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Kimi (2022)
Kimi (2022)
2022 | Thriller
5.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Better-Than-Average, but nothing more
Oscar winning Director Steven Soderbergh (TRAFFIC) could rightfully be called the current “Master of Suspense” as most of his films fall into the “Psychological Drama” category - and his latest HBO MAX film, KIMI, is a perfectly ordinary entry in his catalogue.

Starring Zoe Kravitz (BIG LITTLE LIES) in the titular role, KIMI follows an agoraphobic tech worker, in the middle of global pandemic, who thinks she might have stumbled upon a crime.

Written by veteran Screenwriter David Koepp (the OG SPIDERMAN, starring Tobey Maguire), KIMI is a better-than-average thriller with a better-than-average lead performance by Kravitz and Directed in better-than-average style by Soderbergh.

Which makes this film entertaining, somewhat interesting but nothing special.

The plot twists and turns enough that keeps you guessing, but never falls into over-the-top “you got to be kidding me” territory or something of true suspense while the performance of Kravitz is good (enough) to hold your attention without falling prey to gimmickry/tricks/twitches. It is a solid “B” performance but not better (or worse).

A highlight for me was the appearance of Robin Givens (the former Mrs. Mike Tyson) as Kravitz’/Kimi’s mother. It was good to see her get some work. On the other hand, this is counter-balanced by the horrible performance of Rita Wilson (the current Mrs. Tom Hanks) as a shady Corporate-type who does everything by twirl her mustache in her single appearance on screen.

Add on top of this some fairly pedestrian Direction by Soderbergh and you have a serviceable, passable, “good enough” film that is, mercifully, only an hour and a 1/2 long. It is one of those rare films that I wondered when it ended that if they added another 1/2 hour to this film - and added some depth to the characters (especially the villians) perhaps this would have been a better film.

But, instead, we get a pleasant (enough) diversion.

Letter Grade: B-

6 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)

Rachel (48 KP) rated The Second Sister in Books

Jun 17, 2017  
The Second Sister
The Second Sister
Claire Kendal | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Very Interesting
I enjoyed this book hugely, after getting used to the constant dialogue to a character who isn't there!

There are some flaws that stopped me from rating it 5*. Occasionally the actions and dialogue are not natural at all, especially when it comes to a couple of peripheral characters.
Although the ending was very well written and exciting to read I was disappointed by the identity of the perpetrator. There are some hints about past actions right at the end of the book that I with had been detailed a little more - that would have been very interesting.

Altogether, though, this novel is extremely well written and the pace is just right. The characters well rounded and very sympathetic, I cared about what happened to them and always wanted to know more.
Even the bit part character's were interesting - especially the rose carver. The mixture of pity and menace was perfect.

I would most definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys thrillers, mysteries and suspense. I am definitely going to purchase the authors first book and any future ones
Prometheus (2012)
Prometheus (2012)
2012 | Action, Horror, Sci-Fi
Great storyline (5 more)
Effectively creates suspense
Good action
Fantastic visuals
Great cast
Very well directed
Some bad characters (1 more)
A bit cheesy in some places
Much better than everyone thinks
Prometheus is a prequel to Alien and a lot of fans weren't happy that it didn't include alien in the title however it's just a name at the end of the day and this film is very very good in my opinion.
The acting is great specifically from Michael Fassbender, Noomi Rapace, Logan Marshal Green and Charlize Theron and the action is great despite coming in small amounts. The whole atmosphere of this world is fantastic because it really feels genuine despite all coming from the mind of Ridley Scott but it is evident that he is very passionate about this series and that makes the film better as it feels honest and dark and legitimately tense. It has some scenes in which I found hard to watch because of the high gore/ horror levels but apart from that it starts well and it ends terrifically as well.
Before I Fall (2017)
Before I Fall (2017)
2017 | Drama
6.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It kept to the premise of book (0 more)
The mystery of character's was given away to early (0 more)
Mystery fail due to film media
Sometimes book to film adaptations work sometimes there a disaster this fell in the in-between. Whilst the film followed the story premise it wasn't that captivating and I think the reasons because it it doesn't work as well in the film medium. In the book the first accident is heightened and where all left guessing the events but are that much more involved because we know what she shouts before the accident we wonder why she shouts it int he film they cant do that because you would see what responsible. I dont think it was the film makers fault just that the suspense that made the book just doesn't transfer over. I mean as a teenager chick flick its okay but the books is deep powerful and meaningful and enraptures you in this mystery of teenage life and leaves you wondering the meaning why she yell what she does. The film doesn't

Haley Mathiot (9 KP) rated Touch in Books

Apr 27, 2018  
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Touch was crazy. It threw you in at the first sentence. It hung on tight the whole story through. I was amazed at the beauty and ugliness of the thing that was the main character—whatever her…his…it’s name was. I was amazed at all of it. Up until the end when I thought I would cry.

I didn’t want it to end, and when I finally figured out how it would, end I was furious. But I also knew there was literally no other way it could work; and yet it was still so hard to accept.

