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Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Crystal Shard (Paladins of Crystal. #1)
Nicola M. Cameron | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Crystal's life pretty much sucks - she was abandoned at birth, she feels a burden to her adoptive brother and his pregnant wife and, on top of that, she has just assaulted her boss! She wishes she could just be whisked away from it all until she is then she just wants to get home to her miserable life... until she goes on an adventure with a few rather handsome, extremely hot men, especially one who she would give anything to be with but he is betrothed to another, on this adventure can she find more than herself?

This is the first book in a new series by the author, a fantastically written story with some twists and turns. Talk about having some saucy dreams honestly I was blushing! Totally understandable though! The style Nicola has written in everything just flows and there's no confusion about what's happening, she makes it so easy to follow. I thoroughly enjoyed the storyline, the camaraderie between the group and the way they fit together is just like a jigsaw puzzle, they were meant to find each other. I've read other books by Nicola and I get so into her writing I get lost in the worlds she has created. She has got a fantastic style and has you captured with every written word it doesn't seem forced or let's put that bit in it fills a gap, I cannot give her enough praise.

I highly recommend this book and give Nicola.M.Cameran's other books a read. I can't wait to read the next one.
Wicked Nobles (Nocturnal Academy #1)
Wicked Nobles (Nocturnal Academy #1)
Holly Hook, Margo Ryerkerk | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wicked Nobles ( Nocturnal Academy book 1)
By Margo Ryerkerk and Holly Hook

In a world ruled by vamps, being half fae and magicless sucks.
You know what’s even worse? Being sold into slavery by your own mother.

I am Onyx Logan, and my mother condemned me when she sent me to Nocturnal Academy. If I get lucky, the academy will mold me into a servant for rich vampires. If I’m not, I’ll become a courtesan.

But if the vamps think I’ll take this lying down like a good little bitch, they’re wrong. I don’t have the means to escape Nocturnal Academy, but I have my eyes set on someone who does.

Prince Preston Kallan, a handsome, pureblood fae teacher from the Summer Court, doesn’t know who I am yet, but he will soon. At least that was the plan. Because as it turns out, nothing goes the way I expect.

This is wasn’t bad at all! Written well and shows so much promise! I was torn between 3 and 4 stars. It’s an interesting story and a take on vampires and far I’ve not seen before. Quite a short books so im looking forward to reading more.
The Perfect Girl
Gilly MacMillan | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Zoe Maisey is a genius: a piano prodigy with an amazingly high IQ. She is also a killer. When she was fourteen, Zoe was responsible for the death of three fellow teens. Now, she and her mother have started over (their "Second Chance Life") and Zoe is playing her first concert in her new life, along with her stepbrother, Lucas. But her performance is disrupted and Zoe flees the concert hall. And, by the end of the night, Zoe's mother is dead. Zoe is alone, forced to confront a new world without her protector. Plus, who is responsible for her mother's death?

This book grabbed me immediately; it sucks you in from the start and doesn't let you go until it finishes, when you're exhilarated and exhausted. It's a fascinating, easy-to-read thriller with short chapters that tell us about the events surrounding the timeframe after Zoe's concert, but also going back into the past via flashbacks from the characters. We hear from Zoe, her aunt, Tessa, Tessa's husband, Richard, and Sam, Zoe's lawyer from her "previous" life. Their narratives weave flawlessly into a tense and sometimes psychologically creepy tale that has you sitting spellbound, turning pages frantically, wanting to know what happens.

In theory, the action happens over a very short period of time, as Maria's killer is unveiled, but the ability to go into the past with the characters extends the time and makes you tensely await each action. Macmillan's characters are nuanced and deep--each with their own quirks, flaws, and motivations. Beyond the actual plotline of murder, there is a deep thread of discord and familial drama and angst running among our characters, who are certainly a flawed bunch. The book makes you question and ponder many things, including the topics of forgiveness, loyalty, marriage, and what really makes a family. I won't forget either the exciting story or the characters themselves for some time.

Overall, while there were certainly a few things to quibble with with this one, I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was a tense but enjoyable thriller to escape into and certainly well worth the thread.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and Librarything (thank you)!

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Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Scarlet (The Lunar Chronicles, #2)
Marissa Meyer | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fact: When I discover a series that completely sucks me in...I simply have to binge read the whole thing. If the series has stand alone novels in it, it isn't as much torture and I can wait...But if it is a continuing storyline...You won't see me come up for air until I am done (or to post the reviews for said books). So pass me the Starbursts and Red Bull, I will see ya later! Oh, after I finish this post.

