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Anuvahood (2011)
Anuvahood (2011)
2011 | Comedy, International
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The U.Ks answer to the Friday franchise
Meet Kenneth, a deluded wannabe MC who quits his supermarket job to pursue a career in rap. Not the sharpest of people, kay (Kenneth), his boys and newcomer Enrique smoke, chill and stumble through life, until kay see's big Mike, the local kingpin making it big, and decides he wants more in life, with his parents struggling to pay bills, locals becoming a nuisance and Tyrone, one of big Mike's lower level goons, who torments everyone and considers himself a ladies man, who kay ends up on the wrong side of.

This is a great British coming of age gangsta wannabe movie features some brilliant acting, great characters and light hearted tone, recommend a watch.

Suggs recommended Screamadelica by Primal Scream in Music (curated)

Screamadelica by Primal Scream
Screamadelica by Primal Scream
1991 | Alternative, Indie
8.4 (8 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"This was when Madness were out of action, and ecstasy was in the air, I was checking out this and checking out that, and I remember hearing ‘Loaded’ in a supermarket in Kilburn High Road and I said “Fuck, what’s this coming through the speakers?” But I was reminded of it because I saw Primal Scream at Glastonbury this year, doing the whole album, and it just reminded me what a fucking great album it was. ‘Higher Than The Sun’, I think, was their masterpiece. I don’t think anyone got it better, that ethereal space between rock and dance music, than them with Andy Weatherall. I thought Happy Mondays were great, and The Stone Roses, but I thought Screamadelica was really sensational."
