Great Disruption: How Business is Coping with Turbulent Times
Based around a compilation of his popular Schumpeter columns, Adrian Wooldridge takes a look at the...

HBR Guide to Office Politics
Don't let destructive drama sideline your career. Every organization has its share of political...

Big Bang Disruption: Business Survival in the Age of Constant Innovation
'A stimulating read...carefully researched and accessibly written...the case studies on disruption...

Brand Management in a Week: How to be a Successful Brand Manager in Seven Simple Steps
Paul Hitchens and Julia Hitchens
The ability to manage your brand successfully is crucial to anyone who wants to advance their...

How to Get a Job in the Music Industry
Keith Hatschek and Breanne Beseda
If you dream about a career in the music industry, this book is for you. These practical strategies...

Internal Communications: A Manual for Practitioners
Liam Fitzpatrick, Pamela Mounter and Klavs Valskov
Get internal communications right in your organization and the benefits are clear. Motivated staff,...

Customer-Centric Marketing: Supporting Sustainability in the Digital Age
Neil Richardson, Jon L. James and Neil Kelley
Two of the major parallel challenges facing businesses today are how to adapt to the changes of...

Belichick & Brady: Two Men, the Patriots, and How They Revolutionized Football
In Patriot Reign (2004), Michael Holley wrote a bestselling look inside what makes the Patriot...

Chess Developments: The Pirc
Chess Developments is a brand new series providing state-of-the-art openings coverage. Chess...

Sports Business Management: Decision Making Around the Globe
George Foster, Norman O'Reilly and Antonio Davila
Sports Business Management will equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the sport...