Scarlet picks up the day after Cinder ends. Cinder and Kai remain as main characters throughout the second book. But now we are introduced to a whole new level of intrigue in the storyline. Scarlet and Wolf are AMAZING! I adore them and can't wait to see where their story leads. Scarlet's grandmere is pretty awesome too!

As secrets unfold of her heritage and her grandmother's past, Scarlet embarks on a dangerous mission to find her grandmere and bring her home. Scarlet will do anything to protect the only family she has left, even at the risk of her own safety. We also begin to learn more about Cinder's past and everything that she has gone through.

Cyborgs, Wolf Gangs, Lunar aliens, space travel, escaped convicts, hidden princess, hidden genealogy, this series has so much to offer and entertain. Clean and sweet romance appropriate for Young Adults. I am comfortable recommending this book to teens and adults.
The Marsh King&#039;s Daughter
The Marsh King's Daughter
Karen Dionne | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Arc Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm

So Where to start with this review, The Marsh Kings Daughter by Karen Dionne is one of those books where not a lot happens in terms of plotline, this actually doesn't seem to matter as we spend most of the book looking backwards as this is where the main action lies. This story Immerses you in a past that though horrific, is so deeply ingrained in tradition and culture that it sucks you into the pages fully as we experience through a child's eyes life on the marsh.
So Basically, Helena is the daughter of the Marsh King Jacob and his abducted bride, who is hardly more than her child herself.
Unaware of her mother's captivity she is raised on the marsh as her father's shadow.
eagerly Learning all that he knows.
Despite her father's sometimes cruel ways Helena adores him.
At the age of twelve upon realising the secret of her birth and her mother's imprisonment at the hands of her sadistic father and yearning for change Helena manages to escape to civilisation.
But The outside world is a lot different to what she imagined and her grandparents can barely tolerate her presence.
So when she turns eighteen she sets off into the world to forge her own path, cutting herself off from her family and changing her name to escape the notoriety of being the marsh king's daughter.
This is really where we come in Helena is married with two little girls. The secret of her birth is still hidden, that is until her father escapes from Prison engaging Helena in a deadly game of cat and mouse with her family the prize at stake.
This was such an easy and interesting read, I loved the vivid descriptions and also the ongoing Fairytale of the stories namesake.
The Marsh Kings daughter kept my attention till the end.
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for providing me with a free advanced readers copy this is my own personal opinion of the marsh king's daughter by Karen Dionne.

ARC Reviewed by BeckieBookworm
X (2022) (2022)
X (2022) (2022)
2022 | Horror
7.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Ti West has been gruesomely carving his name into the horror genre for a little while now, but with X, it feels like everything is really falling into place. It's a snappy, funny, unnerving, visceral, and chaotic ride that is easy to get lost in.
Despite it's fast moving narrative, it still finds time to slowly build its tension. Even before shit goes south, and everyone's having a bloody lovely time snorting cocaine and filming porn, something just feels off, to an almost unbearable degree.
Creepy, elderly antagonists have been done before, but the villains of the piece here have a well realised soft edge to them in the form of their relationship. There's some touching moments between them (as well as some gross ones), and it very much drives home the point that getting old sucks, and there's definitely a sliver of sympathy in there somewhere in between all the stabbing and nastiness.
The main group of protagonists are all a joy to watch on screen and are all pretty likable. Mia Goth is superb in her dual role, and it's great to see Jenna Ortega furthering a promising career in horror. The whole cast are decent and sell the unfolding madness with aplomb.
It's beautifully shot as well, from the opening scene, to the moment the credits roll, every frame feels like it's been slaved over with a great degree of passion. There's homages everywhere you look, the most obvious of course, being The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, from its setting and general vibe, to the very arthouse style that the film is presented in. It's really quite a treat to look at.
The more slasher side of things eventually takes over, and proceedings do become relatively predictable, but by that point, the film has descended into a crazy, gory, good time, and it's hard to care about any slight misgivings.

