic Quest is a game of area movement, dice rolling, and push your luck, in which players are trying to amass the most end-game victory points. How do you earn VPs? By completing quests, fighting Goblins, and learning spells! A game of Tiny Epic Quest is played over 5 rounds, and each round is broken into 2 phases – the Day Phase and the Night Phase. The Day Phase consists of 4 turns where you will can move your heroes. A turn plays out like this: the starting player selects one of the 5 available movement cards and moves 1 hero according to those restrictions. Following clockwise, each other player may move 1 hero in the same manner, or choose to Idle and not move. Once everyone has moved or idled, the next turn starts and play continues as before. After 4 movement cards have been performed, the Day Phase ends.

Moving on to the Night Phase, players have the opportunity to perform the actions associated with the card regions onto which they moved during the Day Phase. If you moved to a Goblin Portal, for example, you now have the chance to fight. On your turn in the Night Phase, you will roll the Adventure Dice and resolve them in an attempt to complete your goals – defeating goblins, completing temples, or learning spells. Quests can be completed in either the Day or Night Phase, depending on the requirements. When you complete a quest, collect the card and hang onto it for end-game scoring. The Night Phase ends when all players have opted to Rest (either by choice or by becoming exhausted), and the round is over. Perform the round resolutions (refill goblin portals, etc.), and then continue on to the next round. After 5 rounds, tally up your VPs, and the player with the most is the winner!

For such a ‘tiny’ game, Tiny Epic Quest definitely has a lot going on. The amount of strategy required for this game is pretty intense. You not only have to decide where to move your heroes, you also have to think about what you want to do and how you want to earn your VPs. Do you want to take a combative approach and try to kill as many goblins as possible? Do you want to try your luck at learning high-level spells? Or is your strategy dictated by the current quest cards in play? Not only do you have to figure out your own strategy, you are also trying to figure out how your opponents are playing as well. Will you try to beat them to a temple first or will you let them do their own thing as long as they don’t interfere with your plans? There is no single right way to play this game, and that’s what makes it so engaging and fun with every play.

That being said, this game also has a fair amount of push your luck in the form of the Adventure Dice. Not all of the die faces are beneficial to you, and they are resolved in a specific order. Damage always is dealt to you first, and if you take too much damage, you immediately become exhausted. When that happens, all of your heroes are returned to your starting castle, and any progress you had made on goblin fights, temple tracks, or spell-learning is lost. You really have to be thinking about how far you are willing to go, and if it is worth one more roll of the dice to risk success or complete failure.

Tiny Epic Quest is kind of a double-edged sword for me. I enjoy games that require decent strategy, but I also am not too fond of push your luck games. This game can sometimes feel like it’s working against you – all of your strategic setup in the Day Phase could be undone with some unfortunate dice rolls in the Night Phase. No matter how solid your strategy is, the dice will ultimately seal your fate. Don’t get me wrong, part of the fun of Tiny Epic Quest is figuring out how to bounce back after a poor Night Phase. But dice can be brutal sometimes and that can take away from your enjoyment.

So where does Tiny Epic Quest fit into the family? I would say it’s a cousin that you like, but don’t see too often. I enjoy playing this game from time to time, but it is definitely not my go-to Tiny Epic game. The rulebook could use some simplification, and for being a Tiny Epic game, it is kind of a table hog. Some of the strategy for me is negated by the dice-rolling mechanic, but it could also be because I am a notoriously bad dice roller… Would I recommend Tiny Epic Quest? Ultimately, yes I would. I may not personally like some of the aspects of play, but the game itself is engaging and entertaining. If you haven’t checked this one out yet, give it a shot! Purple Phoenix Games gives Tiny Epic Quest a valiant 9 / 12.


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Tiny Epic Kingdoms
Tiny Epic Kingdoms
2014 | Bluff, Civilization, Fantasy, Fighting, Medieval
Behold – the Tiny Epic game that started the saga. Tiny Epic Kingdoms is the OG, and it’s about time we got around to reviewing it. It’s tiny. It’s epic. Keep reading to find out if it’s a keeper!

In Tiny Epic Kingdoms, you are the ruler of (you guessed it) a tiny kingdom. You, however, are not content with simply maintaining your realm – you have plans to expand your borders and make your kingdom not-so-tiny! Send your adventurers out to explore new lands, learn new magics, construct towers to assert your dominance, and fight off others who would stand in your way! Do you have the strategy necessary to outwit your competitors and grow your kingdom? Play to find out!

DISCLAIMER: There are several expansions to this game, but we are not reviewing them at this time. Should we review them in the future we will either update this review or post a link to the new material here. -T

Tiny Epic Kingdoms is a game of worker placement, area control, and action point allowance. Players take turns gathering resources, buildings towers, researching magic, or exploring (and potentially waging war) in new lands. As the active player, on your turn you will select and perform one of the six available actions from the Action Card: Patrol, Quest, Build, Research, Expand, or Trade. Following your action, and still on your turn, the remaining players will either decide to perform the same action you chose, or collect resources. Once everyone has had the chance to act, your turn is over. The next player now becomes the active player and the process repeats with one big change – the action you chose on your turn is no longer available for selection. Each subsequent active player will always have 1 fewer action choice on their turn. This process repeats until there are no more actions available. When this happens, the Action Card is cleared and all actions are available once more for selection. Strategy is key – which action can you choose on your turn to best benefit you while also inhibiting your competitors? The game ends at the end of the turn in which one of these three things has happened: a player has all of their meeples in play, a player has built the 6th level on the tower card, or a player has reached the 5th level of magic on their faction card. End-game points are scored based on meeples in play, magic level, tower level, and control of Capital Cities. The player with the highest score wins!

For such a small game, there’s definitely a fair amount of strategy involved in Tiny Epic Kingdoms. You’ve got to decide on the best approach for you, and it must be adaptable to any given situation. Do you play it safe, quietly collecting resources, trying to achieve your end-game goals the fastest? Or do you venture out to confront your opponents, trying to usurp their territory and resources and take them out as your competition? Or maybe you try to stay civil, but an opponent is threatening your progress and now you’ve got to fight back? There are lots of strategic options, and every game feels like a new challenge.

One thing I enjoy about Tiny Epic Kingdoms is that you get to act on every single turn, even if you aren’t the active player. You don’t have to sit there and watch your friends play – you have the chance to benefit during every single turn, even if it’s merely collecting resources. The opportunity to act on every turn also adds a little bit of ‘take that’ to this game. I might choose an action on my turn as the active player that I know one of my competitors cannot perform – thus forcing them to collect resources and waste the opportunity to perform that specific action for an entire round. And since that action cannot be picked again until all available actions have already been chosen, I’ve successfully blocked their progress in a certain area of play. Your strategy has to extend beyond just your turn as the active player – you must consider all options for your opponents as well.

The thing I don’t necessarily like about Tiny Epic Kingdoms is that the gameplay can be a little stale. Unless you’re playing with people who actively try to engage with you, it is extremely easy to just stay in your own realm and not even interact with anyone at all. There’s no forced interaction in this game, and although it is admittedly nice sometimes, mostly it just feels like we’re all playing the same game alone. It’s like we all just take turns performing/following actions until someone has triggered the end-game.

Overall, I like Tiny Epic Kingdoms. It’s not my favorite Tiny Epic game, but it’s a good one. There’s a decent amount of strategy involved, but at times it can feel more like a ‘take that’ type game to me. The lack of forced player interaction can lead to dull gameplay and a lackluster experience. It’s not a bad game. It’s just not the most epic Tiny Epic game out there, in my opinion. That’s why Purple Phoenix Games gives it a regal 14 / 18.