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Our Little Secret
Our Little Secret
Roz Nay | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Excellent, well-written suspense novel from debut author
"All love stories are crime stories and all crime stories, love. If you say that's not true, you're not looking properly. Perhaps when two people join, it's inevitable, the things they'll damage in each other." ~Angela to Novak*

Angela is being held for interrogation at the police station. Detective Novak wants only thing from her--to know where Saskia is. But Angela cannot comply; instead, she tells Detective Novak a story, one starting with her senior year, when she fell in love with a boy named HP. As she tells her tale, it becomes clear it is one of love, sadness, betrayal, and anger. Does Angela know where Saskia is? And can we trust her?

This was a really fascinating and different book, and it was so refreshing to read something that felt original and unlike so many of the suspense novels I've read lately. I will say upfront: Nay is an excellent storyteller, and I found this novel to be wonderfully written. Parts of this story actually hurt me to read, because it was so vividly told. I could so clearly picture the events unfolding and visualize this tale of teen love gone wrong.

I loved the idea that our entire book is Angela, trapped at the police station, telling the story of the last several years of her life to Detective Novak. It seems unconventional, and it is, but it worked well for me. It took the unreliable narrator trope to a different level, and it was so much better than the drunken, rambling, angry unreliable narrator that we see so often. Angela tells her tale of woe and bitterness to the Detective, with only minor interruptions as he provides some pieces of new evidence that occasionally cast doubt upon her viewpoints. As such, we are left to guess how truthful she is being with all of us. Every statement she makes is charged with double meaning. I found the entire thing to be incredibly compelling and oddly fascinating. I was completely hooked, madly flipping the pages to find out what happened next. Even more, I was amazed at how Nay created sympathy toward a character who wasn't all that likeable at times. I was rooting for her, even when I knew I probably shouldn't.

I felt this faltered only a little near the end, where I wasn't quite sure I was on board with everything, but it certainly wasn't enough to diminish my love of the novel. And the actual ending is excellent and basically redeemed it all. Overall, this was an excellent, well-written, suspenseful novel. Angela is a dynamic and complicated character who immediately draws you in with her narration. I was constantly second-guessing her as I read and found the entire novel to be incredibly powerful and satisfying. Apparently this is Nay's first book, which is even more impressive. Can't wait for the next one. Definitely worth a read! 4+ stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
*all quotes from an advanced reader copy and subject to change
American Mary (2013)
American Mary (2013)
2013 | Horror, Mystery
6.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Key words here original, clever and dark all these make this something very special. It fuses different motives for each character instead of just using one motive to drive them. Once you have seen this story you will always remember it too. (9/10)


Actor Review: Katharine Isabelle – Mary who enters the world of body modification. Great performances in which she stays calm in every situation which is needed to create a very impressive character. Very haunting character and a welcome addition to horror icons. Star Performance Award (9/10)


Actor Review: Antonio Cupo – Billy club owner and seemingly small time gangster who helps Mary to complete her jobs. Good character which slowly becomes the only moral compass in the film. (7/10)


Actor Review: Tristen Risk – Beatress a lady who spends all her money on making herself into a fictional character. Very quirky character which you will remember once you have first seen her on the screen and hears her voice. (8/10)


Actor Review: David Lovgren – Doctor Grant a Doctor who expects the best from his students but also takes advantage of them. Typical take advantage Doctor does enough to drive Mary to the next stage of her spiral into the underworld. Good performance and creates a character that is meant to be disliked. (7/10)


Actor Review: Paula Lindberg – Ruby Realgirl who has presidia done to turn her into a doll. The extremes this character goes to and the final reveal off the work is something you will remember. (8/10)


Director Review: Jen Soska, Sylvia Soska – The second film by the Twisted Twins and this time they step up to a new level giving an original story with some very memorable scenes. (9/10)


Cameo by the Twisted Twins
Cameo by the Twisted Twins

Horror: A welcome addition to the horror genre with some very disturbing scenes. (9/10)

Thriller: Very good build using revenge filled suspense for some actions as well as good suspense to see what Mary will do next. (9/10)

Special Effects: There are some brilliant special effects used to create that body modifications. (9/10)

Believability: People will do some very strange things to their body so you could say this is quite believable. (8/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Settings: Most of the film is set between two locations, Mary’s apartment and a metal strip club for alternative music fans. Both work as this shows the two main places Mary works and makes her money. (8/10)

Suggestion: In the world of horror it is very unusual to see something different. This is that something different and once you have seen it you will remember it. I suggest all horror fans must watch this as it is one of the most original films to come out in a very long time. (Watch)


Best Part: Mary’s revenge on Doctor Grant.

