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The Possession of Mr Cave
The Possession of Mr Cave
Matt Haig | 2019
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Possession of Mr Cave is the story of a father’s mental breakdown after the tragic loss of many people close to him. Terrence is mentally unwell through the whole novel and is fighting his dead son’s influence on his mind. It’s completely disturbing, surprising and scary.

I’ll start this off by saying that I know that this book wasn’t for me. As I said, the blurb didn’t sound like anything I would usually enjoy reading and I only bought the book because it was by Matt Haig. But just because the book wasn’t for me didn’t stop me from still giving it 3/5.

The Possession of Mr Cave is very Shakespearean which isn’t a surprise coming from Matt Haig, as he has written a few novels inspired by Shakespeare’s plays. This is written as if it is one of Shakespeare’s tragedies, so if you do enjoy that sort of thing, the book will be perfect. To begin with, it reminded me a lot of Romeo and Juliet because the novel begins at the end with Terrence Cave explaining that he has killed his daughter, and the novel is a letter to her, retelling exactly how the events led to her death. I did quite like this format, because it meant the suspense rose throughout the whole novel and left me guessing as to why he would kill his own daughter right up until the end.

I’m not the biggest fan of Shakespeare, which is why I feel that this was just not the book for me. Like I said, this reads exactly like a Shakespearean Tragedy, which I think in a way is also why I struggled to get into it. The language seemed clunky and drawn out in places and made it a bit hard to read, as well as Terrence’s conversations with his own mind.

It’s disturbing, and that is exactly what pulled me in. Terrence takes his protectiveness over Bryony too far to the point where I was wondering where his relationship with her was going to lead. I found it upsetting that nobody around Terrence spoke to him about how he was too protective of his daughter, and also how despite everything, nobody took the time to see if Terrence was okay.
Definitely a page-turner
This was one of those books that I won on Librarything and then totally enjoyed being introduced to a new author. It was a little wild and crazy in places, but it kept me engrossed and reading, which I really appreciated. I was amazed that absolutely no one seemed to believe Alex: I understand that she had no real evidence to back up her story, but it seemed tragic to me how quickly her friends and family abandoned her to sadness and despair.

I wasn't sure I would like this book at first, because I'm not a huge fan of the unreliable narrator to begin with, especially the self-pitying alcoholic one, which seemed to fit Alex quite well. But, I won't lie, she definitely grew on me. This was *even with* the fact that something else had happened in Alex's life thirteen months ago--something that her friends and co-workers felt she had conflated with her "pretend attack," and everyone, including Alex, referred to incessantly. But, of course, it took forever for anyone to tell us what had actually happened, which drove me a little insane. There's dragging something out for suspense and then there's annoying your reader to no end!

However, I really enjoyed the fact that we couldn't trust any of our characters--even the policewoman investigating Alex's case, Laura Best, who was only out to further her career, not actually seek justice for Alex. My favorite character was Laura's boss, Greg Turner. He was a great detective, and I could totally root for him in his own series. Not being able to trust anybody else, though, was kind of fun. It kept me constantly guessing. The book was surprisingly compelling: truly a page-turner. There were some great twists and turns in this one. I guessed a couple of pieces, but not all of them. In the end, I stayed up late to finish this book, which is always a sign of a winner for me (my sleep is a precious commodity!).

I was impressed that this was the author's debut. I also enjoyed how it kept me madly flipping the pages, trying to figure out what happened. I see Liz Lawler has another book out now, and I'll definitely be checking that one out at some point.
 The Island (Hidden Iceland #2)
The Island (Hidden Iceland #2)
Ragnar Jonasson | 2019 | Crime, Mystery
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
After reading the previous Detective Inspector Hulda Hermannsdóttir story (The Darkness) of which I really enjoyed, I was pleased to be offered this book to review by Penguin UK (Michael Joseph) via NetGalley. Here’s my review:
In The Island Ragnar brings back CID member Hulda of the Reykjavik police with another case to solve. One surrounding four young adults who have decided to take a weekend away in a remote and deserted part of of Elliðaey island off the Icelandic coast. Strange because they’d not seen each other for ten years, and even stranger still, one is married with kids and it’s odd that she’d just go on a mini-break with old school friends she’d not seen for years when they hadn’t really kept in contact all that time. Stranger still, once they meet up again, there’s a fatal accident and when they wake up one morning a girl’s missing. She’s only gone and fallen off a cliff and killed herself.
Or was she pushed? *Strokes chin in a very Sherlock way*

What is the connection between these four people? And why did they decide to meet up after ten years? I don’t know about you, but I was dying to find out! Okay, maybe not dying, I don’t want the author to put me in one of his stories only to kill me off – but I was keen!
My thoughts? Ragnar has written an intriguing and clever plot where two stories (past and present) fold into one. Running along beside Hulda’s crime solving antics, there’s a chance to discover more about her private life, her dark past, and her wish to find her own father of whom she’s never known.

