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Can I just gush for a moment?

I have followed Susan May Warren since she first started writing and her books continue to amaze me with the depth and faith her characters display! This new series Global Search and Rescue is so much adventure, suspense, and faith packed into just a bit over 300 pages. IT IS AWESOME. Okay, gush over. The Heart of a Hero is book two in the series and can be read as a standalone, I do think however that by reading the first book your experience will be enhanced.

Let us start with the setting of this book, shall we?

Susan May Warren takes us from a hospital to a tropical paradise in the Florida Keys. The descriptions of the weather and the hurricane are so vivid; It was like I was the one standing in water and running for cover. I enjoyed her take on what might happen (Or probably does happen) when a hurricane comes through the Keys. Her mental picture of the hospital made me feel like I could walk into that hospital and find my way around just by the way the characters talked about it. A lot of details went into this book without making you realize they are there until you go back over the book in your mind.

The characters were some of my favorites from Susan May Warren.

I loved Aria’s spunky and sarcastic personality mixed with her shy insecurities. I think it made her even more of a believable character as we see those traits in ourselves and those around us. Aria had such passion for helping others as well, her take-charge attitude in dangerous situations is something I would hope to have in those situations. Jake. Jake. Jake. I feel like I have been rooting for him since the beginning when he was mentioned in The Way of the Brave. He has such an adventurous and protective spirit to him that is captivating. He knows what he wants in life and goes boldly after it. Basically, the definition of a SEAL. He will go down as one of my favorite characters ever; and Aria and Jake will go down as one of my favorite couples.

There are so many secondary characters that helped make this story complete, but I will let you read about them and see why I liked them just as much as the primary characters!
The Rental (2020)
The Rental (2020)
2020 | Horror, Thriller
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After saying in my review of Tone Deaf that there are a lot of films that seem to be very similar coming out, you'd think I'd choose different films to watch... evidently not.

Charlie and Mina's hard work is finally paying off and they book a holiday home for some well deserved downtime. When they arrive with their partners they attempt to settle into the idyllic setting. But there's something not quite right about their host and their relaxing weekend starts to take a turn.

So... The Rental, Tone Deaf, The Intruder... People go to homes with weird owners and bad things happen. Something grabbed me about this one, it was a little different to the others and I'm glad I didn't dismiss it for the initial similarities.

I think the success for The Rental is its serious tone. In the other two films I mentioned we have an underlying humour, whether intentional or from overacting. It's much more of a thriller that made for some compelling moments.

Although the main cast are very familiar for various things, the "star power" didn't outshine the film around it. It's well balanced, and the chemistry between the four of them is incredibly good. The characters themselves aren't all that exciting though, and normally that would be a massive problem. While it may have been better to have something a little more thrilling happening with them, it actually leaves the film to do its thing around them.

The film was noticeably quiet to me, though the music did pipe up at key points to good effect. (Apart from one point that felt entirely out of place.) The pinpointed music combined with the location worked well together to add to the suspense as the film ramps up.

At only 88 minutes I worried about what a thriller could do in that time, but I needn't have. The build up across the film led well into the "action" of the ending, and that ending really appealed to me for how it dealt with everything that came before it. While I don't think The Rental is going to become a must see movie, it was definitely a pleasant surprise and worth the time I spent watching it.

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Faking Friends
Faking Friends
Jane Fallon | 2018 | Humor & Comedy, Romance
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The main characters in this novel are Amy and Melissa, two best friends who become worst enemies. This book was a real emotional roller coaster for me: I was laughing, getting angry, feeling pity and upset throughout this book. And all that was caused by the characters which were chosen for this book. I really liked Amy as a character, I think she was charming, very believable and relatable in some way. I absolutely could not stand Melissa though, I think she is an absolute lowlife who is a disgrace to womankind. Everything about her pissed me off, EVERYTHING! Jack and Simon in this book were not better as well, they were just plain stupid. But that was what made this book so indulging. The variety of characters and their unbelievably silly actions somehow made it really entertaining.

The plot of this book really hooked me, the constant drama, action, twists and turns didn’t let me sleep till 4 am in the morning. I just had to find out how it will end. I really appreciate that author used different perspectives in this book, it made it much more gripping and interesting, and it did allow to understand the characters way better. Another thing which I found really cool was the jumps between the past and present, it made the whole story richer and explained their friendship’s nuances to the reader. I really enjoyed all Fallon’s personal experience such as: movie industry and how it works, acting and it’s struggles, general knowledge of London (places, student life, renting options, shops etc.) It was really enlightening to me and I do feel sympathy for all the actors out there.

