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F1 2017 Day One Edition
F1 2017 Day One Edition
2017 | Racing
More depth then last year (6 more)
AI is better
Tougher then last year
No German Grand Prix
It makes you think more
Feels like a proper F1 game
More to do besides campaign
Ai still isn’t perfect (3 more)
Biased stewarding
McLaren is constantly cursed
Never be Hamilton’s team mate
Still got it to be at the top
I went off F1 games when I played F1 2011 for the Wii, so after I took a chance on F1 2016, which I love for the gameplay the graphics the engine, the pit stops, the drivers AI (well some of the AI.) i just loved how Codemasters made an F1 game that was worth paying for, so I suppose this one is the same right? Wrong, this is way way better the 2016, The high scores it has got, are validated. I’ve never seen graphics this smooth or advanced, even my other half who has no interest in games whatsoever went “wow” when she saw them. The R&D part of F1 2017 is bigger by all means. Last year you had 5 departments with 5 upgrades, this year, you have 4 but you have at least 20 upgrades per department with separate goals for achievements, like do 20 pits stops your pit crew gets quicker or you race 60 races as first driver you get 15% points back from what you earn all race weekends. The most challenging part of this R&D is what do you upgrade first? (If you race a McLaren, I’d recommend reliability then speed.) not only that but do you save up your points and buy quality control and/or make everything cheaper (it’s a long road but it is worth it.) The biggest change this year is reliability, last year you could put fill your car up, put it in rich and that’s it. Not so this year, you have to manage your parts, and every engine has to last you at least 6 races, same with the parts, otherwise more then 4 engines or parts, grid penalties I’m afraid. There are More ways to get R&D points this year, track acclimatisation, Tyre management team objectives and Qualifying pace now they've added fuel saving and Race Strategy. They don’t take as long as they used to too. The teams you can pick have been put into 3 categories. (Your McLarens and Saubers make the bottom, Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes make the top and everyone else makes the middle.) each team has different objectives, (so Mercedes is to stay top of the pile, Williams is challenging for podiums, Saubers is to challenge for points you get the idea.)

If youre bored with a season theres more to it there's the traditional multiplayer, events, time trials New for this year, there is a championship mode. Using cars using older and newer cars and invitational events. Ranging from overtake challenge (overtake cars in say 3 minutes) to pursuit (AI in slower cars but you have to pass them) to time attack (cover say 3 laps in 5 minutes.) There's also multiple championships (ranging from a championship in classic cars to a double header tour to an international street series. Agent wise, you still get the option of changing teams every year and half way through a season. She’s presented a lot more in this year.

Bad news, well if you’re thinking of driving a McLaren, be afraid to be disappointed. I’ve heard more complaints about McLaren being as bad in the game then they are in real life, dare I say worse. The Ai still decide to take you off but it’s not as bad as 2016s AI. Your engineer is not as useless as last year but he still needs work on, agent is stil the same as last year so could have her doing more. Marshall’s still are biased and can’t tell the difference

It’s definitely an upgrade on last season but AI still isn’t perfect and there is so much more that could’ve been done. But as far as a game goes, this is more Mercedes then McLaren.

