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Greenland (2020)
Greenland (2020)
2020 | Action, Thriller
A disaster movie starring Gerard Butler? Of course I was desperate to see it!

John Garrity has a golden ticket to survive the incoming apocalypse. A comet is heading to Earth and debris is wreaking havoc, but no one truly knew the trouble the world was facing. As the clock ticks down, it's a race for survival.

While the big plot point of this film was the disaster, it was actually quite heavily focused on the family drama... and I'm not going to lie, that made me a little disappointed early on.

I think it's best not to query certain things in Greenland... yeah, probably a lot of things you shouldn't think about really.

Greenland reminds me of Volcano in some instances. The ups and downs of what happens to the people in the disaster can be seen, though in this instance the focus is on the Garrity family and we see little of peripheral characters directly. But never the less, you're able to follow that rollercoaster of emotions as you go through the film and feel the highs and lows, as well as the hope and devastation.

Obviously Gerard Butler in a disaster films screams five stars. I loved Geo-Storm and watch it frequently, so I was fairly confident that this was going to be an instant favourite. Butler in an action film does call to me, and I like him with a bit of humour, but this was a solid drama and he nailed it. He gets several moments that perfectly show the character's emotional journey, and I felt that impact (pun intended?).

Garrity's wife is played by the wonderful Morena Baccarin. She also has the opportunity for some powerful moments, and one of them hits you like a dump truck. Along with Butler they work as impressive and strong leads to the individual stems of the film.

Unusually I found all the additional cast to be good too, there's normally someone that isn't quite my cup of tea, but I was pleasantly surprised that I didn't find that here. There wasn't a moment that took me out of the film at all. While the rest of the acting takes a back seat to the leads once the acting started there were a few amazing moments early on from the Garrity's neighbours. Claire Bronson as Debra (I really hope I got the right actress here) has one of the most incredible moments, and it truly got to me. There were so many moments that made me cry or hold my breath, even the second time around... I really can't fault the acting.

When it comes to the effects I get really sad. In the trailer you see a piece of debris crash into the planet and some of the following scene plays out. That moment in full is incredible to watch, the build up to it and the ripple effects it causes are such a strong moment that helped to cement the severity of the situation... I felt it from my TV, hell, I felt it when I watch it from my iPad... but I couldn't help but think about how amazing it would have been to experience that at the cinema.

As cheesy as some disaster film effects can be, and let's face it, there are some truly dire disaster films out there if you know where to look, there wasn't a moment in Greenland where it felt unrealistic. The effects all looked natural (within the scope of my knowledge in the real world... and crappy made for TV disaster movies) and that really helped with the drama.

How can I sum up Greenland? The emotional performances, the effects, the colour palette of the film... it all combined for an excellent watch. I've seen it twice already, and I'll absolutely be watching it again.

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Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula (2020)
Train to Busan Presents: Peninsula (2020)
2020 | Action, Horror, Thriller
Good mix of action: gunfights and car chases (0 more)
Not as good as the original (2 more)
Sometimes uses too much CGI making scenes look silly or too fake.
Not enough character development
Peninsula: Half Fast and the Furious, Half Zombie Movie (6/10)
Contains spoilers, click to show
(CCR Original Content) Peninsula Review No Spoiler Section (6/10)

Peninsula is a 2020 South Korean Action Horror movie directed by Yeon Sang-ho and written by Park Joo-Suk and Yeong Sang-ho. The film was produced by Next Entertainment World, RedPeter Film, and New Movie and distributed by Next Entertainment World (worldwide) and Well Go USA (United States) with producer Lee Dong-ha. The film stars Gang Dong-won, Kim Do-yoon, and Lee Jung-hyun.

 Four years after the entire country of South Korea fell to a virulent zombie outbreak, former Marine Captain Jung-seok (Gang Dong-won) lives a life of regret following tragic events. Jung-seok is guilted in to joining his brother-in-law Chul-Min (Kim Do-yoon) on a suicide mission to go back to South Korea. If they can locate and bring back a truck containing $20 million dollars, then they get half, that is along with two other equally reckless people along for the job.