In short, X is a fucking blast and is well worth making a cinema trip for any fans of the genre. Don't sleep on it!
Just Cause 3
Just Cause 3
2015 | Action/Adventure
Wingsuit is a lot of fun (0 more)
Terrible dialogue (1 more)
Excruciatingly long loading screens
Into the fire, or just a flash in the pan?
I have always been a huge fan of the Just Cause games, I played the hell out of the first one on PS2 and I have great memories of it and of being blown away by the sheer scope and beauty of the game’s environment. Then the follow up was even crazier and even more fun. The explosions were bigger, the characters were more bombastic, the map was massive and the game was amazing. So, I think it’s fair to say I had been fairly excited for a while for the series’ third entry. Unfortunately, as has been the case with a number of big AAA games released in 2015, it is a disappointment. It’s not a bad game by any standard, it just fails to improve on it’s predecessors in any way. When I’m weighing up my opinion on a game, the first thing I always ask myself is, is it fun? And is Just Cause 3 a fun game? Hell yes it is. The explosions feel and look just as good as you would hope they would and the addition of the wingsuit is awesome. Flying around the map like a superhero feels truly epic, it really does give you a sense of being Godlike and it is without doubt the highlight of the game’s new mechanics. However, when you take those two things away, the wingsuit and the explosions, all that is left is a very mediocre third person shooter with mediocre graphics and a cheesy, poorly written script read by voice actors playing uninteresting stereotypes. But hey, this is a Just Cause game, it isn’t exactly known for it’s reputation of telling deep stories about the evolution of a certain character’s psyche, this is the game where you ride missiles and grapple launch into a man with a dropkick, so as long as the fundamental Just Cause functions are present, then surely that’s all that matters. Then you run into the problem with loading times. Now I don’t actually mind games with long load times all that much, within reason, but Just Cause is the type of game where it gives you so many insane mechanics that you naturally feel the need to experiment, but sometimes these experiments end up in Rico’s violent death, which in turn results in another long load screen. After four or five times of this happening within the space of a single mission, the frustration is at boiling point and the game becomes a chore and any fun you were having is quickly lost. It’s as if the game actually punishes you for trying crazy things, yet it claims to be the game that encourages insanity! Also the ways in which you die are so inconsistent that they become massively unpredictable. For example, after dying 3 or 4 times while trying to liberate a base using a madman zipline/parachute combination technique, I finally decided to just play it safe and get the liberation over and done with, so I used a missile mounted chopper. I blew up a bunch of fuel tanks etc and then a couple of SAM’s blew some holes in my chopper, most of the time the game gives you a minute to jump out of the chopper before it explodes, but sometimes at random, it will just blow up instantly and kill you dead, leaving you with another 5 minute loading screen and even more despair. Also Rico can sometimes take fall damage of up to a good few hundred feet, but sometimes a small drop from a roof to the ground of a bungalow will kill him instantly. This wouldn’t be so much of a problem if it wasn’t coupled with long ass load times, which is what really makes the process excruciating. Like I said before, I don’t mind long load screens all that much, but when they are coupled with frequent random chance instadeath, then I have a problem. There is a website that I use frequently called and it essentially gives you the average amount of time that it takes to beat a game’s campaign. For Just Cause the website says 15.5 hours to beat, which is about right, but I reckon that if you shorten the load times and fixed the random occurrences of instadeath, you could beat it in 11 or 12 hours. That’s 4 hours of sitting through frustrating load screens that you are never going to get back.

It really sucks actually, I wanted to love this game so much and it’s done it’s damndest to prevent me from doing so. To put it bluntly there are better open world games out there and you won’t have to wait half as long to load them up.

Ben Butler (17 KP) Oct 11, 2017

The load screens were definitely a problem. I agree so much. There are so many random death bits and then you sit through the loads again.

I loved the wing suit. It was fun to glide around and drop your explosives everywhere.

Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Children of Blood and Bone: Book 1
Tomi Adeyemi | 2018 | Paranormal, Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (28 Ratings)
Book Rating
A hidden wonder!
Contains spoilers, click to show
This was a "desperation" book buy. I happened to be in my local WHSmiths buying my toddler some books and wanted something new to read myself. I picked this up off the shelf, took a cursory glance at the blurb and decided why not - at the very least it will give me something to read for a few days.
This book was totally captivating and eclipsing! Within the first 5 pages I was hooked and could not put it down. Not consciously hooked straight away as I sometimes am, but in the sense of I literally couldn't make myself stop reading yet didn't know why. Within a day and a half I had finished and was thoroughly torn up to discover I couldn't even get the sequel yet. (So I now have to make do with re-reading it almost continuously which is no hardship!)
The clever descriptive writing soon sucks you into the world of the storyline and convinces you it is not only plausible but very real. The charactors felt as though they were my very own family and I was totally invested in their futures.
Whilst the reason for the book being written is heartwrenching in itself, the story line is so cleverly written to portray the social issues and paradigms of the modern world in an intelligent yet disconnected way. I have never felt such an emotional rollercoaster as I did reading this book. Each time it looked as though they would succeed in restoring magic, my own heart soared with hope. And each time the plans didn't pan out, I personally felt like a candle in the night had been extinguished. The social caste differences and brutal violence were traumatic in their own right, yet to illustrate the point with the demise of some charactors who were pivotal to the aim of the protagonists, really drove home the risks, suffering and sacrifices of the charactors in the story, as well as further illustrate the point of the novel. The ending was totally unexpected and soul-destroying and I am somehow both excited and apprehensive to read the next book upon its release. I don't think any amount of time can prepare me for the adreneline building heartwrenching rollercoaster still to come. I 100% recommend this novel to everyone and commend such an inspirational, thought provoking and clever interpretation and translation of modern day societal issues into fantasy fiction.
He&#039;s Just Not That Into You (2009)
He's Just Not That Into You (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
6.7 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
the more i see it, the worse it gets
This film is just bad. Some acting is horrible, the plot entirely sucks, and the characters are so one-sided. I like movies like this, in the sense that its characters that are woven with each other through their relationships with others - in the same way, Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve were done. But this one, it's just not it.