Ross (3282 KP) rated The Occultist in Books

Feb 12, 2019 (Updated Feb 14, 2019)  
The Occultist
The Occultist
Oliver Mayes | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Far from original LitRPG but a whole lot of fun
** Thanks to Portal Books and the author for giving me the chance to read this in advance of its release **
The LitRPG genre (the best-known example being Ready Player One) is something of a narrow one. There are only a few levers to pull: the main character's real life scenario, the game mechanics, the main character's chosen "class" in-game and the conflicts therein.
The Occultist looks to mix this up a bit with the main character choosing a less traditional class, of occultist - that is, he learns the ability to summon a variety of demons and spells/abilities to use with them. This would mark The Occultist out from the crowd, if it weren't for Awaken Online already having done almost the exact same. In AO, Jason chooses a dark class and summons zombies, skeletons etc, and a large part of the early stages of this book really bear a very close resemblance to AO. We have the main character's problems at home, leading him to want to escape into the game, and to find a way to make money from his gaming hobby. The chosen in-game path is almost identical. There is an extremely strong, popular player that he wants to compete with.
From early on, I was thinking this book was a rip-off of AO. But the second half of the book is really where the book marks itself apart from AO. Whereas that book's action was focused on large scale strategy in battles, here we are scurrying around in the background picking players off one by one and there are some truly excellent action sequences, where the abilities and spells learned and the demons at Damien's disposal are used to some really creative effects. Damien looks to get some revenge on his nemesis and also to try and "level up" quickly (again, a key component of LitRPG books), and tries to pick off players as they battle other players, or take on perilous dungeons.
A lot of LitRPG books have had a very immersive gaming element, at times it was more like reading a more traditional fantasy book but where the main character was more clear what he was doing and what skills/abilities he was using. Here you are always aware the character is in a game: he "equips" clothes rather than getting dressed, there is no need for eating or sleeping, what can and can't be done, what you get from killing another character etc is so much more in line with games than in other books. This again marked it out from other books, and gave it a very different feel.
Another major selling point of The Occultist is that it doesn't mess around with time dilation (game time running at a much faster rate than real time). I don't see why so many of the other books in this genre feel the need to build this in, as it is then hard to keep it consistent, and doesn't really feel right or necessary at any time.
Also, Damien's real world troubles take more focus than in other books, as he struggles to find somewhere to live and is on the run.
While the book manages to stick to its own rules (what can and can't be done etc), there is one moment where the main character manages to do something he shouldn't be able to do (his spells have a cool down period before they can be used again and at least once this isn't observed), which was slightly frustrating given how hard the author had tried to plan out the action in line with the people involved and their skills and strengths.
My only real gripe with the book is the title of the game/series - Saga Online, which sounds less like an exciting new MMORPG, and more like the web portal for booking a pensioners' cruise!
In summary, not an original idea (but hard to have such a thing in this genre) but a superbly well told, exciting and fun read. I heartily recommend this to anyone who likes fantasy books, games like the Witcher or just anyone looking for some real fun escapism.
Aquaman (2018)
Aquaman (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Jason Momoa as Aquaman The final battle The cgi Willem defoe Nicole kidman Amber heard Patrick Wilson (0 more)
Pitbulls Africa cover (0 more)
"war is coming to the surface"
Aquaman is absolutely a disciple of the superhero formula we've seen used, reused and recycled over the past couple decades...but its formula done right. There's an inherent lunacy to a hero like Aquaman; his myth is built upon a lost Atlantean culture that's simultaneously advanced technologically and heavily influenced by ancient Greek mythology, and his powers included near-Superman levels of strength and invulnerability existing alongside an ability to communicate with marine life. This makes approaching his story from a gritty, realistic perspective damn near impossible.

Instead Wan and the writers behind Aquaman intelligently focus on world-building and following the tried-and-true "heroic journey"; complete with initial rejection of a prophesied role, slow but steady immersion into said role's culture, recognition of the need for growth and change, and eventual assumption of role. It's been seen before and it'll be seen again. But what propels Aquaman ahead of other films like it is the energy that Wan imbues it with. It's goofy without undermining the sincerity of Arthur's journey. It's fast-paced and simple-minded without sacrificing the weight and universality of this particular hero's myth. It's loud and colorful and *full* of CGI everything without reducing itself to an over-commercialized, artless heap of nothingness.

It's a big-ass blockbuster with personality. Momoa has charisma to spare; he owns the physicality and irreverence of this new imagining of the king of the ocean perfectly. Amber Heard is sexy and badass as Mera; something of a victim of a forced romance but also a compelling and strong protagonist in her own right. Patrick Wilson as Oceanmaster (call me....Oceanmaster) is given enough screen-time to develop that he's more than a punching bag for Aquaman; but actually a character with ambitions and a defined, fleshed-out purpose. The origin segment is tightly done and more than enough to set the stage for what is to come. And probably the strongest aspect of this picture, the costuming and world-building, is off the charts. Similar to the enduring fantasy films that precede this (LOTR, Star Wars, Avatar for a few examples) the undersea kingdoms are a place I want to return to. They aren't just my world dressed up with CGI and the occasional costuming flourish; they're entirely foreign and endlessly inventive. Probably a solid third of the film is simply Aquaman, and the audience, being told about this world and shown it by Mera. While that may not be artistically prestigious strategy for engaging audiences, it entertains and fascinates on a "turn off your brain and look at those pretty colors" sort of way. There's a simple glee in seeing sharks ridden like horses or an octopus pounding a war-time set of drums.

I always offer the disclaimer when writing about nerdy films that I love which is this: I am a nerd. While I wasn't particularly attached to Aquaman growing up; his journey, the nature of this sort of film and the cinematic universe he will be growing into are fundamentally important to me, and I like to embrace that bias rather than keep it in check with reduced ratings or "objective" analysis. Whether it be a giant, confusing and chaotic battle between underwater armies or the horrifying descent into "the trench"; you'll always find me looking up at the screen like a little kid. Or moments like Arthur meeting Mera and confronting is past, or taking upon the role of king while wielding the trident; I just love that sort of stuff. I'm a sucker for these beats and this formula; and all signs point to this continuing. So while I may like it more than most; I'd mostly like to say Aquaman still distinguishes itself as a particularly goofy, sprawling, mythic, and metal experience that deserved to be seen on the big-screen, and to be celebrated as the fantasy film it is. It's a great time, and a nice addition to the DC film franchise.
Cthulhu Realms
Cthulhu Realms
2015 | Card Game, Fantasy, Mythology
Cthulhu – a theme that is deeply rooted in the board gaming world. There are SO MANY Cthulhu-based games and spin-offs of standard games. Some people really dig the theme, and some people really don’t. So where does this particular game fall on the spectrum? Keep reading to find out!