(Warning Spoilers Below)
I have to say first off that Train to Busan was a great movie. I'm a big fan of that movie so I have to say I was pretty hyped for this movie. I'm not going to lie, I was disappointed with the direction they took on this movie plot/story wise compared to the story they told in the first movie. But it was still a decent zombie movie. Right away it had me with it's opening scene and I think that's what let me down. It started off so emotional and I half expected a similar experience to the first film and it's anything but. It's hard in this genre to be original and I like how they were still able to bring some cool ideas to the board in and otherwise overdone genre. I like how they implemented a couple of things into the movie like showing how the zombies are attracted to light and sound, like with the r/c car and the car alarms. Also the people talking about how the zombies are more active in the day and going out at night more. I didn't like that they went too far in the special effects where things wind up looking overly-fake, even though most were pretty decent. I liked the weird gladiator/survival game that they made the prisoners of Unit 631 compete in. That was interesting. I also liked the sister characters and thought that they were a welcome addition to the movie. I feel like there wasn't enough character development between their mother and Jung-seok. They should have shown him get more attached to her or the daughters. Also with him and his brother-in-law, I feel they skipped a lot in those 4 years. There were some ridiculous zombie scenes with a lot of zombies (number-wise), which was a little expected because Train to Busan was the movie World War Z ripped off with the concept of zombie hordes that way. But I have to say the whole scene with the glass tunnel and all the zombies spilling out was pretty satisfying. All in all I would say this movie fails to reach the emotional tone and despair of the situation as well as setup characters that you care about as well as the first film. That being said it's a pretty good zombie movie and a stand alone sequel that shouldn't really be judged that way even if it's hard not too. I would have to give this movie a 6/10. It does a decent job rising about the average zombie movie in being exciting as well as gripping without holding itself too serious.

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Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PC version of Diablo IV in Video Games

Jun 22, 2023  
Diablo IV
Diablo IV
2020 | Action/Adventure, Fighting
The latest entry in the phenomenally popular Diablo series has arrived with the release of Diablo IV and with it comes the lofty expectations of a rabid fan base for the franchise. Players can play as one of various classes including Sorcerer, Barbarian, Rogue, Necromancer, and Druid, each comes with its own unique abilities such as sorcery, speed and dexterity, and brute force.

I chose to play as a barbarian as I am not a huge fan of resource gathering, crafting, or playing in a support role, and preferred to mix it up close quarters taking as many enemies as I can with me before I go down in a blaze of glory.

As players gain experience they will be able to increase their abilities many of which can be deployed on a timed basis and grow increasingly powerful as players level up. Players will also be able to obtain armor, weapons, charms, and more along the way which can be recycled, sold, or crafted into various upgrades in the numerous towns and communities throughout the vast map of the game.

Players will be able to complete the main quests and side quests along the way which will gain experience upon successful completion as well as defeating enemies in combat. The sheer distance between objectives can be daunting especially when the map is not clearly shown for a specific area as players may sometimes have to go a considerable distance one-way just be able to detour back toward their intended destination.

Thankfully various locales do have vast travel options that once discovered and unlocked allow players to travel between locales quickly. Being able to leave a dungeon to return to a community in order to sell gear, upgrade weapons and armor, and obtain necessary items before returning from the locale they originated from, is a key to survival.

In time I was able to obtain a horse that not only allows me to travel quicker between locales but prevented enemy mobs from attacking me so later in the campaign, I was able to focus on objectives more than dealing with unending waves combat while trying to travel between locales.

Players will encounter other players along the way and the game does have a social factor that allows for friends and players in the local area to be invited to campaign with you. This is a bit of a challenge at first as I found many players were power leveling and did not want to become involved with lower-level players.

While I completed much of the game solo, there were various bosses that I simply couldn’t handle alone, and was very grateful when I was able to obtain help. This changed when I reached higher levels as being able to complete the final campaign with three helpers made a challenging endeavor very enjoyable.

The map of the world is highly detailed as everything from towns, dungeons, villages, and supernatural realms are crafted in incredible detail and the vast number of enemies and their varieties is impressive even if at times frustrating as you have to battle your way through seemingly unending mobs to reach your destination.