Kill Of The Film: Security guard as it shows how far Mary has gone.

Oscar Chances: No

Chances of Sequel: No


Overall: Dark, delicious and brilliant
The Stranger Game
The Stranger Game
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
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When Rebecca's boyfriend Ezra goes missing, she knows something is not quite right. But when she reports it to the police, they don't seem to really care. They suspect he's been playing ''The Stranger Game'', a game that went viral, where people take social media behaviour on the streets and start following each other in real life.

<b><i>The rules of the game are simple:</i></b>
<i>* You must choose a random person.
* You cannot make contact with other people (or tell them you're playing the game)
* You mustn't follow the same person twice.</i>

But as the game spreads, the rules start to change, and people start disappearing without a trace.

In hope that she she can find her man, Rebecca starts playing the game herself. But the more she gets involved, the bigger the risk is.

<b>When I read the synopsis about ''The Stranger Game'' by Peter Gadol, I knew I had to read the book. It is a plot that intrigues me and I am always up for reading more psychological thrillers.

But this book's delivery was weak. I found the story very slow and unintriguing, with no exceptional plot twists and with a disappointing and rather predictable ending. </b>

Rebecca was a difficult character to begin with. The writing in the chapters felt different, even though it was the same character's point of view. I was left very confused. I just wanted to get a better glance at ''The Stranger Game''. And I did, but the game scenario was so much different compared to the synopsis - which was only slightly annoying. But to top up the annoyance, there was a huge lack of mystery and suspense throughout the book. I just stopped caring whether Rebecca was going to find Ezra or not. I did not care whether her life was in danger. I was that unbothered. 

<b><i>On a positive note,</i></b>

I did enjoy the psychological theme and people's behaviour. I always want to know more about how and why people behave in a certain way and this book definitely opened some interesting discussion points.

<b><i>Do I recommend it? Yes.

If you like human psychology and behaviour, this is a good book to have on your stack. But will this be the next mystery and suspense hit? Probably not...</i></b>

Thank you to team at HQ (Harper Collins Publishers), for sending me a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

<i>''The Stranger Game'' comes out on 5th September 2019.</i>

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Dial M for Murder (1954)
Dial M for Murder (1954)
1954 | Crime, Mystery
An unsavory proposition
When ranking Hitchcock's elite films, Dial M For Murder doesn't usually get mentioned in the top 5 including Psycho, Rear Window, Vertigo North By Northwest and maybe The Birds, but it should be. I went through a Hitchcock phase myself a few years back (I would think most serious film fans would at some point). Although, I still have several to go, most still hold up as suspense/thriller classics definitely including this film.

Ex tennis pro Tony Wendice, now married to beautiful and wealthy Margot, has discovered her secret, she's been seeing another man. Months earlier he discovered a love letter from her lover in her handbag and secretly blackmailed for with this information.

Tony decides to invite an old college acquaintance, currently an unsavory character over to their home to explain his plot for this man killing his wife. He would then stand to inherit her fortunes as he is the beneficiary of her will. The man agrees so the plot is set.

The next evening, Tony is out with friends (to ensure his alibi) and phones Margot late in the evening so she rises to answer with the perpetrator waiting for her. After he slips a stocking around her neck to strangle her, a struggle ensues. Instead of her murder, Margot manages to stab the assailant in the back with a pair of nearby scissors. The man falls to the ground in pain driving the scissors deeper within finishing the job for him instead.

The ensuing police investigation initially feels the facts just don't add up since there was no break in and the man did not have a key on him, but he did have the love letter Tony planted on him before the police initially arrived. Fingers eventually point toward Margot as the killer since the facts seem to lead that way.

The 3rd act is brilliant in the way the eventual plot is discovered and how the police ensure Tony incriminates himself as the true antagonist.

Hitchcock's use of camera framing and movement to reveal certain scene elements only when he wants you to see them is one of my favorite elements of his films. He obviously chose source materials which suited his natural abilities to tell sinister or suspenseful stories and this one works just as well as some of his more famous classics.

Ray Milland is charming and diabolical as Tony, never letting on to his beautiful wife (the gorgeous Princess Grace Kelly) the dastardly scheme he has cooked up for her demise or his initial deeds of blackmail. The reveal at the beginning of the murder plot takes the audience on maybe a typical Hitchcock suspense route, but you never know where or when the twists are going to come, but you are willing to go along for the ride.

Your emotions turn from shock having seen the murder to disgust when Margot is eventually blamed for it and then finally to delight when Tony performs just as the police want him to in the end.