In this book Jane Fallon stayed true to her writing style, offering multiple perspectives, suspense, interesting topics and absolutely stunning writing itself. The language used was easy to understand, however, there were some swear words. The chapters were not very long, and it kept me going, as I really wanted to find out what will happen next. I really liked the ending of this book, I think it rounded up the story very nicely and left me satisfied. So to conclude, I absolutely loved this book, it gave me everything I need in good Chick – lit book, it has different types of characters, amusing and absorbing plot and interesting topics, and I do strongly recommend this novel. Enjoy 🙂
Good Me, Bad Me
Good Me, Bad Me
Ali Land | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (21 Ratings)
Book Rating
The description above kind of explains what the books was about, but my description would be something as follows: After the incidents at home, when Milly’s mother got arrested, she lives with new foster family. New mom, dad and sister, but there is the problem there. Her new foster sister hates her and starts bullying her in every way possible. New foster parents have no idea about what is going on under their roof. How Milly is going to deal with all the things which are getting thrown at her? Let me start by saying that it is outstanding psychological thriller, where every chapter breathes of suspense and anticipation of what is going to happen next. I really enjoyed the way this book was written, like a letter to character’s evil mum. At the same time it was laying this story so beautifully, it was real pleasure for me to read it. The language used in the book is really understandable and easy to read, so you can put away the dictionary, will not need it here.

I found the characters very diverse and really disturbed in this publication. All of them had some sort of problem they were suffering from and that made them really interesting. I believe here is where author’s life experience came in. She worked with a lot of disturbed people, children and grownups, so that knowledge where greatly used in this novel. In my opinion, children where the strong characters in this book and not the grownups. Those revenge parts were like honey to sore throat, unexpected and so satisfying, after all the anger caused to me by bullying scenes. There was one thing that didn’t make me very happy, I needed more information about the murders. There were more murders, but only one discussed thoroughly. I am extremely curious how others died. Also I needed to know more about what mom used to do to Annie, I didn’t find given information sufficient. I think more information would’ve helped to understand the main character better. The ending of the book was like a crown on the queen’s head, applause for it! So to conclude, this is a gripping psychological thriller with a lot of twists and turns and I do strongly recommend it. Is there going to be a film? I would not be surprised if there would be.
Perfectly Preventable Deaths
Perfectly Preventable Deaths
Deirdre Sullivan | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this novel was Madeline, and the book is told from her perspective. Madeline is a very complex character, she is very introverted, lesbian, and socially awkward. Her twin sister, on the other hand, is the opposite. Catlin is the popular girl, she is extroverted, fearless and doesn’t care what others think. Madeline is very dependable on her twin sister, and her inability to function without her made me sad and kind of disappointed. I absolutely despised Catlin, she is arrogant and was very rude and disrespectful not only to her parents but to her sister as well. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Madeline as well, she allowed to be treated like she was a lowlife, and was scared to stand up for herself. I did enjoy Madeline’s discovery of whom she is really attracted to, and her effort to make friends and integrate into society.

The mood of this novel was very well set up. The whole book seeped with darkness, mystery and gloominess, and I think that created the perfect mood for the events described. The narrative was quite slow, and I was hoping for more mystery, twists and turns. I needed more suspense as well, it kind of just plodded along, sharing Madeline’s quite repetitive thoughts. There was quite a bit of magic involved, but I think the full potential of that magic was not utilized.

The writing style was very impressive, I found it incredibly poetic, very lyrical, and melodious. It was pleasant and easy to read, and the chapters were quite short. I really liked the names of each chapter, I learned a lot about the medicinal value of certain plants, that I will be using that in the future. The ending of this novel supposed to be promising, and it was quite intriguing, but again, it just made very little sense, and I would have loved a deeper digging into the history of the whole village, it’s residents and all the murders and other events that happened before.