Upon completing the game I will be venturing back from time to time to complete side quests and better prepare for the likely future content that will be coming down the line. While it is been popular some players and local community boards have been vocal about criticism for the game which I believe has varied from nitpicking to valid but I can honestly say I enjoyed this game significantly more than Diablo 3 and for me, Diablo IV is one of the best releases of the year and has been an enjoyable gaming experience throughout despite some frustrations along the way.

4.5 stars out of 5

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Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PC version of Fallout 76 in Video Games

Feb 8, 2019  
Fallout 76
Fallout 76
2018 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Gameplay and Setting (0 more)
Bugs, Level Grinding, Missions can be dull. (0 more)
Fallout 76: Getting Better With Each Update
The Fallout series has made the leap online with Fallout 76 and it is an ambitious attempt to take the franchise in a new direction. Set as a resident of Vault 76; players will craft a character and be amongst the first to venture into the Post-Apocalyptic world set in the Virginia wilderness as they attempt to help rebuild a new society.

Along the way players will encounter all manner of mutated creatures and threats that have zero qualms about tearing a player to pieces or bringing an arsenal of weapons to take down players.

Anyone who has played any of the series will know that gathering, trading, and crafting is essential to survival as being able to buy, repair, and exchange weapons and armor is essential as they will break and need to be upgraded frequently.
This is always a trick for some players such as myself as I never know what to fully prioritize when I encounter scrap and can quickly become overburdened. This makes for some very tough choices as player movement will be very restricted and players will be unable to Fast Travel to previously explored areas of the map.

There is also the matter of needing to ensure that an adequate supply of food, beverages, and medicines are available to restore health as in a radiated area; even stopping for lunch can cause potential damage and mutations to happen.

There are numerous weapons available to players from crude Pipe Guns to more advanced energy weapons and machine guns and knives. I have found that Melee weapons such as an Axe or a Sledgehammer can do wonders as they do pack a solid punch but are slow and unyielding.

The map is extremely vast and filled with many areas to explore from old towns to hotels, shops, a mall, an airport, train stations, and pretty much anything else you would expect in a typical community.

One of the biggest issues in the game is the numerous bugs which hampered the game at launch. Bethesda has worked to fix them through several patches but issues still remain as I write this so players will have to understand that this is part of the game and being addressed but they will likely encounter issues along the way.

The game has taken a considerable amount of abuse for the state of the game at launch and while I freely admit there are issues; I have had a lot of fun playing the game and have logged a considerable amount of time in it. Despite the frustrations; I have been drawn back to the game time and again to play more. Players I have encountered have been generally helpful and friendly and the game has not become an open Free For All as the Bounty systems in place make it less appealing for players to pick off inexperienced players who are out minding their own business. Some higher-level players have been very generous in passing and have initiated trades to give me High-Level weapons even though I was not able to use them until I reached a higher level.

There are various Pop-Up events that happen where players can get some nice rewards and slipping into your Power Armor to take down a pack of Scorchers is always a fun experience.

In many ways this is one of the hardest reviews I have had to write as I can see how some people can be disappointed with the game and will take serious issues with the bugs and general direction. I also see the fun in the game and the progress being made with the updates and enjoy the game despite the issues. If you are patient and temper your expectations with the understanding that the game players have now is not the game they will have several months down the road, then Fallout 76 may be the escapist game you are looking for.
3.5 stars out of 5.
The Jacobites' Apprentice
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was first reviewed on Lily Loves Indie as part of a blog tour and was given as an ARC -

There are several aspects I very much enjoy about David EbsworthÕs writing, however there is something I always wish was a little different Ð I wish his books were easier to get into from the start! #When youÕre hooked, youÕre hooked good and proper, but sometimes this just takes a little longer than some books and takes that little bit more perseverance. Well, thereÕs my niggle over with, and now IÕll tell you why I love this authorÕs work!