I thoroughly enjoyed solving this crime with Hulda. I found the bittersweet ending (of which more than one character received) was brilliantly crafted. How an author writes a book with so much detail, I’ll never know but Jónasson is very good at it!
Nordic fiction can be as bleak as the setting, but that’s the beauty of these unforgiving scenes! I love how the isolated island, along with the terrain and the weather, helps to weave suspense and atmosphere into the story, just as much as the characters involved. What an entertaining, and cleverly crafted Nordic Noir! Looking forward to reading The Mist the third of Jónasson’s Hidden Iceland series. It can’t come fast enough!

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Don't You Cry in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Don't You Cry
Don't You Cry
Mary Kubica | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Quinn and Esther are roommates trying to get by in Chicago. When Esther disappears without a trace, Quinn is confused and worried. It's not like her friend to just vanish. As Quinn starts looking into things more, she finds some disturbing papers and items among Esther's things. Quinn begins to wonder: how much did she really know her roommate? Was she really the sweet, kind person she thought her to be? Meanwhile, in a Michigan town on the outskirts of Chicago, Alex is working his life away while his high school friends live theirs miles away. Saddled by caring for his alcoholic father, Alex feels trapped by his job washing dishes in this small town. However, his life becomes more interesting when a lovely young woman appears in town and catches his attention. Alex watches her and names her Pearl, due to the bracelet she wears on her wrist. As Quinn becomes increasingly worried about Esther, Alex simultaneously gets drawn more into Pearl's web.

Kubica's novel catches your attention right away, but for me, it really picks up about halfway through. The second half is a thrilling roller coaster ride full of suspense and plot twists. It keeps you guessing and surprised. The beginning dragged a bit; I found Quinn frustrating and was irritated by her lack of initiative in finding Esther. Why doesn't she call Esther's cell phone immediately? Or look at the whiteboard the roommates share that details their comings and goings? Combined with some of that, her jump to conclusions about Esther's personality seem a bit implausible.

However, the second half really does make up for a lot. Alex and Pearl's story is pretty mesmerizing, as it weaves in a ghost story from his small town, passed on through the townsfolk. By alternating between Alex and Quinn's point of view, Kubica does an excellent job of constructing her story, while still drawing out the twists and turns. I kept thinking I'd figured out parts of the plot, only to be surprised or proved wrong. The last half of the book will keep you up reading, desperately wanting to find out what happened to Esther. Overall, 3.5 stars.

I received an ARC of this book from Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere on 5/17.

Mayhawke (97 KP) rated Her Every Fear in Books

Feb 13, 2018  
Her Every Fear
Her Every Fear
Peter Swanson | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Workaday Thriller
For the record I should say that I listened to the book rather than reading a hard copy, and the reading of the book I was listening to was not the most inspiring. The reader (Juliette Burton) was what I think of as a 'flat' reader - aside from the odd accent adopted to distinguish characters there was little variation in tone and pace through the reading. This is not a style that works for me as I find it detracts from those moments where a writer has obviously written for atmosphere or tension. This is particularly the case where the book in question is a thriller - after all, it's supposed to thrill, not pass by with all the excitement, intrigue and suspense of a banking ad.

In the book's favour I found the main character believable and sympathetic. Her actions and choices, as a trauma survivor, I found more realistic than the standard we are usually given, where a character is given all the most extreme behaviours and responses ,and few if any of the more moderate ones - or if they are they never act upon them. She is likable and logical, even when she knows that her own actions are illogical and driven by fear. Sometimes she submits to the fear, others she doesn't. She is not one-dimensional. The premise for the character that 'she has always been overly-nervous' seems a little superfluous - she has a history that gives her cause enough to be nervous, and I don't think there is anything in her personality that needs justification beyond that.

That said this is not the most inspired of thrillers. There are no real surprises, no great twists or turns . It's a good, readable story( a holiday read, maybe) but it's never going to have you hanging on the edge of your seat, and the end could have been at least one chapter shorter, possibly more. The fact that this so and yet I still wanted to hear more is a testament to writing skill of Swanson and the general readability of the book.