Rear Window (1954)
Rear Window (1954)
1954 | Classics, Drama, Mystery
Perfect Match of Director and Material
1954's REAR WINDOW is my favorite of all of the Alfred Hitchock films. So when it came time to expose my college-aged children to the works of "the Master of Suspense", it was a "no-brainer" as to which film it would be.

And...they loved it.

Starring "everyman" Jimmy Stewart and the always fabulous Grace Kelly, REAR WINDOW tells the tale of photographer L.B. Jefferies (Stewart) who is laid up in his New York apartment with a broken leg. His only means of entertainment is looking out of the "rear window" of his apartment into the courtyard - and the other apartments (and the people) therein.

This is a treatise on voyeurism and the pairing of this material with a master of film like Hitchcock is a marriage made in heaven. He sets up most of the movie so you are viewing the events as though you are Jefferies - confined to his apartment. Each apartment around the courtyard are their own little viewing boxes. He does a neat, subtle trick in this film. When he pans counter-clockwise, he is just browsing the apartments (like channel surfing on TV). When he pans clockwise - or goes straight to an apartment - he is focusing on that place/story. More often than not, the scenes in the apartments that Jefferies is looking at is mirroring what is going on in the relationship between Stewart and Kelly - sometimes with a sinister undertone. As always, Hitchcock ratchets up the suspense in a way only he can - focusing on a mundane item/thing until it becomes malevolent. This could have easily been a boring/static film, but in Hitchcock's capable hands, there is movement aplenty and the film flows beautifully.

As for the performances, Stewart has never been better as the audience stand-in/everyman who goes from charming scamp just snatching peeks of his neighbors to "peeping-tom" voyeur who is intruding in the private lives of his fellow courtyard denizens. Grace Kelly is just radiant in the way Hitchcock photographs her and in the way that all-time great costumer Edith Head dresses her. She is perfectly made-up and costumed to make her "the most beautiful woman in the world". But...what caught me in this viewing was how good of an acting job she does in this film. In previous viewings I was swept up in the look and feel of the actress. This time, I was taken in by the character and she became the one in this film I was rooting for. Well...either Grace Kelly or the great character actress Thelma Ritter as insurance nurse (and willing accomplice) Stella. She almost steals the movie from the two leads...almost.

All of the elements at play in this film work - acting, costuming, scenic design, cinematography and script - all wrapped up by a Master Director at the top of his game.

If you only watch one Alfred Hitchock film, make it REAR WINDOW. You'll be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A+

10 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
The Snowman (2017)
The Snowman (2017)
2017 | Crime, Drama, Horror
How could this go so wrong?
I've finally come to the realisation that, apart from a few rare exceptions, filmmakers really have no clue what they're doing with book adaptations. I appreciate you cant include absolutely everything from a book, but it should still be fairly easy to adapt an already well received novel into a film. Well apparently with The Snowman it isn't.

They appear to have picked out some of the very basic plot points and loose character identities from the book, and decided to completely rewrite the rest of the story. This'd be fine if it works,but it really doesn't - the book is barely recognisable within this mess.

The characters are underdeveloped and completely changed. Harry, despite being an alcoholic and a bit of an ass, is meant to still be loveable. In this, you couldn't care less about him. Oleg is portrayed as a petulant teenager, Rakel is sidelined and the rest appear to be similar to their book counterparts in name only.

They've missed so many key plot lines out that I could barely understand what was going on, and due to this, there was no intrigue, no tension or suspense. Even a very good cast are given nothing to work with here.

It's unusual for me to be able to find nothing good to say about a film. And it's even rarer for me to want to walk out of a film less than an hour in. The trailer made this film look very good, but it failed miserably.

Maddie (37 KP) Nov 16, 2017

I read the original novel and have yet to see the movie due to so many reviews such as these. However, to be fair to the filmmakers in this case, the people pulling the financial strings for this film gave the director and crew very little time to shoot. I think Tomas Alfredson, the director, said they were so short on time 20% of the script didn't get shot. This meant they had to try to fix everything in the editing room - a situation no filmmaker ever wants to be in.

I'm 100% sure this is a bad film, especially since the director himself said it wasn't what he wanted (and I had such high hopes for this after seeing what he did with Let The Right One In). However, I wouldn't go so far as to blame the situation on the cast and crew, but rather on the studio and the ones writing paychecks. Sounds like they shot this one into the ground, not the artists.

