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The Nowhere Child
The Nowhere Child
Christian White | 2019 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Kimberley Leamy lives in Melbourne, Australia is shocked when a man approaches her while at the college where she teaches photography. He claims that she is his sister, Sammy who had been abducted when she was two years old from Manson Kentucky USA. Stuart Went gives her irrefutable evidence as to who she really is.
The Nowhere Child is the first novel by award-winning Australian author, Christian White.

This just an amazing and powerful debut novel. Such an amazing twist on the missing child genre. This is a dark, intense and somewhat chilling psychological thriller. The author has managed to weave a dark, intense and somewhat chilling psychological thriller filled with a number of different emotional themes throughout. With all of this combined it makes for an emotional, suspense filled explosive novel.
This wonderful new author cleverly weaves the past and present so clearly and has packed so much emotion into this novel. I love how the pace of the novel flows and how the characters develop throughout.
The ending of the book is just so unexpected and I can only hope we see more to come from this author.
Thank you to Netgalley and HarperCollins for an ARC copy of this book

Emily (6 KP) rated Misery in Books

May 20, 2019  
Stephen King | 1987 | Fiction & Poetry, Horror, Thriller
8.7 (86 Ratings)
Book Rating
The continual dread (0 more)
Misery - Stephen King
Contains spoilers, click to show
Gripping, suspenseful, terrifying.

I never would have thought a book about humans, with nothing paranormal, could be so utterly disturbing. Annie Wilkes is as terrifying to us, the reader, as she is to Paul. Like him, we never know when she will snap, what will upset her, what she will do. Discovering Annie's past with Paul had me reading and turning the pages with him, I was as afraid as he was when she nearly discovered him.

We never leave Paul Sheldon, so at every moment, we know as much as he does. Not knowing what is happening outside Annie's home adds to the suspense and horror. Is anyone looking for him? Does anyone care? Has anyone thought to suspect Annie? I really enjoyed that we were never shown any external details.

This is the second Stephen King novel I've read, and it was incredible. His style is immediately recognisable, and while it took some getting used to at first, once I had a flow going I could not put the book down. His use of remembering and repetition, and the language he uses, all evoke an astounding reality of a codeine-addicted man held hostage as a psychopaths pet writer.
The Girl Next Door
The Girl Next Door
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
One little lie just became deadly…
Perfect mother. Perfect wife. Jane Goodwin has spent years building her picture-perfect life in the quiet village of Ashdon. So when sixteen-year-old Clare Edwards is found murdered in Sorrow's Meadow, Jane knows she must first protect her family.
Every marriage has a few white lies and hers is no exception. Jane's worked hard to cover up her dark secret from all those years ago - and she'll do anything to keep it hidden..

Appearances can be deceptive, can't they?
This story is told from multiple points of view and are taken on the journey of what happened on the fateful day and also the aftermath.
This story has so many secrets that are revealed throughout. The village setting is so perfect but is it really all it seems?
The pace and plot were just perfect for this story. Great characters and the suspicions just keep mounting.
The ending has such a shock twist and revelation that will leave you stunned.
Perfect suspense throughout!!
Highly recommend reading!

I would like to thank the Author/the Publishers/NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book for free in exchange for a fair and honest review
Naomi Novik | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (10 Ratings)
Book Rating
Just yes!
I was a bit skeptical about this book but thought I'd give it a go because it sounded a bit like a take on St George and the Dragon or Beauty and the Beast and I am so glad I did as this is now one of my favourite books to re-read!

I loved that it wasn't easy for the main character to learn magic, that the characters progressed in a more likely timeline than other books I've read and that it wasn't always a happy ending for the characters in the book. I don't like to give spoilers away but I nearly ripped apart the prince in the book for what he was about to do and for how pig headed he is in sacrificing so many for one person that is very likely heavily corrupted and unsaveable.

The world is incredibly vivid without over explaining or being over descriptive. I know what is going to happen in the book but I am constantly in suspense over what is going to happen next in the book every time I read it... I will have to re-read it again soon after this review as I now have it on my mind.
No One Gets Out Alive
No One Gets Out Alive
Adam Nevill | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It has been a while since I read anything scary, so I decided to give this one a go. Unfortunately, while this wasn't exactly a bad book, for being horror it was pretty light in the scares department. Following a very down-on-her-luck girl who rents a room from a rather shady landlord in what turns out to be a haunted boarding house, it would seem like a good set-up for creepy goings-on, and there are all manner of upsetting things that happen. The problem lies in the way they are presented. Most of the situations that have the strongest potential at building suspense are set-up, and then suddenly told after the fact. In doing so, it removes pretty much all fear from the equation, as we already know more-or-less what transpired before reading about it in grisly detail. Nevermind that the protagonist's actions require some extreme suspension of disbelief, at least try to scare me from time to time. Things do improve in the markedly different (and better) second half, but by then it's a case of too little too late. A decent enough read that I might check out some more of this author's books, but I can't say I recommend this one.
The Silver Witch
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This novel is told in both the present and in ancient Celtic times, both storylines taking place in the same locale. In present day Wales, following the death of her husband, Tilda moves into the house that she and Matt had purchased to start their new life in together. After spending some time alone in her cottage, Tilda starts to experience strange things, and finds a new sort of power developing inside her. In ancient times, we hear the story of Seren, a shaman and seer to a Celtic Prince who lived on a man-made island in the middle of the lake near Tilda's cottage.