To summarise: I will probably have forgotten I've read this in a month or so, but I wouldn't say it wasn't worth the read, and though demanding or deeply engrossing I enjoyed it while it lasted.

Rachel Howser Roberts (96 KP) rated Crazy Rich Asians in Books

Jun 21, 2018 (Updated Jun 21, 2018)  
Crazy Rich Asians
Crazy Rich Asians
Kevin Kwan | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.4 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Modern Cinderella
Imagine if Cinderella lived today, she was a college professor, and she was already dating the Prince Charming of Singapore. That’s what Kwan’s debut novel reminded me of. Rachel Chu agrees to visit her boyfriend’s family in Singapore over the summer, only to slowly realize that they are crazy rich and live a lifestyle very different from how Rachel and Nick live in New York. I found the novel to be a fresh take on the Cinderella-type story. I also enjoyed learning how the crazy rich Asians of the title live.

I found the main character, Rachel, to be quite relatable. Despite the fact, that her mother immigrated from mainland China, Rachel is thoroughly American. She was thrown into this world of the crazy rich with no warning from her boyfriend. I liked that she behaved with dignity, even if she was often unaware of what was happening around her or how to act in a particular social situation.

The character of Nick, Rachel’s boyfriend, is not quite as fleshed out as Rachel’s. The reader sees him being generally a good guy (not participating in drugs and prostitutes brought in for a bachelor party), but I would have liked to see him realize and react to the way his family and family friends behave towards the woman he loves. It does not occur to him that they are treating her abhorrently until near the end of the novel.

The pacing of the novel was quick. Each chapter is from a different point of view, quickly switching from one experience to another. Although the book focused on relationships, and I’m more of a Sci-Fi or suspense girl, I found myself unable to put the book down. I read it in a day.

I honestly picked up this book, because many of my friends are excited about the upcoming movie. After reading the book, I’m excited to see it, too. But as with any movie, I would recommend reading the book first.

Most of all, the book made me want to visit Asia again! I’ve been to Mainland China and Taiwan, but never Singapore. The crazy rich people did not sound pleasant to be around, but I would love to experience the culture. I would love to visit the food stalls Rachel visits as soon as she lands in Singapore.
Dance Over Me
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, my first that I NEED to see 42nd Street! As a lover of all things theatre, I can't believe that I haven't seen it yet. Speaking of theatre, I simply adored all the stage talk in this book! It has been so long since I have been on the stage, but I felt like I was right there with Dani. The pre-show nerves, the excitement and thrill of a live audience, the relief when the final curtain falls. But OH...Drama, drama, drama!!! Unfortunately, the theatre world can be brutal and harsh (thankfully not MY experience), and Candee did a wonderful job of portraying that, even if it did make me want to go out and purse whomp some people. (Thank you Reading is my SuperPower for the inspiration.) The romance is clean and oh, so sweet. Candee built the suspense perfectly, and Alex is such a gentleman! I too, am a dancer, and I found Dani's expression of her heart through dance bringing me to tears. It has been too long since I have danced, since I have truly expressed myself in the arts, and too long since I have let my Heavenly Father dance over me. (This is something that will hopefully be remedied before too long.) Dani's story is a good reminder to trust the Lord to fight our battles for us. While I do think we need to stand up for ourselves, it is not our place to fight for revenge. And through all of this, Dani was trying to kick down doors to find her brother, when all along the Lord was simply wanting her to trust Him to open the doors. You will just have to read the book to see if she walks through the doors He opens...Dance Over Me is written strictly from Dani's viewpoint, in third person. I found that it made the story very easy to follow and truly let me live inside Dani's brain. Dance Over Me had me on the edge of my seat for the whole TWO days that it took me to read this book, it is THAT good. Beautifully written and a captivating storyline, you definitely do not want to miss this one.

I received a free copy of Dance Over Me from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.
The Last Boat Home
Dea Brovig | 2014
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

<i>The Last Boat Home</i> is the debut novel of Norwegian author Dea Brøvig. Set in a small village on the south coast of Norway, the story follows Else Dybdahl through two different time periods: then (1974-1976) and now (2009). The narrative begins in 1976 where Else, who we currently know nothing about, is in labour. After this the tale switches between then and now (then becoming 1974 and continuing up until the birth of Else’s daughter Marianne).

Else is living in the same area that she grew up in with her daughter and granddaughter, Liv. An ex-boyfriend from her childhood, Lars, has just moved back to the area with his wife and children. In the past Else and Lars snuck around keeping their relationship secret from the God-fearing community, in particularly from the rather strict pastor.