I think this book had an amazing potential into becoming something absolutely sinister and amazing, instead, it concentrated more on the sisterly love, finding yourself and trying to be independent (and failing). Yes, it discussed teenage confusion and wish to fit in, but I was expecting more.
The Chosen Ones
The Chosen Ones
Howard Linskey | 2018 | Crime, Thriller
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Police detective Ian Bradshaw is assigned a case where it is believed, that five women are missing. He calls two journalists, Tom and Helen, to help him solve this case. I really liked that the author doesn’t leave these cases only to the police but also involves other people to help. I think, that there is no single main character in this book, Ian, Tom and Helen are equally important in this novel. I really loved that this book is told from multiple perspectives, allowing to understand the characters and to have a glimpse into different minds and lives. Even though it is told by multiple people, the mystery and suspense were very well kept throughout the book. I don’t think I could single out my favourite character, I think they all have very intriguing personalities, and I quickly warmed up to all the important characters in this book.

The narrative is very well developed in this novel. There is more than one investigation happening, and I think that made the whole book even richer and more absorbing. I really liked all the twists and turns this story had to offer, and I believe, the author really knows how to sidetrack the reader. The narrative kept changing continuously, depending on the character, that is why this book was a real page turner to me.

The writing style was very creative, but at the same time enjoyable and easy to read. The chapters are very well constructed and have a decent length, so for me, the pages just flew by. This book is fourth in the series, and it does carry quite a bit of information from the previous books, and I wish I read them before this one, however, I was able to understand of what was going on. So, you can read it as a stand alone, but I would recommend reading the previous books first. I really liked the way this book ended, it answered all my questions and gave a glimpse of what to come in the next book, which I will be looking out for.

So, to conclude, this book is dark, claustrophobic, and very gripping, filled with very well developed characters, absorbing plot and plenty of twists. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and I hope you will give it a try and will like it as much as I did.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated Dear Child in Books

Sep 24, 2020 (Updated Oct 8, 2020)  
Dear Child
Dear Child
Romy Hausmann | 2020 | Crime, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The plot, characters and setting (0 more)
One character didn't really bring much to the story (0 more)
It is worth reading.
This novel is told from multiple perspectives, and we have three people who are sharing their sides of the story. First of all, it is a woman, who ran away from the cabin. She is sharing her story during the time inside, as well as how she is coping now. She is a really disturbed woman, who went through a lot, and I found her story very engrossing and absorbing. The second character is Hannah, one of the children, that were kept in that cabin. She is on the spectrum of Autism, and she sees her life through a completely different perspective than the woman that was held captive. Hannah is a perfectionist, and the cabin with all the rules imposed by the captor are her norms, so she finds very hard to open up about her life, but when she does, I could not stop reading her parts. The last character would be Matthias, Lena’s father. For me he was the least interesting character of all, I could not understand his role in all this story, but he does have few tricks up his sleeve.

The narrative of this book is pure beauty. It has everything that my thriller loving heart could wish for, the twists and turns left me gobsmacked on many occasions, the suspense was very well placed and kept developing throughout the pages, and I was so absorbed in this novel, that the pages just flew by. The topics discussed in this novel were an obsession, controlling personalities, blind fatherly love, denial, post-traumatic disorder and other mental illnesses, and many more.

The book was set in Germany, and I was very intrigued by the way German police were working. I really liked the writing style of this book, we have the very intense parts with Hannah and the woman in the cabin, as well as calmer ones with Matthias, that created the perfect balance. The chapters are short, so the book was easy to read for me. The ending was amazing and I really enjoyed how this book ended, it did answer my questions and rounded this story very well. I would like to mention, that this book has plenty of violent and disturbing parts, so it might not be very suitable to sensitive readers.
The Scent of Rain
The Scent of Rain
Anne Montgomery | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this book would be Rose, a young girl living in Fundamentalist Mormon community which is run by a “Prophet” and polygamy is a norm. Women have only one purpose – reproduce. This story is told from multiple perspectives, including other characters, and sharing their point of view, and their feelings. This writing style was an absolute joy to read. I had a chance to get to know different characters, and have an insight into different people’s minds. I LOVE THAT! Some of the characters were really annoying, I have a low tolerance for stupidity, and some of the character’s actions and words made me really mad. HOW CAN YOU BE THAT STUPID??? The characters are very well selected and have their unique personalities, I couldn’t relate to them, but I loved reading about them. It would be really hard to pick a favourite for me, they all had interesting qualities, which I liked.

The narrative in this book was constantly changing. I was glued to the book to find out, why Adan ran away from his home. The suspense was very well kept throughout the book. There is a lot of shocking and absurd events happening in this novel, so if you want to read it, be prepared. 🙂 I really liked the research the author done for this book, I don’t know how close it is to the truth, but sounded pretty much close to what I read in the newspapers. Even though I really enjoyed the plot, some of the parts were a bit too slow for me. It did have short chapters and different stories, so, it was an enjoyable read.

