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The Killing Kind
The Killing Kind
Jane Casey | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Killing Kind is a gripping psychological thriller packed full of suspense. I didn’t know who to trust - even the main character, a barrister, is pretty unreliable. It’s hard to put a finger on who the bad guys are: it’s not black and white, but shades of grey. So this is a book that will keep you guessing from start to finish.

It’s always interesting when the character you’re not supposed to like (in this case it’s John Webster, a stalker amongst other things) is more likeable than Ingrid, the main character. And the police don’t seem to be much better.

I really enjoyed this - it’s the second Jane Casey book I’ve read, and I doubt it’ll be the last. If you like psychological thrillers, you’ll love this!

Many thanks to The Pigeonhole for serialising this 😊
Rogue (2020)
Rogue (2020)
2020 | Action
5.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
I hate giving poor reviews, but I'm not left with many options here. Most of the acting was average at best and at times outright hollow. The CGI used for the animals was pretty atrocious given the tech that's currently available and generally used in this type of movie. I understand that there was a giant blockbuster budget available, but the level of dodgy production is unacceptable at any budget. I'm usually fine with films who use sound and music throughout to add to the feel and suspense of the theme but the sounds and music used here did nothing to help. They actually did the opposite. Often ill timed and almost always a poor choice for the circumstances.

I'm able to forgive the lack of originality if that dearth is made up for otherwise. Sadly, there was no redemption found here.
Dark City (1998)
Dark City (1998)
1998 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
A underrated horror jem
Contains spoilers, click to show
Dark city- has myserty, science, horror, twist and turns throughout the plot.

John Murdoch awakens alone in a strange hotel to find that he is wanted for a series of brutal murders. The problem is that he can't remember whether he committed the murders or not. For one brief moment, he is convinced that he has gone completely mad. Murdoch seeks to unravel the twisted riddle of his identity. As he edges closer to solving the mystery, he stumbles upon a fiendish underworld controlled by a group of ominous beings collectively known as the Strangers.

Its a really intresting movie and will make you keep guesting until the end. With its suspense, thrills and a great cast.

Dark city is a great sci-fi horror movie, that more people should watch because it is very underrated.
Ricochet (1991)
Ricochet (1991)
1991 | Action, Drama, Mystery
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
John Lithgow (0 more)
Inside Your Head
Ricochet- oh my god this movie is good. John Lithgow as the villian. He is excellent, wicked, twisted and makes Denzel charcter go insane and crazy. John Lithgow is such a excellent actor and i love when he plays as the villian.

The plot: After tracking down and arresting Earl Talbot Blake (John Lithgow), a psychotic hit man, rookie Los Angeles police officer Nick Styles (Denzel Washington) is hailed as a hero. Several years later, Styles' life appears perfect: He has married his girlfriend, started a family and risen to the position of assistant district attorney. However, his world is turned upside down when Blake escapes from prison with plans to exact brutal and well-calculated revenge.

If you haven't heard or seen this movie than I would highly reccordmend it. Well packed action, suspense and drama.