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2020 | Card Game, City Building, Farming, Territory Building
Being based on the Iowa/Illinois border, Purple Phoenix Games is definitely headquartered in the good ol’ Midwest. We are not without cities and modern amenities, as some might suspect, but we are certainly accustomed to seeing farm life, rural communities, and rolling fields of crops. Figuring out how exactly to organize your fields and crops is no easy task, and Agropolis is here to put you to the test!

Disclaimer: We were provided a copy of Agropolis for the purposes of this preview. The components are not yet finalized, and will probably change from what you see here to the finished Kickstarter campaign. Agropolis is a stand-alone expansion to the popular ButtonShy title, Sprawlopolis. We have reviewed Sprawlopolis (as both a Solo Chronicles, as well as Multiplayer) in the past, so I do not intend to rehash the entire ruleset in this preview. -L

In Agropolis, players are working cooperatively to create a cohesive and thriving rural community. The overall gameplay is the same as Sprawlopolis, with a few thematic differences. To begin the game, randomly select 3 cards to dictate the scoring conditions for your specific game. Deal 1 card to each player (3 to the starting player), and place one card face-up in the center of the table. On your turn, you will draw a card, play a card into the communal countryside, pass your remaining cards to the next player, and then draw a new card. The goal is to create a countryside that scores enough points to surpass the combined total of the 3 scoring condition cards.

Each card is divided into four zones: cornfields, livestock pens, orchards, and vineyards. The selected scoring condition cards determine how you can earn and lose points for your card/zone placements in the countryside. That’s where strategy comes into play – you can’t just place your cards wherever you want! There has to be a method to the madness, and each placement must be carefully selected for maximum end-game points. When all cards have been played, tally up your points – earning points for each zone, gaining/losing points for scoring conditions, and deducting points for roads. If your final score is higher than the total of the 3 scoring conditions combined, then you have won!
As a big fan of Sprawlopolis, I am happy to report that ButtonShy has done it again with Agropolis. The overall gameplay and atmosphere is the same between both games, which adds a comfort and familiarity to the game, but the thematic differences and scoring conditions make the game feel subtly unique. Aside from a country theme, Agropolis has an optional challenge known as the Feed Fee. Certain cards have a feedbag and livestock symbol underneath the card’s score, and all cards have a combination of livestock symbols at the bottom of the scoring description. To play with the Feed Fee, simply count the number of that specific type of livestock across all 3 scoring condition cards and add that to your scoring total. You might even have multiple Feed Fees in play for a single game! That is a new added challenge unique to Agropolis, and can really up the ante of the gameplay.

Our preview copy of Agropolis also came with a 6-card combo pack expansion that allows you to combine both Agropolis and Sprawlopolis into one big game. To play with the combo pack, randomly select one scoring condition card from the three decks: Agropolis, Sprawlopolis, and the combo pack. Randomly select another combo pack card to be the starting card of your city/country blended community. On your turn, you will draw 1 Agropolis card and 1 Sprawlopolis card. Play only one of those cards to the tableau, and the other is discarded. When both draw decks run out, the game is over and points are tallied. This combo game is uniquely challenging because you have scoring conditions from both games. You can’t focus on the city-side and let the country peter out, because at least one of the scoring condition cards calls for a country-specific goal. This combo pack takes the simplicity of both games and really ups the amount of strategy required for success. Definitely a combo I will be playing a lot!
All in all, how is Agropolis? The gameplay itself is simple, strategic, and satisfying to play. Although nearly identical to Sprawlopolis, the thematic differences and country-specific scoring conditions make the game feel new and refreshing. I absolutely love the 6-card combo pack to combine both games together. It just heightens the gameplay and strategic considerations, and takes it from a smaller game to something with a little more heft. Some people are all about that city life, but I think Agropolis will show you the beauty of the rural community. Be sure to check out the Kickstarter campaign, going live on Tuesday, September 29th!
2019 | Abstract Strategy, Card Game
It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for – the next installment in the Button Shy wallet series is here! *Crowd roar* After my discovery of Button Shy through their Kickstarter for Sprawlopolis, I have actively been on the lookout for their games. When I saw the call for reviewers for their newest card game, I knew I wanted to be involved! So how does Hierarchy hold up compared to their other wildly successful wallet games? Keep reading to find out!