The writing style is pleasant and the language used is easy and understandable. The whole story is set in a small town in the US but has very picturesque scenery with mountains, and small-town lifestyle. The ending rounded up the story very nicely and I really liked it. So, to conclude, this novel has plenty of not always likable, but very absorbing characters, and a very interesting story to tell, so if you like books about small communities, with a very different way of living, give this book a go, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did.
Believe Me
Believe Me
J.P. Delaney | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
8.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
The protagonist in this story is Claire, an extremely talented, but very unlucky actress. Due to the lack of green card and work, she is forced to work as a decoy in catching out cheating spouses. Until one dies. Who is the killer? Is it Claire? Is it a victim’s husband? Or is it someone else altogether? You will have to read it to figure that out! 😛

This book has a very interesting variety of characters, we have elegant and artistic actors; classy, intelligent and very poetic victim’s husband, and like always, insightful police. But the real star in this book was Claire. Her ability to transform into different characters was absolutely stunning, and I really loved that she shared how these transformations made her feel. I think it was a great insight into actor’s psyche.

The narrative always kept me on the edge. There are so many twists and deception, that you never know what to expect next. Sometimes it feels, that the plot is slowing down, but that is just a very creatively incorporated “quiet before the storm” phase. 😉 The narrative was told from a single perspective, but that was necessary to keep the suspense going, and it was fully sufficient for me. This novel discusses quite a variety of topics, such as foster families in the UK; actor’s struggles in the market; kinky sex community; mental institutions and their work methods; art, and when it becomes a danger to society; etc. Due to this wide variety, the plot didn’t have the chance to be boring for me. 🙂

I really enjoyed the writing style of this book, it was very insightful and creative. The ending was absolutely mind-blowing, it left me absolutely baffled. I had to sit down and rethink all the plot, to figure out what was real and what was the illusion. The chapters are pretty short, and once I started, they just flew by. 🙂 I liked that the setting of this book was constantly changing, that created more intrigue to me, as a reader.

So, to conclude, it is a very artistic, poetic and sophisticated psychological thriller, where suspicions and illusion plays an integral part. I absolutely loved the complexity of the characters and unexpected turns and twists, that is why, I strongly recommend to read this book, and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂
The Fly (1986)
The Fly (1986)
1986 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Buzz Buzz
The Fly is a excellent remake of the 1958 version. Cronenberg does it again. All of his 80's films are excellent. I mean the gore, the violence, the horror, the suspense, the thrills, the sci-fi, the visuals, the terror and the acting.

The Plot: When scientist Seth Brundle (Jeff Goldblum) completes his teleportation device, he decides to test its abilities on himself. Unbeknownst to him, a housefly slips in during the process, leading to a merger of man and insect. Initially, Brundle appears to have undergone a successful teleportation, but the fly's cells begin to take over his body. As he becomes increasingly fly-like, Brundle's girlfriend (Geena Davis) is horrified as the person she once loved deteriorates into a monster.

The Fly was critically acclaimed, with most praise going to Goldblum's performance and the special effects. Despite being a gory remake of a classic made by a controversial, non-mainstream director, the film was a commercial success, the biggest of Cronenberg's career, and was the top-grossing film in the United States for two weeks, earning a total domestic gross of $40,456,565.

Film critic Gene Siskel named The Fly as the tenth best film of 1986. In 1989, Premiere and American Film magazines both conducted independent polls of American film critics, directors and other such groups to determine the best films of the 1980s, and The Fly appeared on both lists.

In 2008, the American Film Institute distributed ballots to 1,500 directors, critics and other people associated with the film industry in order to determine the top ten American films in ten different genre categories. Cronenberg's version of The Fly was nominated under the science fiction category, although it did not make the top ten. It was also nominated for AFI's 100 Years... 100 Thrills and AFI's 100 Years...100 Passions and Veronica's warning to Tawny in the film—"Be afraid. Be very afraid."—was nominated for AFI's 100 Years... 100 Movie Quotes.

The quote "Be afraid. Be very afraid." was also used as the film's marketing tagline, and became so ingrained in popular culture (as it—and variants—have appeared in countless films and TV series) that a large number of people who are familiar with the phrase are unaware that it originated in The Fly.

Its a excellent movie.