Firstly, for those who didnÕt know, history is a little bit of a passion of mine, and historical fiction, like this, is quite possibly my favourite genre. But why do you need to know this? Bear with me, IÕm getting there! With all that in mind, it really needs mentioning how accurate and detailed EbsworthÕs immersion into this historical period is. The research simply exudes from every page and it is very well written into the actual plot of the story. Ebsworth makes the plot tell the history, rather than the other way round and he does so magnificently.


In addition, and linked to my previous point, the language in this book is fantastic and completely in keeping with the time period. This, particularly in the dialogue, helps to really complete the experience of the reading, and it adds a whole new dimension. In fact, perhaps the thing that I like the most about this book is the very crucial fact that I learnt things whilst reading it. I have never read an author that imparts so much knowledge through a familiar medium of story telling, it really does show great skill and I doff my hat to Ebsworth.


Furthermore, something I really relished as I got further into the tale was how difficult this book was to put down. Considering the detailed start, where the story was laid out and we were introduced to the key players, this was a pleasant surprise and one I very much enjoyed. The plot twists and turns are great at keeping you on your toes and engaged in the tale, and the writing style is one that pulls you further into all of the characters lives, due to the way we see snippets into each of their thoughts. This is yet another great skill shown by Ebsworth as I know from experience how difficult it is to show their different viewpoints whilst not losing the thread of the story and also not losing the reader amongst all these characters, but Ebsworth does this with great skill and panache and it is truly a delight to read.


The final thing I want to mention is the characters, particularly Aran Owen and Striker, although the whole cast of assembled characters is truly varied and representative of the whole range of society. LetÕs start with Aran, a simple Welshman who got lucky, a talented painter and a key player in the struggle of the Jacobites. Now place him opposite Dudley Striker, an incredibly clever and calculating individual, but one who is also immensely cruel and has a very intense survival instinct. These two characters are the key players really, and they are fantastically well developed and a true delight to read. I honestly donÕt know how they work together, but they are just fantastic, especially when supported by the likes of Bradley, Titus and the sharp witted duo of Rosina and Mistress Cooper.


In conclusion, I have to doff my hat to Ebsworth. This is a fantastic story that weaves history, characters and a fantastic plot together to make a very enjoyable read. ItÕs the kind of book you have to think about as you read it, which suits me greatly, however it does make it somewhat difficult to dip into for a quick page or two at bedtime. That said, it is most definitely worth the effort as you are repaid hundred-fold with knowledge and a reading experience you wonÕt forget. For you history lovers, and those of you who enjoy a good book to really sink your teeth into, I cannot recommend this book highly enough.

Gareth von Kallenbach (971 KP) rated the PC version of Fallout 76 in Video Games

Jun 19, 2019  
Fallout 76
Fallout 76
2018 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
The Fallout series has made the leap online with Fallout 76 and it is an ambitious attempt to take the franchise in a new direction. Set as a resident of Vault 76; players will craft a character and be amongst the first to venture into the Post-Apocalyptic world set in the Virginia wilderness as they attempt to help rebuild a new society.

Along the way players will encounter all manner of mutated creatures and threats that have zero qualms about tearing a player to pieces or bringing an arsenal of weapons to take down players.

Anyone who has played any of the series will know that gathering, trading, and crafting is essential to survival as being able to buy, repair, and exchange weapons and armor is essential as they will break and need to be upgraded frequently.

This is always a trick for some players such as myself as I never know what to fully prioritize when I encounter scrap and can quickly become overburdened. This makes for some very tough choices as player movement will be very restricted and players will be unable to Fast Travel to previously explored areas of the map.

There is also the matter of needing to ensure that an adequate supply of food, beverages, and medicines are available to restore health as in a radiated area; even stopping for lunch can cause potential damage and mutations to happen.

There are numerous weapons available to players from crude Pipe Guns to more advanced energy weapons and machine guns and knives. I have found that Melee weapons such as an Axe or a Sledgehammer can do wonders as they do pack a solid punch but are slow and unyielding.

The map is extremely vast and filled with many areas to explore from old towns to hotels, shops, a mall, an airport, train stations, and pretty much anything else you would expect in a typical community.