The mystery, the suspense, the back-story that fed into the current events, it was all enchanting and amazing and well written, and I will 100% read it again, and 100% recommend it to anybody. Claire North, you’re on my Author Watch.

As well as being well written, it was also well performed. I loved the voice chosen for the reader, it was read at a good speed, and it was read well.

Content/Recommendation: Some language. ages 15+

MaryAnn (14 KP) rated Stratagem in Books

Mar 5, 2019  
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Deep in the gritty underbelly of New Orleans, psychologist Grayson Thibodeaux loses everything when his wife leaves him to climb her company’s corporate ladder. He buries himself in his job of creating mind-bending adventure games for businesses as team-building explorations. When his ex-wife’s company hires Grayson’s to create an elaborate game, he doesn’t see how things can get worse. Until she dies during the course of the game he created…makmaking him the prime suspect for murder.

My Thoughts: Everyone loves a good mystery and this is no exception. Fast paced and keeps the reader guessing until the end. With so many twists and turns that keeps the readers' interest.

This is a well-written novel with interesting characters that the reader will easily identify with. This is my first novel from Robin Caroll, and it won't be my last. I truly enjoyed her writing and the plot for this novel was interesting.

Not only a mystery but a story about forgiving as well. A wonderful read for those who love a good mystery and suspense book.
The Resident (2012)
The Resident (2012)
2012 | Drama, Mystery
5.2 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Icky, undistinguished psycho-thriller finds Hammer in House of Mystery and Suspense mode. Except there's not much of either, given that no-one ever moves into a lovely new apartment and finds it's just as good as it seemed on the viewing. The usual fem jeop ensues as Hilary Swank's doctor has to fend off not just her landlord (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) but his elderly dad (his eminence Christopher Lee, in a regrettably small part).

Really has very little to differentiate or commend it beyond Lee's creepy cameo and some fun and games with the chronology at one point; you find yourself wondering just why you're watching a film with such an unpleasant vibe to it - it's kind of playing the game where it seems to be perfectly okay to dwell at great length on the most repellent behaviour, as long as there's a bit of carthartic vengeance in the end. I am seldom convinced by this, especially not when the rest of the film put together in such an average manner.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated The Homecoming in Books

May 30, 2019  
The Homecoming
The Homecoming
Andrew Pyper | 2019 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
7.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Dark family thriller - not for the faint hearted
There’s not a lot I want to say about this book plot wise, going into it blind is a real thrill, but the opening hook is:

Following the death of their father siblings Aaron, Franny and Bridge, along with their mother are brought to the Belfountain estate for the reading of his will. It turns out he had a lot more money than they thought but also an odd sense of humour. To get there share of the inheritance they have to stay at Belfountain with no contact with the outside world for 30 days. Sounds crazy but who wouldn’t when there are millions up for grab?

What follows is the ever increasing occurrence of creepy stuff and the realisation that none of them know who their father really was. It’s a very dark suspense tale once it gets going, with some strong horror elements.

By the end I felt I’d just read a great Black Mirror episode, so recommended for fans of that.

Eleanor (1463 KP) rated Blindsighted (Grant County, #1) in Books

Jun 8, 2019 (Updated Jun 8, 2019)  
Blindsighted (Grant County, #1)
Blindsighted (Grant County, #1)
Karin Slaughter | 2001 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
7.6 (14 Ratings)
Book Rating
Small town Georgia, big time gruesome crime thriller!!!
Hard to believe this was Karin Slaughters first novel, it’s very well rounded for a debut.

When a young college professor is brutally murdered (and I mean BRUTALLY - i.e. not for the squeamish) it falls to Sara Linton as the town coroner to perform the disturbing autopsy. Having found the victim in the local diner, it soon becomes obvious to Sara that there is a seriously sick individual on the loose.

It’s Sara’s ex-husband, police chief Jeffrey Tolliver, who must head up the investigation along with the only female detective Lena Adams, who is also the victims sister (love small town America everyone is all up in each others stuff - did I mention as well as been the towns coroner Sara is also the local paediatrician….) When another victim is found crucified the tension to find the killer builds, as does the tension between characters.

This book was very graphic, but boy was it entertaining in a disturbing way. Fast paced with plenty of suspense, a great beginning to a series.

Dana (24 KP) rated Gone Girl in Books

Mar 23, 2018  
Gone Girl
Gone Girl
Gillian Flynn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (142 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was what I was looking for in an adult suspense novel. It was thrilling. The characters were not likable in a way you were still somehow rooting for. I honestly have no idea why I like Amy, why she is my favorite character in this book even though she is cunning and manipulative and sadistic, but I do. Flynn did a phenomenal job writing these characters in a way that I hate to love them, and love to hate them.

There were not many slow parts to this book. The plot twists just kept coming, hitting me in the face over and over and over which was so brilliant. I loved it.

I love not knowing what is going to happen next. I think it worked very well in this book, because thinking back, I could see where it was going. But in the moment, I had no idea. It was brilliant.

Overall, I very much enjoyed this book and I cannot wait to read more of Gillian Flynn's books.