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Innocent: A Vanessa Michael Munroe Novel
Innocent: A Vanessa Michael Munroe Novel
Taylor Stevens | 2011 | Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a second book in Vanessa Munroe series. This new job was very needed, after character’s African adventures. (The Informationist) It makes me feel that author puts a lot of effort in making her research about the environment she is going to write. I loved all the details about the cult she mentioned and I am really glad she wrote this book because it educates people about what might possibly be going on inside such cults and how it makes people feel after they leave them. I do understand it is fictional work, but it was very close to all the documentaries I have seen regarding cults. This book is not very fast paced but there is a lot of insight to how Munroe’s brain works and her ability to integrate in to the situations. The ending could’ve been little more tense, but I was not disappointed with it. It is captivating book, it sucks you in and doesn’t let you down.
Empire of the Sun (1987)
Empire of the Sun (1987)
1987 | Drama, History, War
Iconic, and Old, but still great... War still sucks.... especially for kids
This is Spielberg's attempt at cinematography as the primary objective. This film is a visual work of art and you are swept along from beginning to end. Yes, the tale lingers too long in spots and you never know what's going to happen next. But, if you're willing to give up the expected and trivial for lush visual images and interesting showcases of character, you'll see that here. I can't imagine coming of age in the middle of a war, but this movie lets me experience it even if I don't want to and it's still artistic. They say that a ton of great art comes from great suffering... maybe that's why there are so many great films about war.

Speaking of art here's an alternate movie poster.
Do You Dream of Terra-Two?
Do You Dream of Terra-Two?
Temi Oh | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Do you Dream of Terra-Two wasn't what I expected. I enjoyed the read, though. It was like having a group of friends with very different personalities. Dealing with them during one big project. That being said, Terra-Two was an easy read. It won't frustrate you to the point of losing patience. It was easy to follow, and I loved not knowing which direction the author was going to go with the characters throughout the first half of the novel. She really did a good job with that, especially in the beginning. It's one of those stories that sucks you in, and you're maybe not even sure why after all is said and done. It felt natural. It didn't feel like I was spending time reading a book. Honestly, I'm not sure if I liked the ending, but at least it made sense. Perhaps I just wish more had been added.
Truth (Alex Conner Chronicles, #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life is a tornado for Alex Connor as we continue where we left off in book one. Now she is training hard for a fight that will test her strength and will. This book has everything in it. A weird love triangle and some interesting guys. Alex reunites with her mother and now is looking for her dad.
I have been pulling for Justin since book one hoping that she would pick him. I would’ve never guess the twist she throws at us in this book. Ryan doesn’t do it for me so I’m hoping that he cast some spell on her. Lol!
You get so much from these books that you don’t want to put them down or wait for the next book. I love the mystery and all the magic the author wrote. I also enjoyed how Alex could be sweet or spicy. The different powers and possibilities the author gives us just sucks you in.
I don’t really like love triangles because someone always gets hurt and this book is clearly no different. It’s not that hard to pick one guy. But we wouldn’t be reading if we didn’t enjoy a little drama.
Doki Doki Literature Club
Doki Doki Literature Club
2017 | Role-Playing, Simulation
Atmosphere (1 more)
Not a lot of actual gameplay (0 more)
Unsettling and Entertaining
I am not a fan of dating sims. I would not have played this one if I had not heard a podcast on horror tabletop gaming say to play this game. They gave no details whatsoever, except that the game was free. No harm in trying it when it's free!

There is very little actual gameplay, as with most dating sims. A lot of just reading and clicking on dialogue choices. The game has all the stereotypical dating sim personalities and events to work through: culture fest, clubs, making friends, getting to know people. It takes a bit, but eventually, small things start to seem out of place or odd.

Once you start to notice the weird things, though, the roller coaster ride begins.

The game takes you on an unsettling, sometimes disturbing, trip that crosses into meta-gaming and breaks the fourth wall in some unique ways.

The art is solid. The dialogue and writing are excellent. Some parts of the game remind me of some of the older meta-gaming efforts out there in the late 90s, early 2000s.

Even though there are not a lot of choices to make in the game, not a lot of gaming, it is still worth the effort to watch the show and be part of the game itself. This game sucks the player in and adds you to its dossier. Guys and girls alike will get a thrill out of it if they stick through to the end. And trust me when I say that when you think you are at the end, just keep playing. Don't turn the game off for a second. Keep playing. And when you think you are at the end again, keep playing. And when you think you are at the end again, keep playing.

