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Somebody I Used to Know
David Bell | 2015
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
***NOTE: I was provided a free copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review***

Nick Hansen is a recently divorced social worker living alone with his dog Riley. His ex-wife is sure that he never stopped loving his college girlfriend Marissa, who was killed in a college campus house fire 20 years earlier, and that's one of the reasons that they are no longer together. On his way home from work one evening, he sees a girl in the supermarket who looks so much like Marissa that he is compelled to speak to her. As soon as he asks about her family, she turns and runs from the store. The following day, police arrive on his doorstep to ask him if he knew a girl who has been found murdered at a local hotel. They show him a photo, and it is none other than the girl from he market. Even worse, she had his name and address on a slip of paper in her pocket when they found her.

Wanting both to clear his name and to lay to rest his suspicion that this could somehow be Marissa's daughter, even though she would have been born after Marissa died in the fire, he enlists the help of an old college friend to investigate the girl's death.

This was a great thriller! I had suspicions about some things (which I can't mention because I don't want to spoil anything!) early on, but only suspicions. The author keeps things moving at a good pace, and I felt as invested in Nick's investigation as he was.

I highly recommend this book to anyone who loves a good mystery or thriller.
Three Dark Crowns
Three Dark Crowns
Kendare Blake | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.8 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
pacing (1 more)
world building (0 more)
Great Read
I bought this book probably over a year ago while browsing some books in my local supermarket. The cover pulled me in, but the blurb made me buy the book. It was a promising premise of the book and I knew I just had to buy it and find out what happens.

Overall, I love the book. It is such a refreshing read from the stock, cliche, ya books you usually read. This has originality in it. The characters are fully developed and interesting. The story does feel like it is going too slowly or too quickly unless it is needed. It is a well written book and well worth the read if you want something different to you traditional YA reads.

My only woe with this book is the somewhat lack of world building. Usually it would be enough if the book was not a fantasy. But I feel all fantasy books, especially those not based on our world, in our time, needs a lot of world building to it. Sure, there is a map, and you can some world building and traditions/ceremonies. But I am still unsure of what the whole island looks like as a whole. Is it a hot country? Cold? Is it mountainous or flat? Is it a large island or small? Do they have electricity or not? It is just simple things like this, and to be honest, I'm just nit-picking here because I did rather enjoy the whole story.

Now if you need me, I will be reading the second book, One Dark Throne because that cliff-hanger at the end was so juicy I need to find out more...
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Twilight (Twilight, #1)
Stephenie Meyer | 2005 | Paranormal, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (160 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yes, I admit it - I'm in the Love It camp and so firmly in Team Edward it's ridiculous! The jury definitely seems out, not only this book but on the series in general. People seem to either love it or hate it with no middle ground, a bit like Marmite! What follows is my opinion, and only my opinion!

I didn't immediately read this book upon it's release due to the hype that had preceded it so I was happy to wait. When I did eventually buy it, it was because it was on offer as a paperback in my local supermarket and I was looking for something new to read. So I bought it. I read it in a couple of evenings, starting as soon my children had gone to bed and reading through until it was my turn to retire for the night.

The book has its flaws and faults just like every other book out on the market. But you either like Bella and Edward (Jacob isn't in this book much) or you don't. You know that he's a vampire from the beginning so it comes as no surprise when he admits it. I like the fact that Bella doesn't see herself as others do and is clumsy and uncoordinated.

I have since bought this in hardback and still enjoy reading it and I still fall in love with Edward every time that I read it as he is such a "gentleman" to me.

One thing I would say - whether you like it, love it, think it's ok or hate it, you are entitled to your own opinion the same as I am. Just don't knock mine because it's different to yours!
Human Waste
Human Waste
C. M. Saunders | 2017 | Horror
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I came across C. M. Saunders through a website that I wasn’t sure about, so I randomly messaged him on Facebook. In response, after explaining that I was a book blogger, Saunders kindly provided me with some of his work for the purpose of review. While it’s taken me awhile to get to it, I’m glad I did because Human Waste is a fun, albeit somewhat (keyword: somewhat) predictable take on the zombie apocalypse.

Dan Pallister is, undoubtedly, not playing with a full deck of cards, if you catch my drift. Despite this, he makes for a fun, original character. Ever since childhood, he’s been obsessed with survival–he wants to be prepared for when shit hits the fan, after all. One morning, exactly what he’s been waiting for happens: he looks out his window and sees zombies. This prompts him to go for supplies at the supermarket nearby, and from there Saunders dips his metaphorical toes in the world of splatterpunk which, if you’ve been reading my blog for sometime, you’ll know I like.

My only gripe with reading this is the fact that I had the story figured out (mostly) from pretty early on. Despite that, Saunders continues to entertain with Dan’s skewed view of reality and that is a feat. Rather than becoming boring, the story kept me hooked and I read it in one sitting.

This story comes with some bonus content, however I will not be reviewing it as I consider bonus content to be separate material. I definitely look forward to reading Saunders’s No Man’s Land.

A special thanks to the author for providing me with a copy of his work for the purpose of unbiased review.