Hierarchy is an abstract strategy game of perfect information for 2 players. Comprised of a mere 14 playing cards (excluding title and reference cards) it is quite the compact game – as is to be expected from the Button Shy crew. In a game of Hierarchy, players take turns playing cards from their open hand (no hidden information here!) on top of the last card played by their opponent, per the placement restrictions. To win, you must be able to play a card on top of which your opponent is unable to play a card – effectively ‘checkmating’ them and claiming victory for yourself!

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. As this is a preview copy of the game, I do not know if the final rules or components will be similar or different to what we were provided. -T

Here’s how it works in detail. Each player first receives a Quick Reference Card, and is then dealt half of the deck (7 cards). The cards are double-sided to represent the two player colors – purple and gold – so each player flips their 7 cards to show their chosen color. Since this is a game of perfect information, all cards are laid out on the table, so each player always knows what cards their opponent has available to them. The player who was dealt the ‘Imposter’ card goes first. Each card has a specific number, ranging from 1 to 13, as well as a specific ability. To play a card, its number must be higher than that of the card below it, unless the card’s specific ability says it can be played otherwise. For example, if I play the Queen (#12), Travis could play the King (#13, numerically higher) or the Assassin (#1) since its power allows it to be played atop any card except for the Tower and Leper. Don’t be worried about having to memorize all the card abilities – they are all detailed on the Quick Reference Cards (see photo below). Play continues back and forth until one player is unable to play a card, either because they have no cards left at all or because they have no valid cards left to play. That player loses the game, and the remaining player is the top of the Hierarchy! (Roll credits)

Let’s talk components first. They’re excellent, which is no surprise coming from ButtonShy. Of course, we just have a preview copy of the game, so I can only imagine that the card quality might be up for improvement during the Kickstarter. That being said, the cards we received are nice and sturdy, as is the tell-tale wallet of a ButtonShy game. The text on the cards is a good size, and the font is easy to read. The artwork is fine, but quite honestly not something I looked at in depth until Travis mentioned the style. I think that’s because the cards are all monochrome, the art just didn’t really draw my eye. Not a knock on the game, just something I noticed! Speaking of color, I personally love the player color choices of Purple and Gold – the school colors of my Alma Mater ((the University of Northern Iowa, go Panthers!)(also of the Alma Mater of the rest of us – Western Illinois University – GO NECKS! -T)). Maybe I’m biased, but I think those two colors are a great combination 🙂

And how about the gameplay? I think it’s excellent. For such a compact and ‘light’ game, the strategy required for success keeps the game extremely engaging. You always know the cards your opponent has, and you’ve got to be thinking at least several turns in advance to try to back them into a corner while not letting yourself fall victim to an unnoticed strategic play. Another neat thing about Hierarchy is how quickly it plays – typically in 20 minutes or less. You might have to devote a decent amount of brainpower to outwitting your opponent, but you definitely don’t need to devote hours of time during your game night for this game, and I love that. Gamers who enjoy games like Citadels or Love Letter might enjoy the familiarity of Hierarchy’s gameplay coupled with the intimacy of a strictly 2-player game. The final verdict from me is that Button Shy has another hit on their hands with Hierarchy. I am very much looking forward to following the campaign, and definitely plan to pull this game out many times in my future!
2011 | Book, Card Game, Fighting, Pirates
Game nights with the group are some of my favorite nights, but pesky schedules and “personal lives” often get in the way. Not being able to play with the group hasn’t slowed my gaming roll though, and I am always on the lookout for good, solo-able games! So when I saw ‘Friday – A Solo Adventure’ at my local used game sale, I knew I had to grab it.

Picture this – you live on a tropical island. One day as you’re walking down by the ocean, you see something on the shore. As you approach, you realize it is a grown man! Turns out this castaway is Robinson Crusoe. You decide to help Crusoe learn the ways of the jungle, combat hazards, build up his strength, and eventually escape your island via a nearby pirate ship. The island is a rough place, though, so you must be diligent in your guidance! Otherwise your newest comrade may not survive…

A cute little card drafting game of survival on a deserted island – how hard can it be, right? I seriously underestimated how tough this game actually is – I have never won a game to date. The premise of the game is simple enough (draw cards, overcome hazards, and build your deck), but successful execution is the tricky part.