Bearly Restrained
Bearly Restrained
Paige Conners | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Bearly Restrained (Dunn Playing #1) by Paige Conners
Bearly Restrained is the first book in the Dunn Playing series. It starts with a kidnapping and quickly becomes a brilliant story involving lumberjacks and an author's PA! Because Meigs is a PA to a paranormal author, she knows all about shifters, so there isn't much shock involved when she meets Jax for the first time. In fact, she accepts it so well that Jaxon is very shocked! I loved how this was swapped around to a 'normal' paranormal story. Jaxon and Meigs are a brilliant couple, and he is there for her every step. In fact, his whole family is brilliant (apart from one), and I loved his dad's attitude.

Whilst steamy in places, there is enough romance here to melt my heart. And the parts involving being a PA, working for an author, signing events, and the amount of books Meigs had, well, that just had me laughing out loud at the truth written in every word! With a love story, an author's event, AND a touch of suspense, this book has something for everyone. This was very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. I would definitely recommend this to all PNR fans, and I can't wait for the next one!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Alison Pink (7 KP) rated Cloudland in Books

Jan 15, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
So I'm still not quite sure what to make of this book. The language used in it's writing was very poetic & descriptive. I enjoyed that aspect of it a great deal. My real issue with it was the plot. For being a murder/suspense/crime novel, it sure didn't move very quickly. I wasn't kept on the edge of my seat as I usually expect from novels that fall into this category. The "edge of my seat-ness" didn't happen for me until about the last 40 pages or so. :(
This book tells the story of a former New York Times writer & teacher who loses her adjunct professorship because she becomes romanitcally involved with a student. She is asked to leave the university & eventually settles in upstate Vermont in a rural area called Cloudland. While walking home from a neighboor's house, she comes upon the body of a woman who has been missing for months. From there you a sprung into the middle of an investigation of a group of murders taking place in the area & the manhunt for the killer...
...except you aren't really thrown into the middle of it. The writing is good, but I always felt like a bit of an outsider looking in, instead of being put in the middle of the action. The minor twists & turns that came up in the plot felt forced & insignificant to the work as a whole. Was it a bad book, no not at all. I just wasn't swept away with it by any means.
Dunkirk (2017)
Dunkirk (2017)
2017 | Action, History, War
Leaves you on the edge of your seat...constantly (2 more)
Harry Styles is a good actor
A thrilling story told with minimal dialogue
Intense throughout
Contains spoilers, click to show
Dunkirk is a historical film, directed by one of the best directors of this generation; Christopher Nolan. This film leaves your heart thumping and you are on the edge of you're seat constantly with a constant questioning of "will what I suspect to happen, happen?"

There isn't much dialogue in this film, and if it wasn't completely necessary, this film would have been just as great without any dialogue. The dialogue we hear is necessary to understanding the reasons that make the film so tense. For example there's a plot point that brings a feeling of suspense and heartbreak as we hear that not all of the men who are on the beach surviving, will make it out, because there is really only need for so many but not all.

The soundtrack is what builds the emotions of this film and the constant sound of ticking from a watch (Hans Zimmer actually used Nolan's watch for this sound effect) that keeps you in the scene thinking "will these men on screen survive this next scene?".

The cast of this film, like any film, makes it so enjoyable. With thrilling performances from Cillian Murphy, Tom Hardy, and even Harry Styles.

If you enjoy war films, then this is certainly for you because this one is sure to go down in history as a classic. Even leaving an open ending sequence involving Tom Hardy.
Everything is Lies
Everything is Lies
Helen Callaghan | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Death, manipulation, and deception are the foremost themes in this suspense-thriller! Sophie arrives at her childhood home to find her mum dead, hanging from a tree, and her father stabbed to inches of his life on the floor.

Before she has time to grieve, Sophie discovers that her mum, Nina, was writing a memoir and had a publication deal. Sophie finds two of her mother’s notebooks, and another life is revealed where Nina had been seduced into a controlling cult.

The book is aimed at Sophie and begins with “Everything is Lies, and nobody is who they seem”. Sophie uncovers her mother’s secrets slowly, page by page. When a death is hinted at, Sophie is determined to find out more.

When she can’t find the third and final notebook, Sophie tries to contact people referred to in the book, and soon finds herself in danger. She even decides to meet the cult leader, where a monumental revelation is made to her. (No spoilers!)

During the course of events, there’s an attempted break-in and an attempt made on Sophie’s life! Just when all seems revealed, there is more action to follow! (No spoilers!)

I don’t normally find thrillers predictable, but this time I’m sorry to say I did. Not all of it, but enough so that most of it was no surprise, but not enough to ruin the book for me. I also felt that the author was needlessly showing off her vocabulary when more well-known words would have been more effective.