Each story on its is intriguing. We know early on that there is a connection between the two women, but it takes longer for Tilda to realize why she feels such an affinity for the lake and the area around her new home. By the time she does, her life and the life of her new love may be in more danger than she can handle.

This book has a little bit of everything. Historical fiction, fantasy, suspense, and a touch of romance. I highly recommend this one if you are a fan of any of those genres.
Terminal Value
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I thought this was an excellent read. It definitely captured my interest, as I had to fight to put it down to get some sleep last night, and managed to finish it in its entirety within the 36-hour mark. The story wasn't too technical to where I couldn't follow along, but still had enough jargon throughout to where I felt the characters were actually a part of the world the author was trying to portray. I felt the use of the date/time/location stamps was very helpful in keeping everything straight, especially when the characters and/or storyline was bouncing back and forth.

Honestly, this was probably not a book I would have bought for myself upon first glance, as I would have probably thought it too technical for my liking. However, I'm definitely glad I won the giveaway and was given the opportunity to read it, as it was fascinating and educational, as well, for someone who admits to having no knowledge of the stock market (or much of the cutthroat corporate business world) whatsoever. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good suspense thriller and mystery, or those involved in the types of business described throughout. They might find it a little enlightening. =)
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency
Alexander McCall Smith | 2012 | Fiction & Poetry
6.9 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, I didn't hate this book as much as I thought I would but that doesn't mean much. As anyone that follows my reviews will notice, I do not read mysteries. When I do read a mystery it is for book club and inevitably I find it dull. This book was no different. I would give this book a 2.5 star rating so I rounded up to 3.

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency made me reminiscent of Agatha Christie & Mary Higgins Clark. So if you enjoy those authors, I'm sure that you would enjoy this author. There was mystery but no suspense so it seemed to drag on for me. I borrowed this book from the library but after reading 5 pages into the book, I had to switch to the audiobook so that I could force myself to read the rest of the book.

Not going to lie, this reminded me a lot of Winnie the Pooh. If you think about it, Winnie the Pooh was always looking to solve a mystery and each chapter or episode/15 minute segment was a new mystery. This is very similar to this book.

All in all, I will not continue on in this series.

Sarah (7799 KP) rated The Outsider in Books

Jul 13, 2018  
The Outsider
The Outsider
Stephen King | 2018 | Thriller
8.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
King does it again
My main worry about this book was that it didn't sound enough like King - on paper it almost sounded like a bog standard crime thriller. Fortunately though that wasn't the case!

This is yet another brilliantly written King novel, filled with intrigue, suspense and a lot of fairly gruesome horror. The characters are, as always, well written and the story centres mainly around the lovable detective Ralph Anderson (although chapters centred around other characters offer some nice variety). The central supernatural plot is one that I've seen/read before in other works of fiction, but it definitely doesn't get boring seeing it from King's point of view. There are some unexpected links to some other of King's stories - one obvious and direct, but another link for me was more of a similarity to a previous character - neither of which is a bad thing.

My only criticisms of this book are fairly minor. The first is that the ending seems fairly rushed in comparison with the slow build of the rest of the book. And the second is that although it is a very good and enthralling read, it doesn't quite have the impact of some of his older epic novels (The Dark Tower series, The Stand, Needful Things etc).
Get Me (Keatyn Chronicles book 7)
Get Me (Keatyn Chronicles book 7)
Jillian Dodd | 2014 | Romance, Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow!! The conclusion to this series will keep you on the edge of your seat right until the end.

It is great to finally get everything answered and sorted out. It was also really great at the end when we got some of the story from Riley and Aiden’s perspectives. It helps with the storyline and to add to all the suspense and drama surrounding the ending. As well as just being nice to hear from Aiden.

 Also it really sets the tone for the next 5 books in the series which are all written in split perspective as they pick up with the characters 10 years later.

Although there are 5 more books, you don’t technically have to read them as Get Me does end properly with nothing really left unanswered. However I can assure you, you will read them anyway as you will be obsessed with the story and need more.

I have already read this series twice, which is super unusual for me and to write this review I just skimmed over the ending of Get Me and am feeling like I might just read it all again, that is how much I absolutely LOVE these books!!