Brøvig keeps the reader engaged by leaving us wanting to know, and trying to work out who Marianne’s father is. We learn that Else was only in her teens at the time of her birth. Is Lars the father? Or was a member of the travelling circus that comes to one of the local farms responsible? In which case was it the strong man, or one of the other acts? Or was there someone else?

As well as the religious aspects this book also contains the topic of abuse, which Else and her mother, Dagny, are exposed to by their alcoholic father and husband. However, in my opinion, the strongest theme is secrets. Not only are there secret relationships, the Dybdahls keep themselves isolated to prevent their friends and church society from discovering their true home circumstances. And once Else becomes pregnant? Well that is yet another reason to isolate themselves. In the present day there are still secrets. Else does not want Marianne to know who her real father is and so has lied about the truth not only to her daughter and granddaughter, but also to Lars and everyone else she knows.

Personally I think the story line could have been stronger and possibly more drawn out to create a greater sense of suspense, however Brøvig successfully conjures up images of mountains, fjords and farmlands of a Norwegian community. Overall it was a good book and a fairly quick read too.

Midge (525 KP) rated Playing with Fire in Books

Jan 29, 2019  
Playing with Fire
Playing with Fire
Jen Talty | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Full of drama, romance and hot desire (2 more)
Good character development
Great plot
A Great, Spicy Romance Novella!
Wow, Jen Talty is straight into all of the action and keeps it coming with this thrilling romance novella, set in Lake George, New York. It is a delightful story that has a bit of everything, from drama and hot desire to tension and conflict, there is something for everyone.

I really like that, in the opening chapter, we are introduced to hot and sexy fire-fighter, Cade Nash. Next, we meet his gorgeous new neighbour, but Heather Holbrook is a dentist and Cade has a deep-rooted fear of dentists, dating back to a bad experience from his childhood. Cade loves to help people in their hour of need so when Heather’s car has a flat battery and she needs a jump-start, he is there to assist.

Heather has recently divorced and is trying to start over in her new neighbourhood. After leaving her abusive husband, she just wants a happy, quiet life. You could immediately sense that there was an intense physical attraction between Cade and Heather and one of the highlights of the book was following how they dealt with their emotionally-charged feelings for one another. After some problems with her ex-husband, Heather is forced to rely on Cade more than she would have chosen to, until he oversteps the mark, although his main goal was to protect her. Can Heather forgive him?

I thought both the plot and the character development were great and found the story-line to be very believable. The story is well-told, captivating and engaging. It held my interest right from the beginning and I found myself rooting for both Heather and Cade as they tried to deal with all of their conflicting emotions. This was a short, fast-paced read with plenty of action, some suspense and lots of lust and love. I enjoyed their instant attraction and the banter between them and I laughed-out-loud a few times while reading it. I thought the ending was very appropriate for this great novella.

I have been inspired to read more from Jen Talty and I highly recommend "Playing With Fire."

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author, Jen Talty for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
All Hallows&#039; Eve (2013)
All Hallows' Eve (2013)
2013 | Horror, Thriller
6.4 (8 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Sarah is our babysitter that is watching these horror shorts, she is trying to be responsible to the children she is babysitting for, the other characters we meet are from the shorts which are horror made and our typical heroines that don’t stand much of a chance against their enemies. The clowns are a big part of the film too appearing in certain parts right along the way and soon are just as involved in the horror.

Performances – This is a low budget movie and most of the shorts that were used, were done with actors that were just getting started, you can see the talent there without them being truly standout. Katie Maguire does the most work and is good for her part in the film.

Story – When it comes to anthology films we always need variety in the horrors we are watching, we get that which is good, the style of the shorts feels like 80s too, so we get to play with the trademarks of the horror for that era. The story outside that connections the stories works well too because it brings the unexplained to the mix to why the video was given to a child. We clearly have stronger stories which i feel was the third one and as always the middle ones are often the weakest.

Horror – When it comes to horror we get to see different styles of horror with an 80s theme throughout, each one gets to play on what we have come to know about where things will go, but with the low budget effects we know just what we have gotten ourselves into.

Settings – The film takes us to different locations which makes each story feel unique to what we are experiencing.

Special Effects – The effects are low budget which can make things look cheap, though they are used to make them have a grindhouse feeling which was nice to see.

Scene of the Movie – Most of the third tape.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – I felt the first story is too short and I wanted to see more.

Final Thoughts – This is a nice solid horror anthology which goes mostly for gore over suspense, it works and I can see the horror fans enjoying this one.


Overall: Nice low budget horror anthology.