In Cthulhu Realms, a deck-building game, you are a Cthulhu cultist that is trying to drive your rivals literally insane. By gathering followers, collecting artifacts, and discovering new locations, you will gain enough power to influence the sanity of those who would oppose you! On your turn, you will play cards from your hand to Conjure (acquire new cards from the communal pool), Draw/Discard cards, Gain/Lose Sanity, or Abjure (permanently discard cards from the game). The game ends when a player is reduced to zero sanity – and the player who has retained their sanity is the winner!

I love deck-building games. I really do. I think it’s a neat mechanic that allows you to customize your strategy with every play. So I enjoy playing Cthulhu Realms because of that element. And that’s kind of where my enjoyment ends with this game. Don’t get me wrong – it’s a decent game. I just have a couple of issues with the actual cards and abilities. The cards themselves are very reliant on iconography to communicate powers/abilities. Props to the player boards for having a quick reference for the basic actions, but I still always keep the rule sheet on hand for the in-depth explanation as I play. And even then, the rule sheet still has a bit of ambiguity on how some of the powers work. I wish they’d provided a couple of examples because sometimes I still get confused by certain combinations of icons. Just a little more detail in the rule sheet could alleviate some of the ambiguity of the icon abilities.

For card abilities, each individual card can have anywhere from 1-3 special abilities. The tricky thing is that the abilities do not all have to be used at the same time. So I could use 1 ability from a card, use an ability from a different card, and then come back to my first card and use another of it’s printed abilities. And with a hand of 5 cards every turn (not counting additional cards you may draw…), it can be hard to keep track of which abilities you’ve already used that turn. On top of that, many of the abilities have prerequisites – you can’t use that specific ability unless you’ve already played/have in play the requisite card. Some abilities only have 1 prerequisite, but some have 2, which just adds another layer of bookkeeping to your turns. Not only are you trying to remember which card abilities you’ve already used, but you’re also trying to keep track of your cards/actions that turn that could unlock other card abilities. The rule sheet suggests sliding a card to one side of your play area once you’ve used one of its powers. But again, if it has more than 1 ability on it, you’ve got to remember which ones you’ve used/haven’t used yet, regardless of where they are in your play area. This is a competitive game overall, but with all of these elements to track on your turns, it saps the tension from the game and makes it feel a little more luck-based than strategic.

To alleviate some of my grievances, I think the game could just have more cards with fewer abilities on each. That would make it much easier to execute all of your turns. And eliminate some of the ability prerequisites – having them on most of the abilities just adds another element for you to keep track of, and it feels a little unnecessary. If the turns were a little more clear and concise, I would like this game a lot more. It’s not bad, it just gets bogged down a little bit with too much action on your turns. That’s why Purple Phoenix Games gives Cthulhu Realms a 6/12.
Tides of Time
Tides of Time
2015 | Ancient, Card Game, Civilization
There are now several civilization building games out there. Many of which are very good. But how would you build your civ? Lots of sprawling castles and shows of wealth? Beautiful gardens and a tendency toward the arts? Complete militaristic and drunk with power? I like to mix it up a bit, and Tides of Time allows me to do just that – mix up your civ to create the best synergy of elements.

Tides of Time is a card drafting and set collection mini civilization building game that spans three ages (rounds). The player with the most amount of VPs at the end of the game is the winner. The VPs are scored at the end of each round and then added to arrive at the final score. You earn VPs throughout the game by having cards in your civ that feed off each other in amazing combo play.

To setup, shuffle the big civ element cards and deal each player a hand of five. Place the others nearby to draw from during the subsequent rounds. Place the “Relic of the Past” tokens nearby as well. You are ready to play.

On your turn you will draft one card from your hand, then pass to your opponent. When you select a card, play it to your tableau in front of you. Continue this simple draft until you have your Round 1 civilization cards ready to score. Each card will belong to one of five suits, with three card being unsuited, and each card having some sort of scoring ability or special ability to affect the cards in play. Example: having a majority in crown suit cards will score you 7 VP (the top leftmost card in the play pic below). Obviously if you have played this card early in the round you want to try to amass the majority of crowns for those yummy 7 VPs. This is how the card combos will generally work, with many other rules and scoring abilities to discover on your own.