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Delirium in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
Lauren Oliver | 2011 | Children, Dystopia, Romance
7.9 (20 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have to admit that I'd heard so many good things about this book that I was thrilled to finally get started on it. I have to say though, that I was not hooked right from page one like I thought I'd be. It took me several chapters to really get into the story & the characters. BUT once I did, I was hooked! I can't wait to see what happens to Lena & Alex!!!!!
Delirium tells the story of love being a sickness, a disease, something that the US government has found a cure for. Society cures people at the age of 18 after they've gone through an interview process & then been matched with their mate & told what they will do & how many children they can have.
Lena's mother was infected & the cure was adminstered to her with no effect. Lena lives terrfied that she will be like her mother & therefore counts down the days until she can be cured. And then,quite by accident, she meets Alex. And as they say the rest is history!
There isn't much more I can say without giving too much away. The story sucks you in & sweeps you away. I was laughing & crying & hoping against hope that Lena would somehow avoid the cure. Did she? I don't know & that's the part that SUCKS! Gotta wait til the next book is released. ARGH!!!
TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Graphics, voice work (0 more)
Colour through gameplay, very limited combat options. (0 more)
Turtles in a half attempt at a decent game
So after finally getting to finish this somewhat attempt at a ninja turtles game, I quickly became disappointed at its alternate adaptation on a brilliant cgi movie.

Most of the gameplay is in black and white causing the game-view to become almost unwatchable, with bad camera view & no camera controls making this game feel broken.

A lot of the gameplay was difficult due to not being able to see lower platforms.

On the plus side you are able to switch between playing as each turtle who each have their own special move, unfortunately only the character your playing as appears on the screen at a time. That Sucks!
Halo 5: Guardians
Halo 5: Guardians
A great Halo adventure (3 more)
Shooting and new movement mechanics are awesome
Looks great and runs smooth
The addition of Master Chief's surviving Spartan squad from the books!
Too much time spent as Spartan Locke (2 more)
Give us more Master Chief!
No split-screen co-op
Too Much Time Devoted to Spartan Locke
When people play a main-line Halo game, they want to be Master Chief, and they want their friends playing as allies while sitting on the same couch. The inclusion of Master Chief's elite Spartan squad is an obvious split-screen co-op opportunity, but apparently not obvious to Halo's new developers. Halo 5 is in excellent game, no doubt, but it is marred by this baffling choice as well as another: you play as Spartan Locke more than you do as Master Chief. It feels as if you get barely any time back in the boots of everyone's favorite Spartan, and that sucks, big time. Outside the campaign, multiplayer and Forge are great as always, and the game is worth any FPS fan's time and money.
Memories of the Heart (Memories, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from Enticing Journey Book Promotions in return for a fair and honest review.

This book doesn't pull any punches as it takes you along for the ride. Both Josh and Micah have things to learn to make their own lives better. Along the way, their grandmothers are there to help, just as they always have been. But what happens when life gets in the way and rushes by. Before you realise it, a year has gone past. Is it too late to reconnect? This is what Micah has to learn and decide as the book starts. He is a tool at the beginning and his attitude sucks. However, as the story progresses, you understand more and more about the whys and wherefores and it actually helps make him a more rounded character.

Felice Stevens has once again brought to life some amazing characters and circumstances - enough angst to make it seem real and yet not over the top. Her writing style is excellent and well paced to keep you turning the pages and wanting the next part RIGHT NOW!

Definitely recommended for all fans of the M/M genre.
Hy Brazil (The Elven Wars, #1)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy in exchange for an honest review.

Edward Harry has improved his lot in life, and he finds himself a position as secretary to a famous poet. Because of this, he is included when his employer travels, as he is to write down any and every thought Edmund Spenser has surrounding the beauty and majesty of the surrounding world. They make their way to Ireland, where Edward makes a friend in Calvagh, and together they choose to explore their surroundings. This leads them onto a journey neither thought possible, and they land in the Elven world of Hy Brazil, smack in the middle of civil unrest. Will they make it back to their own world? Or will they be stuck there forever, never to go home again?

I must start by saying the cover is absolutely beautiful, and that beauty continues within the words of the novel. The description and imagery used, especially once the duo makes it to Hy Brazil, is so rich it makes you believer you're actually seeing it with your own eyes. This story is a very interesting one, set back in the late 1500s, and the language used deftly sets you in that time period. All around, this story is one which sucks you in, and I definitely couldn't put it down once the pair crossed into the Elven realm.

4 1/2 stars