One of the biggest issues in the game is the numerous bugs which hampered the game at launch. Bethesda has worked to fix them through several patches but issues still remain as I write this so players will have to understand that this is part of the game and being addressed but they will likely encounter issues along the way.

The game has taken a considerable amount of abuse for the state of the game at launch and while I freely admit there are issues; I have had a lot of fun playing the game and have logged a considerable amount of time in it. Despite the frustrations; I have been drawn back to the game time and again to play more. Players I have encountered have been generally helpful and friendly and the game has not become an open Free For All as the Bounty systems in place make it less appealing for players to pick off inexperienced players who are out minding their own business. Some higher-level players have been very generous in passing and have initiated trades to give me High-Level weapons even though I was not able to use them until I reached a higher level.

There are various Pop-Up events that happen where players can get some nice rewards and slipping into your Power Armor to take down a pack of Scorchers is always a fun experience.

In many ways this is one of the hardest reviews I have had to write as I can see how some people can be disappointed with the game and will take serious issues with the bugs and general direction. I also see the fun in the game and the progress being made with the updates and enjoy the game despite the issues. If you are patient and temper your expectations with the understanding that the game players have now is not the game they will have several months down the road, then Fallout 76 may be the escapist game you are looking for.
Resident Evil: Revelations
Resident Evil: Revelations
Following the disappointing fan response to Resident Evil 6 and Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City, Capcom has taken a page from the past to present one of the more enjoyable Resident Evil games in recent memory. Resident Evil: Revelations first saw life as a Nintendo 3 DS game which now has been polished up and released it for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii U gaming systems.The game does not acquire any previous experience with the resident evil series although the story is set approximately between Resident Evil 4 and 5.

Playing as Jill Valentine to start players must navigate and explore various locales as they attempt to locate Jill’s missing partner Chris. The game is broken down into chapters and in some chapters players will play as Chris when aspects of the storyline are told in a nonlinear fashion.
Although this sounds confusing it’s a very clever way of advancing the story without giving too much away. Players are given a scenario and then in a future mission, there given the opportunity to fill in the blanks and discover how the later or past events transpired.

The game uses an over the shoulder perspective which although a third person survival horror shooter, the game effectively mixes various styles of play as players may go to a first-person mode should they feel the need.

This is not a straight run and gun game; instead players have to use a device known as Genesis in order to scan rooms to find clues as well as much-needed objects such as keys and ammunition. Of course scanning enemies is always a good idea I just suggest that players do that only after dispatching them.

The game does have its share of puzzles that must be solved as players have to do things such as hack electrical boxes in order to gain access to various locales. Although this at times slows down the flow of the game it does provide a break from the action at times when it is most needed.

Keep in mind this was originally designed for handheld control system of the game is very streamlined and effective. Players can change weapons easily and I was able to navigate the map without any real problems aside from the fact that most of the game occurs within a very dark setting and occasionally requires you to hug the wall in order to find your way around obstacles.

Combat is very simple where you simply raise the weapon and fire your shots or toss a grenade or exploding decoy at your intended victims. While very creepy most of the enemies I encountered move very slowly and tended to have a very linear and predictable attack path. I found that firing my weapon and back stepping and using object such as table between us while reloading usually was more than sufficient to dispatch them with little to no threat.

The only times I really was challenged were moments when I was forced to be stationary or encounter enemies with no weapon available to me. The game does offer three gameplay settings so you can find one that works best for you. I left it on Normal during my review sessions.

The game’s graphics are dated and while enhanced for consoles they are coming from a handheld environment so players expecting state-of-the-art graphics are going to be out of luck.

That being said the storytelling was very enjoyable and I found myself being quickly immersed into the game more so than I had at any point in the previous two Resident Evil games.

There is also an online Raid mode for two players team up to take on waves of incoming bad guys which adds an enjoyable new dimension to the game as well as an extra level of replayability.

The voice acting game is solid and really helps propel the characters although some of the lines are stuff that B-movie cheese has made legendary.
That being said, the game definitely has a lot going for it as a must own for fans of the series or for anybody looking for a return to the basics that made the franchise what it is today.