At the end of Round 1 and 2 you will select one of your cards you played this round and place the “Relic of the Past” token on it. This freezes the card to your tableau to be used again in future rounds. So taking our example from before, if you chose the 7 VPs from crown majority card in Round 1, you can use it in Rounds 2 and 3 to score again should you satisfy the scoring ability. 21 VPs from one card is pretty great.

Components. This is a bunch of cards, two cardboard tokens, a score pad, and a golf pencil. The cards are great quality, and a satisfyingly large size. The tokens are good as well, and the writing supplies are good too. The artwork throughout is very very good and I enjoy studying the paintings, though they have nothing to do with game play. No complaints here at all.

I am a sucker for drafting games where you pass your hand to gain other card. Games like 7 Wonders, Among the Stars, and even Sushi Go! are really good times. When I play Tides of Time it gives me that same feeling of trying to guess your opponent’s strategy as well as fulfill your best tactics to score massive points. It is quick and light and a really great filler. There is enough variability in this one to keep me coming back for more and I definitely enjoy pulling it out giving it a run.

My only concern is that I don’t pull it off the shelf enough. It is in a weird slot of 2-player filler. When I feel like playing a great 2-player game, I will typically pull out Patchwork, 7 Wonders: Duel, or Jaipur. This really is a great game, and if you are a fan of drafting games that have you exchanging hands (as opposed to simply drafting from a face-up row or grid) then you should give this one a try. I do enjoy other games a bit more, but I am glad we have this available to us. We at Purple Phoenix Games give this one a pasted-on 8 / 12.
Meow! The Cult of Cat
Meow! The Cult of Cat
2019 | Animals, Kids Game, Memory, Party Game, Religious
I remember when I joined a cult. Wait, I have not yet done that. I have joined fraternities and other organizations, though, where there are specific ritualistic initiations and periods of testing and awakening just prior. These trials have included written tests, symbolic experiences with the brethren, and sometimes just silly stuff that make no sense but to bring us closer together. This is the tarry of your anthropomorphic character as you attempt to gain the favor of your brethren and pass all the tests along the way into the Cult of Cat.

NOTE: I have never been hazed nor have I hazed another. Just wanted to get that straight.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a review copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and I do not know if the final components will be similar or different, or if the Kickstarter campaign will alter or add anything through stretch goals. -T

As an initiate to the Cult of Cat it is your duty to pass the test and not break any rules. The winning player, therefore, is the one who can perform all of the necessary rules without breaking any. Let me explain. The game is a giant stack of cards. Upon these cards is the name of the rule, an illustration that matches the rule, and an explanation of the action to be completed. At the beginning of the game you are dealt two cards (or one card dependent on number of players in the game) and one card is dealt face-down to the middle of the table. You look at your dealt cards, study them, and pass your hand to the player on your left. So you now have seen two rules that you have passed, and you have received two rules from your neighbor on the right. I hope you remembered what you passed…

On your turn you will play a card from your hand, announce and perform its action, and then perform all the actions on your opponents’ cards that you can possibly remember to impress the brethren and hopefully not break any of their rules in the process. Once you are satisfied with your performance you point to the player on your left and ask, “Have I broken any of your rules?” If you performed one of the rules in their hand incorrectly, or omitted one of their rules, then they are required to say, “Yes.” At this point they announce the rule you have broken, add that card to the card that was dealt face-down to the table, and you add your played card to form a pile of three. Shuffle those and draw one for yourself, your opponent draws one, and the remainder stays on the table. This is the game and it continues until someone has correctly performed the actions of their opponents and not broken any rules.

Components. Again, this is a giant stack of cards. I do not know what the quality will be after the Kickstarter campaign ends, so I cannot really comment on them. My review copy cards were fine. The art on the cards is really comical and funny. I mean comical like in comic books. I like the art quite a bit, and while I am not really looking at the illustrations as I play (there is already so much I am trying to remember), when I look through the deck I chuckle at a lot of the cards.

Guys, this is a great party game. It is rules-light, doesn’t require a ton of strategy, and gets people up and moving and out of their comfort zones. It really is perfect for those times when you have reluctant players or partners to get them into the gaming mood by having them perform ridiculous but super fun actions. Winners, losers, it doesn’t matter at the end of this game. Everyone is sure to have a really great time playing. If you love Happy Salmon, I can almost guarantee that you will also love Meow! as something a little different. And we at Purple Phoenix Games love Happy Salmon! I am really looking forward to the Kickstarter campaign to see what Peter C. Hayward has up his sleeves.