I found Gennifer Goodwin's character to be the most annoying, along with Jennifer Connelly's. They were both just obnoxious and frustrating to watch. The way that GiGi was obsessed with literally every guy she ever went out with was just cringy and gross. And then when she threw herself at Alex? I literally muted it so I didn't have to hear their conversation, that's how bad I didn't want to watch that scene.

I think Neil was the best character of all of them. His only "flaw" really was that he didn't want to get married, but even then, he was still committed and loved Beth so much.

I feel like this is the movie you watch when you're going through a breakup and you're lonely and trying not to call your ex. Which I don't think is a good scenario to watch any movie so there's that.
Lost In Translation (2003)
Lost In Translation (2003)
2003 | Comedy, Drama, Romance
Solid Film
When a famous actor hops over to Tokyo to shoot a commercial, he meets a young woman that fills an empty void in his life.

Acting: 10

Beginning: 10
My son hates dramas and rightfully so as he's a thirteen-year-old boy. He wants to see things blowing up and people getting thrown through walls. Yet somehow, the first ten minutes of Lost In Translation sucked him in as much as it did me prompting him to watch the whole thing. From the time he touches down in Tokyo, Bob Harris (Bill Murray) sucks you in and holds on to your attention for dear life. You're anxious to see what this man is going to do next.

Characters: 10
Staying on Bob for a moment, his character made the film. His dry sense of humor and pure disinterest in everything going on around him is so sincere and captured just perfectly. He's torn between his sense of duty with work and family, so much so that he's almost forgotten how to enjoy life. When Charlotte (Scarlett Johansson) comes along, everything changes for him. Charlotte is innocent and sweet and is somehow drawn to Bob like a moth to a flame. Like most "opposites attract" relationships, the two fit extremely well together and add a sense of appeal to the film. Watching them both interact with the Japanese people and try to bridge cultural and language gaps was easy comedy that works everytime.

Cinematography/Visuals: 10

Conflict: 7

Genre: 10

Memorability: 9
There are a number of memorable scenes that stick out in my head with a couple of favorites I keep replaying. The first is where he's trying to shoot his commercial. The director is trying to relay something to Bob in Japanese which a translator is telling Bob in English. The scene is only five minutes long and had me cracking up from start to finish. In my other favorite scene, Bob has a run-in in his hotel room with a Japanese prostitute. Again, the language disparity makes the entire interaction one hilarious situation.

Outside of memorable scenes, Lost In Translation gives you a pause for introspection and contemplative thought. Oftentimes we wander aimlessly through the relationships in our lives...but what do they really mean? What are relationships without happiness or closeness? What is the real meaning of a connection?

Pace: 9

Plot: 10
Had this film's story taken place in North America somewhere, it wouldn't have been nearly as impactful. With the setting in Japan, it throws a monkey-wrench into a plot that could have been extremely simple and makes it way more intriguing. Are Bob and Charlotte truly falling for each other or are they just connecting because they are lonely and so far from home? Definite food for thought.

Resolution: 8
Ah, the famous ending of Lost In Translation. What did she say? What does it all mean? How does the story end anyway? The ending, while it does leave you hanging, is an intriguing one for sure. I understand the ambiguity and I don't love it, but I'm ok with it.

Overall: 92
Bill Murray is like the Marvel Cinematic Universe...on steroids. They have been putting out hits for a decade now. Murray has been starring in classics for decades. This film is another notch on his belt. Loved it!