It all really comes down to the luck of the draw. Some cards are excellent for fighting hazards, while others can seriously negatively impact a fight. Success or failure depends on how well you shuffle and where the cards end up in your draw pile. That is to be expected though – if all the cards were helpful, the game would be so easy! The balance (or should I say imbalance?) of positive and negative cards is what makes the game so difficult. There are almost as many negative cards as there are positive, which makes every fight feel completely random to me. It is hard to strategize because each turn is almost a 50/50 shot as to whether your next card is positive or negative. The game is supposed to last 3 phases, but I am lucky to survive into phase 2.

Friday will stay in my collection, for the time being, while I continue trying to formulate a working strategy. Overall, though, it is not my go-to solo game. Purple Phoenix Games gives it a 8 / 12. (Josh and Bryan haven’t played it yet!)

Dana (24 KP) rated The Winner's Kiss in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
The Winner's Kiss
The Winner's Kiss
Marie Rutkoski | 2016 | Children
7.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
So my rating for this is actually a 3.5 stars instead of a 4 stars, but I rounded up. Oh and there will be spoilers in this review, so you have been warned.

This was an okay ending for the series-it wasn't bad but it wasn't bad either.

The characters got whiny and I only understood some of their motivations for what they did. Kestrel and Arin were very angsty throughout the series, and they did not disappoint in this book either.

I understand Kestrel had to forget herself in the work camp to be able to survive the camp and to become a better person afterwards, but to me, it was kinda pointless. Yes, she gets to start a new relationship with Arin and everyone else, but it seemed like a cover for the story to be able to go on without as many hitches. She was still able to retain some of herself, but most of her memories were gone? That just didn't make much sense to me. With that, how would she remember how to play the games so well if her mind was gone? I'm pretty sure that war strategy doesn't stay with you longer than your core memories, but hey, that's just my opinion. Another convenient thing that came with Kestrel's memory loss was that some of the previous novels' subplots were not touched on because she couldn't remember them. Again, not really my favorite thing in the world when it comes to writing.

Because of these couple of things, I did see quite a few plot holes that were too big for me not to notice.

I liked Arin the tiger. I want a tiger friend because that would be awesome.

I also really liked the clever way Kestrel took down the emperor. That was a brilliant move and I was actually really worried for her when I was reading that part of the book.

Overall, it was paced quite well, it was a very quick read, but there were plot and characterization problems that kept me from absolutely loving it. I am glad that I finished reading this series and that I waited to be able to binge read them all in one summer, but it was also kind of a let down from what I had expected.

If you like books with interesting concepts, lands, and politics, definitely pick this series up because, like I said before, I didn't dislike it! Not by a long shot!
So many games today take older ideas and look to infuse a new wrinkle into them in order to great something fresh. One such game is Obliteracers which looks to take a page from the classic character-based racing games such as Mario Kart and infuse new life into a genre which too many had become fairly stale in recent years. The game puts less emphasis on racing as finishing first or last doesn’t really matter for the most part as the goal is to obliterate your opponents as you race around the track. There are a variety of tracks such as a futuristic city, tropical beach, oil tanker, and so on, many which will seem familiar to people who spent a lot of time in the genre.

By using weapons such as missiles, oil slicks, flamethrowers, mines, machine guns, and such, the strategy is to take out as many of them before they get you. When the field of opponents is reduced to one, the match starts over and continues until a champion has been reached based on a point system from the earlier matches. This at this point players can then move on to another locale and start the battle all over. There are variations in the gameplay mode where in addition to wiping out your opponents, factors such as staying in the lead, endurance, and such do help you increase your score which will ultimately lead to your overall championship. After a brief introduction to the game, I found myself able to win my earlier matches without too much difficulty and ultimately advance through the rankings fairly quickly.

There is a multiplayer mode for the game and matchmaking at me racing against another player in no time however it was a simple two player match and not nearly as exciting as having a field of players to race against. I hope in time that will be more customization options for vehicles, tracks, characters, and so on as the game is an amusing if albeit fleeting diversion. For value priced software it does hold a solid amount of entertainment if you’re willing to overlook some of the shortcomings and things such as random clipping issues were my car became part of the track at various times during the race.

Obliteracers gave me a couple of hours of pleasant distraction, and as such might be worth your time if this is something that would interest you.